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Abstracts and slides sorted by topic |
[A][S] | Leslie AICHAOUI-DENEVE, Vincent FROMION, Matthieu JULES, Ludovic LE CHAT | BaSyLiCA:A web interface for automatic process of Live Cell Array data using R |
[A][S] | Michal Figurski, Leslie Shaw | Estimation of the Area-Under-the-Curve of Mycophenolic Acid using population pharmacokinetic and multi-linear regression models simultaneously |
[A][S] | Setia Pramana, Dan Lin, Philippe Haldermans, Ziv Shkedy | IsoGeneGUI: a graphical user interface for analyzing dose-response studies in microarray experiments |
[A][S] | Christopher Bilder, Boan Zhang, Frank Schaarschmidt, Joshua Tebbs | binGroup: A Package for Group Testing |
[A][S] | Bill Pikounis, John Oleynick | The cg package for comparison of groups |
[A][S] | Michael Fay | Two-sided Exact Tests and Matching Confidence Intervals for Discrete Data |
[A][S] | Michael Halter, Daniel R. Sisan, K.M. Mullen, Z.Q. John Lu | Statistical Analysis of Cell Population Data |
[A] | Nelson Afanador | Using R for Data Mining in Vaccine Manufacturing: Finding Needles in Biological Haystacks |
[A] | Yingyun Liu | Using R for Data Simulation and Regression of Isothermal Titration Calorimetry of Proteins with Alternative Conformations |
[A] | Guido Knapp, Bimal Sinha, Dihua Xu | Extracting within-experiment precision of horticultural experiments useful for meta-analysis |
[A] | Joseph Kahn, Peter Danenberg, Sourav Das, Derek Ayers | Model simulation and decision analysis with the SimR package in R |
[A][S] | Frank Mannino, Richard Heiberger, Valerii Fedorov | Stochastic modeling and simulation in the design of multicenter clinical trials |
[A][S] | Yue Shentu | visualization of titrated dose and recurring events using R/ggplot2 |
[A][S] | Jeff Skinner, VIvek Gopalan, Jason Barnett, Yentram Huyen | Automating biostatistics workflows for bench scientists using R-based web-tools |
[A][S] | Sourish Saha, Vladimir Anisimov, Valerii Fedorov, Richard Heiberger | Drug Supply Modeling Software |
[A] | Yauheniya Cherkas, Javier Cabrera, Birol Emir, Ha Nguyen | PfarMineR: An User-Friendly Expandable Front-End For Biopharmaceutical Applications with R |
[A][S] | Liang Wei, Brendan Kitts | Analyzing Direct Marketing Data with R |
[A] | Andrew Lampitt | Placing the Power of R into Your Hands |
[A] | David Reinke, Steve Miller | R and BI -- Integrating R with Open Source Business Intelligence Platforms Pentaho and Jaspersoft |
[A][S] | Ettore Colombo, Gloria Ronzoni, Matteo Fontana | R role in Business Intelligence Software Architecture |
[A] | Hsin-Ying Hsieh, Kun-Hsien Lin, Sun-Chong Wang | Cloud-R: toward a community-backed R in the cloud |
[A] | Karim Chine | Elastic-R, a Google docs-like portal for data analysis in the Cloud |
[A][S] | Jeroen Ooms | Web development with R |
[A][S] | Brian Hess, Michele Chambers | In-database analytics with R |
[A] | Mieczyslaw Klopotek, Przemyslaw Biecek, Justin Lindsey | Simple Bayesian Networks on Netezza Box |
[A][S] | Bill Ladd | Structured Text Access and Analysis |
[A] | Michael OConnell, Subra Subramanian | The use of R, S+ and Spotfire in the Oracle Life Sciences Data Hub Environment |
[A][S] | Doug Schmidt | Adaptive Middleware and High Performance Software For Multi-core Deployments Across Cloud Configurations |
[A][S] | Derek Norton | David v. Goliath: How to build an R presence in a corporate SAS environment |
[A] | Richard Pugh, John James | Navigator: creating and managing complex graphics in a production environment |
[A][S] | Andreas Alfons, Matthias Templ, Peter Filzmoser | The R package simFrame: An object-oriented approach towards simulation studies in statistics |
[A][S] | Neil Diamond | Using R for the Visualisation of Computer Experiments |
[A][S] | Drew Conway | Real-time network analysis in R using Twitter |
[A] | Pascal Neveu, Juliette Fabre | Using ontologies for R functions management |
[A] | Christopher Brown | Venn : Powerful and High-Level and Set Manipulating ... a whole new way of working with data |
[A] | Collin Bennett, Dave Locke, Robert Grossman, Steve Vejcik | Building Segmented Models Using R and Hadoop |
[A] | Shengqiao Li, Donald Adjeroh, E. James Harner | Random KNN Classification and Regression |
[A][S] | Margaret Mio-Julia, Arnau Mir, Monica J. Ruiz-Miro | R-TREE: Implementation of Decision Trees using R |
[A][S] | Gloria Ronzoni, Ettore Colombo, Matteo Fontana | R for Labour Market Policies |
[A][S] | Dirk Eddelbuettel, Khanh Nguyen | RQuantLib: Bridging QuantLib and R |
[A] | Jeffrey Ryan | Trading in Real Time with R and IBrokers |
[A] | Daniela Ushizima | Front propagation using fast marching in R |
[A] | Bjorn Roelstraete, Yves Rosseel | spmR: An R package For fMRI Data Analysis Based On The SPM Algorithms. |
[A][S] | Gang Chen, Ziad Saad, Robert Cox | Statistical Analysis Programs in R for FMRI Data |
[A] | John Kloke, Joseph McKean, Patrick Kimes, Hilary Parker | Adaptive Nonparametric Statistics with Applications to Gene Expression Data |
[A][S] | Tal Galili, Shaul Shaul, Yoav Benjamini | Analyzing the Operational RNA Code for Amino Acids - Using R |
[A][S] | Yann Richet, David Ginsbourger, Olivier Roustant, Yves Deville | A Grid Computing Environment for Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments |
[A] | Karim Chine | User friendly distributed computing with R |
[A][S] | Ralf Bierig, Jacek Gwizdka, Michael Cole, Nicholas Belkin | An Experiment Data Analysis Framework: Evaluating Interactive Information Behaviour with R |
[A][S] | Dedi Rosadi | Teaching Time Series analysis course using RcmdrPlugin.Econometrics |
[A][S] | John Verzani | The traitr package |
[A][S] | Ian Fellows | Deducer: A Graphical useR interface for everyone |
[A][S] | Sheri Gilley | Designing a Flexible GUI for R |
[A] | Tom Taverner, Ashoka Polpitiya, Gordon A Anderson, Richard D Smith | RGtk2Extras and DanteR: rapid GUI development for an "omics" R package |
[A] | Neil Shah, Guruprasad Kora, Paul Breimyer, Yekaterina Shpanskaya | pR: Enabling Automatic Parallelization of Data-Parallel Tasks and Interfacing Parallel Computing Libraries in R with Application to Fusion Reaction Simulations |
[A] | Mario Inchiosa, Cezary Dendek, Przemysaw Biecek | Scalable linear algebra with the nzmatrix package |
[A][S] | Muriel Mewissen, Thorsten Forster, Terry Sloan, Savvas Petrou | SPRINT: a Simple Parallel INTerface to High Performance Computing and a Parallel R Function Library. |
[A] | Ansgar Steland | A high-performance compiler for a subset of R |
[A][S] | Andrew Runnalls | CXXR and Add-on Packages |
[A][S] | Andrew Redd | NppToR: R Interaction for Notepad++ |
[A][S] | Karl-Dieter Crisman | Sage and R: Using R via the Sage notebook |
[A][S] | Heather Turner, David Firth | BradleyTerry2: Flexible Models for Paired Comparisons |
[A] | Z.Q. John Lu, F. Potra, A. J. Wang | Fitting Multiphase Regression Models in R with Applications in Microarray Experiments |
[A][S] | John Fox | The RcmdrPlugin.survival Package: A Survival-Analysis GUI for R |
[A][S] | Jing Hua Zhao | Use of R in Genetic Epidemiology Designs |
[A] | Christian Gunning | Using Rwave to detect synchrony of influenza between U.S. states |
[A] | Jeffrey Ryan | Column Databases Made Easy with R |
[A][S] | Yihui Xie | Creating Animations with R |
[A][S] | Dirk Eddelbuettel, Romain Francois | Rcpp: Seamless R and C++ integration |
[A][S] | Landon Jensen | steReoscopy |
[A][S] | Daniel V. Samarov | Generalized Significance in Scale Space: The GS3 Package |
[A][S] | Paul Rustomji, Brent Henderson, Katie Mills, Bai Qifeng | R as a statistical engine for a water quality trend analysis web -service |
[A] | Matthias Templ, Karel Hron, Peter Filzmoser | robCompositions: An R-package for robust statistical analysis of compositional data |
[A][S] | Martin Maechler, Douglas Bates | Sparse Model Matrices for (Generalized) Linear Models |
[A][S] | Jonathan Lees | The Haiti Earthquake: Seismological Analysis Using R |
[A][S] | Stefan Theussl, Kurt Hornik, David Meyer | Many Solvers, One Interface - ROI, the R Optimization Infrastructure Package |
[A][S] | Dai Feng, Luke Tierney | mritc - A package for MRI tissue classification |
[A][S] | Soeren Sonnenburg, Gunnar Raetsch, Sebastian Henschel, Christian Widmer | SHOGUN - A Large Scale Machine Learning Toolbox |
[A][S] | Joerg Polzehl, Karsten Tabelow | Statistical Issues in Accessing Brain Functionality and Anatomy |
[A][S] | Max Kuhn | The caret Package: A Unified Interface for Predictive Models |
[A][S] | Erich Neuwirth | Investigating ODEs with R and spreadsheets |
[A][S] | Hrishikesh Vinod | Time Series Inference Applications of R in Finance and Econometrics |
[A][S] | Jeremy Raw | TravelR: Travel Demand Modeling in R |
[A] | Ganesh Subramaniam, Ravi Varadhan, Simon Urbanek, Sam Epstein | tsX: An R package for the exploratory analysis of a large collection of time-series |
[A][S] | Zack Almquist | US Census Spatial and Demographic Data in R: the UScensus2000-suite of packages |
[A][S] | Brian Hess, Michele Chambers | Analytics at Scale with R |
[A][S] | David Smith | Evolving R for Use in Commercial Environments |
[A][S] | Lou Bajuk-Yorgan, Stephen Kaluzny | Making R accessible to Business Analysts with TIBCO Spotfire |
[A] | Jim Porzak | Marketing Analytics in R |
[A][S] | Alex Guazzelli, Konstantinos Stathatos, Michael Zeller | PMML Execution of R Built Predictive Solutions |
[A] | Christopher Brown | Eat your hashes! Hash come to R |
[A][S] | Romain Francois, Dirk Eddelbuettel | RProtoBuf: Protocol Buffers for R |
[A] | John James | Use of and Using R as on Object Oriented Language |
[A][S] | Yue Wang, Narinder Nangia | Bayesian Monitoring of A Longitudinal Clinical Trial Using R2WinBUGS |
[A][S] | M. Helena Goncalves, M. Salome Cabral, Adelchi Azzalini | bild: a package for BInary Longitudinal Data |
[A][S] | Pete Philipson, Ruwanthi Kolamunnage-Dona, Ines Sousa | Software for the joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data: the JoineR package |
[A] | James Yen, Stephen Ellison | Analysis of interlaboratory studies using R and the metRology package |
[A] | W. F. Guthrie, H. Liu | An Excel Interface for Functions in the meRology Package |
[A] | Rudiger Kessel | Automatic R-script generation for Monte Carlo Simulations |
[A] | Hung-kung Liu, Steve Ellison, William Guthrie, Antonio Possolo | metRology - a new R package for statistical metrology |
[A] | Guria Sibnarayan | Diagnostics in Count Data Model |
[A] | Mark van der Loo | Distribution based outlier detection with the extremevalues package |
[A][S] | Giles Crane, Cynthia Collins, Karin Mille | Evaluating Grant Applications with Generalized Chain Block Designs in R |
[A][S] | Alex Zolot | Generalized Linear Mixed Model with Spatial Covariates |
[A] | Xuefei Mi, H. Friedrich Utz, Albrecht E. Melchinger | Integrated Development of the Software with Literate Programming: An Example in Plant Breeding |
[A][S] | Anup Parikh, Kyle Covington | Red-R: A visual programming and data analysis framework |
[A][S] | Steven Ellis | An Algorithm for Unconstrained Quadratically Penalized Convex Optimization |
[A][S] | Ravi Varadhan | SQUAREM: An R package for Accelerating Slowly Convergent Fixed-Point Iterations Including the EM and MM algorithms |
[A] | Jo Reynaerts, Ravi Varadhan, John C. Nash | The Convergence Properties of the BLP (1995) Contraction Mapping and Alternative Algorithms in R |
[A][S] | Przemyslaw Biecek, Pawel Chudzian, Cezary Dendek, Justin Lindsey | Massively parallel analytics for large datasets in R with nza package |
[A][S] | Junji Nakano, Ei-ji Nakama | Parallel Computing with R using GridRPC |
[A][S] | Norman Matloff | Rdsm: Distributed (Quasi-)Threads Programming in R |
[A][S] | Richard M. Heiberger | An Intermediate Course in Statistical Computing |
[A][S] | G. Jay Kerns | The IPSUR package: an Introduction to Probability and Statistics Using R |
[A][S] | Brian A. Danielak, Andrew Elby, Eric Kuo, Michael M. Hull | Using R to Assess Mathematical Sense-Making in Introductory Physics Courses |
[A] | Daniel Kaplan | Computers and the Teaching of Statistics |
[A][S] | Thomas Roth, Joachim Herrmann | Teaching Statistics in Quality Science using the R-Package qualityTools |
[A] | Ken Aho | Teaching statistics to biologists: the R-library asbio |
[A] | Fausto Molinari, Martina Salvadori | R-Adamant: Financial technical analysis made easy |
[A][S] | Arnau Mir, Margaret Miro-Julia, Monica J. Ruiz-Miro | Using R for Active Learning and Self-assesment in an e-Learning Environment |
[A][S] | Richard Bilonick | Analysis of Data from Method Comparison Studies Using R, merror, and OpenMx |
[A][S] | Paul Teetor | Analytics for Trading Financial Spreads |
[A][S] | Autumn Laughbaum | Animated Graphics using R |
[A] | David Wheeler, Kai Yu, Melissa Friesen | Are there latent decision rules in expert occupational exposure assessments? |
[A][S] | Nadeem Faiz | A Simple Visualization of S and P 500 Index Performance |
[A][S] | Ashoka Polpitiya, Navdeep Jaitly, Konstantinos Petritis | A Tool for Quantitative Analysis of Proteomics Data |
[A][S] | Bryan Hanson | ChemoSpec: An R Package for the Chemometric Analysis of Spectroscopic Data |
[A] | Max Buot | Estimating a multivariate normal covariance matrix subject to a Loewner ordering |
[A] | Ana Carolina CN Mafra, Ricardo Cordeiro, Luciana B Nucci, Celso Stephan | Generalized additive models to nomial responses using bivariate Kernel: an solution to spatial analysis.Generalized additive models to nomial responses using bivariate Kernel: an solution to spatial analysis. |
[A][S] | Tom Filloon, Dave Dunlop | How to Effectively Visualize and Quantify a 3-D Image? |
[A][S] | Fayaz Kondagula, Karl Molt | Infrared Spectrometric Purity Control of Chemical Substances using R |
[A] | Panayotis Giannakouros, Lihua Chen | Introducing computational thinking with free software in a math for liberal arts course |
[A] | Jeff Cromwell | Model Maker 1: Using Model Based Ontologies for Agent Based Estimation and Learning of R Packages |
[A] | Ron Guida | Parallelizing a Computationally Intensive Financial R Application with Zircon Technology |
[A] | Tom Taverner, Ashoka Polpitiya, Gordon A Anderson, Richard D Smith | RGtk2Extras and DanteR: rapid GUI development for an "omics" R package |
[A][S] | Inga Maslova | R package wfIMA: Wavelet-Functional Indexes of Magnetic Activity |
[A][S] | Joan Vila, Montse Rue, Nuria Codern, Albert Sorribas | Teaching Statistics: An example of "How to'' improve the students' statistical skills using individualized assignments |
[A][S] | Michael Larsen | Teaching Survey Sampling Theory using R |
[A] | Ivan Kojadinovic, Jun Yan | Tests in Modeling Continuous Multivariate Distributions Using Copulas |
[A] | Kuntal Bhattacharyya, Pratim Datta, David Booth | To Do or Not To Do Business with a Country: A Robust Classification Approach |
[A][S] | Vincent Negre, Caroline Domerg, Juliette Fabre, Anne Tireau | Using R for data management in ecophysiology Information Systems |
[A][S] | Erich Neuwirth, Julia Theresa Csar | Prototyping Preventive Maintenance Tools with R |
[A][S] | John Emerson, Michael Kane, Bryan Lewis | Real-time processing and analysis of data streams |
[A] | Zubin Dowlaty, Deepak Bysani | Using R in an Event Driven Service Architecture |
[A][S] | Hector Sanz, Isaac Subirana, Joan Vila | Bivariate Analyses |
[A][S] | Abhijit Dasgupta | Flexible report generation and literate programming using R and Python's docutils module |
[A][S] | Carlin Brickner, Iordan Slavov, Rocco Napoli | Graphics Device Tabular Output |
[A][S] | Christophe Genolini, Bernard Desgraupes, Lionel Riou Franca | R to LaTeX / HTML |
[A][S] | Tal Galili | Blogging about R |
[A][S] | Eric Sun | Criss-Crossing the Org Chart: Predicting Colleague Interactions with R |
[A][S] | George Zhang | Social network analysis with R sna package |
[A] | Porzak Jim, Conway Drew, Pafka Szilard, Nash John | Panel on Starting and Building a Local R User Group |
[A][S] | Yves Rosseel | lavaan: an R package for structural equation modeling and more |
[A][S] | Patrick Mair, Reinhold Hatzinger | New developments for extended Rasch modeling in R |
[A][S] | Eric Wu, Patrick Mair, Peter Bentler | The REQS package for linking the SEM software EQS to R |
[A] | Qiushan Tao | ChinaMap: Maps of China for analysing spatial data |
[A] | Thomas Achia | Generalized linear spatial modeling of HIV in Kenya |
[A] | Benjamin Mazzotta | Trade Cartograms: a Graphical Method for Dyadic Datasets |
[A][S] | Keith Halbert, Richard Heiberger, Erich Neuwirth | Export pivot table to R using RExcel |
[A] | Christopher Snyder, Keith Halbert | Plotting Advanced Mathematical Functions in Excel Using RExcel |
[A][S] | Adrian Dragulescu | Read, write, format Excel 2007 (xlsx) files |
[A] | Robert Samohyl, Elisa Henning | Forecast Monitoring via Multivariate Statistical Process Control with R |
[A][S] | Irina Roslyakova | Modified segmentation methods of quasi-stationary time series |
[A] | Giuseppe Bruno | Monte Carlo Simulation for Pricing European and American Basket option |
[A][S] | Marlene Marchena | The bullwhip effect under a generalized demand process: an R implementation |
[A][S] | Richard M. Heiberger, G. Jay Kerns | A Plot Method for "htest" Objects |
[A][S] | Wesley Turner, Jeff Baumes, Phillipe Pebay, Thomas Otahal | Integration of R to VTK, Adding Statistical Computation to a Visualization Toolkit |
[A] | Marie Vendettuoli, Dianne Cook, Heike Hofmann | Points, Curves and Haystacks: Datavis and Metabolomics |