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Abstracts and slides sorted by topic |
[A][S] | Markus Gesmann | ChainLadder: Reserving insurance claims with R |
[A][S] | Vincent Goulet | Statistical Modeling of Loss Distributions Using actuar |
[A] | Martyn Plummer | Bayesian Modelling in R with rjags |
[A] | Kensuke Okada, Kazuo Shigemasu | BMDS: A Collection of R Functions for Bayesian Multidimensional Scaling |
[A][S] | Stephanie Kovalchik | Graphical Functions for Prior Selection |
[A][S] | Luca La Rocca | The BayHaz package for Bayesian estimation of smooth hazard rates in R |
[A] | Jouni Kerman, Andrew Gelman | Toward Fully Bayesian Computing: Manipulating and Summarizing Posterior Simulations Using Random Variable Objects |
[A] | Oscar Rueda, Ramon Diaz-Uriarte | Analysis of CGH arrays using MCMC with Reversible Jump: detecting gains and losses of DNA and common regions of alteration among subjects |
[A][S] | Jarno Tuimala | Chipster: A graphical user interface to DNA microarray data analysis using R and Bioconductor |
[A][S] | Tomas Radivoyevitch | Equilibrium Model Selection |
[A] | Jörg Rahnenführer, Jasmina Bogojeska, Adrian Alexa, André Altmann, Thomas Lengauer | Estimating evolutionary pathways and genetic progression scores with Rtreemix |
[A][S] | Thomas Binsl, Jaap Heringa, David Alders, Hans van Beek | FluxEs: An 'R' Framework for Parameter Estimation in Biological Networks |
[A] | Kay Hamacher, Franziska Hoffgaard, Philipp Weil | Introducing BioPhysConnectoR |
[A] | Chihiro Higuchi, Shigeo Takenaka | Metabolome data mining of mass spectrometry measurements with random forests |
[A] | Jacob Michaelson, Andreas Beyer | Random Forests for eQTL Analysis: A Performance Comparison |
[A][S] | Julian Heinrich, Janko Dietzsch, Dirk Bartz, Kay Nieselt | SpRay - an R-based visual-analytics platform for large and high-dimensional datasets |
[A][S] | Kai Kammers, Jörg Rahnenführer | Survival Models Built from Gene Expression Data Using Gene Groups as Covariates |
[A][S] | Miriam Marusiakova | The statistical evaluation of DNA crime stains in R |
[A][S] | Sixten Borg | A Maximum Likelihood estimator of a Markov model for disease activity in chronic diseases that alternate between relapse and remission, for annually aggregated partial observations |
[A] | Kulwant Singh Kapoor | Agreement analysis method in case of continuous variable |
[A][S] | Johannes Hüsing | An extension of the coin package for comparing interventions assigned by dynamic allocation |
[A][S] | Juha Karvanen | Design and analysis of follow-up studies with genetic component |
[A][S] | Niklas Hack, Werner Brannath | Estimation in classic and adaptive group sequential trials |
[A][S] | Hsin-ya Lee, Pao-chu Wu, Yung-jin Lee | ivivc - A Tool for in vitro-in vivo Correlation Exploration with R |
[A][S] | Michael Höhle | Modelling and surveillance of infectious diseases - or why there is an R in SARS |
[A][S] | Arthur Allignol, Jan Beyersmann, Martin Schumacher | mvna, a R-package for the Multivariate Nelson-Aalen Estimator in Multistate Models |
[A] | Janet Rosenbaum | Patient teenagers? A comparison of the sexual behavior of virginity pledgers and matched non-pledgers |
[A][S] | Jing Hua Zhao, Qihua Tan, Shengxu Li, Jian'an Luan | Some Perspectives of Graphical Methods for Genetic Data |
[A][S] | Jan Beyersmann, Arthur Allignol, Martin Schumacher | Understanding product integration |
[A][S] | Benjamin Hofner, Thomas Kneib, Torsten Hothorn | Variable Selection and Model Choice in Survival Models with Time-Varying Effects |
[A] | Sergey Laptenok, Katharine Mullen, Jan Willem Borst, Herbert van Amerongen, Antonie Visser | New possibilities for interactive specification and validation of models for Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM) data with the TIMP package |
[A][S] | Katharine Mullen, Ivo van Stokkum | Resolving components in mass spectrometry data: parametric and non-parametric approaches |
[A][S] | Joris J. Snellenburg, Katherine M. Mullen, Ivo H. M. van Stokkum | TIMPGUI: A graphical user interface for the package TIMP |
[A][S] | Minho Chae, John Thaden, Steven Jennings, Robert Shmookler Reis | washAlign: a GC-MS Data Alignment Tool Using Iterative Block-Shifting of Peak Retention Times Based on Mass-Spectral Data |
[A][S] | Pete Meyer, Shaun Lysen | An automated R tool for identifying individuals with difficulties in a large pool of raters |
[A][S] | Stefan Theussl, Achim Zeileis, Kurt Hornik | Collaborative Development Using R-Forge |
[A][S] | Andrew Runnalls | CXXR: Refactoring the R Interpreter into C++ |
[A][S] | José Matos | R packages from a Fedora perspective |
[A] | Romain Francois | R4X: Simple XML Manipulation for R |
[A][S] | Wayne Jones, Marco Giannitrapani | Rapid Application Deployment with R |
[A][S] | Tobias Verbeke | Refactoring R Programs |
[A][S] | Rense Nieuwenhuis | Retreiving old data using 'read.isi' |
[A][S] | Norbert Solymosi, Andrea Harnos, Jenõ Reiczigel | SQLiteMap: package to manage vector graphical maps using SQLite |
[A] | John James, Fan Shao | The Execution Engine: Client-server mechanism for remote calling of R and other systems |
[A][S] | Paul Gilbert | Time Series Database Interface |
[A][S] | Zivan Karaman | Using R as enterprise-wide data analysis platform |
[A] | Wei-han Liu | A Closer Examination of Extreme Value Theory Modeling in Value-at-Risk Estimation |
[A][S] | Tomoaki Nakatani | ccgarch: An R package for modelling multivariate GARCH models with conditional correlations |
[A][S] | Diethelm Würtz, Yohan Chalabi | Computational Finance and Financial Engineering: The R/Rmetrics Software Environment |
[A][S] | Giovanni Millo | Cross-sectional and spatial dependence in panels |
[A][S] | Arne Henningsen | Estimation of Theoretically Consistent Stochastic Frontier Functions in R |
[A] | Giuseppe Bruno | Exploring Financial system Convergence in 8 OECD countries by means of the plm package |
[A] | Robert Ferstl, Josef Hayden | Hedging interest rate risk with the dynamic Nelson/Siegel model |
[A] | Rory Winston | Real-Time Market Data Interfaces in R |
[A][S] | Mehmet Balcilar | RSTAR: A Package for Smooth Transition Autoregressive Modeling Using R |
[A] | Yohan Chalabi, Michal Miklovic, Diethelm Würtz | Scaling and Robustifciation of ARMA Models with GARCH/APARCH Errors Using R/Rmetrics |
[A][S] | Francisco Gochez | The BLCOP package: an R implementation of the Black-Litterman and copula opinion pooling models |
[A][S] | Gian Pietro Zaccomer, Luca Grassetti | Using R for Spatial Shift-Share Analysis |
[A] | Joern Pagel, Frank Schurr | Forecasting species range shifts: a Hierarchical Bayesian framework for estimating process-based models of range dynamics |
[A] | Robin Hankin | Modelling biodiversity in R: the untb package |
[A][S] | Dennis Helsel, Lopaka Lee | NADA for R: A contributed package for censored environmental data |
[A][S] | Thomas Petzoldt | Objects, clones and collections: ecological models and scenario analysis with simecol |
[A][S] | Thomas Jagger, James Elsner | R for climate research |
[A][S] | David Sathiaraj | Spatial Analysis and Visualization of Climate Data Using R |
[A][S] | Goeran Kauermann, Thomas Mestekemper | Specification of Landmarks and Forecasting Water Temperature |
[A] | Vilas Boas Marcio Antonio, Uribe-Opazo Miguel Angel, Alves da Silva Edson Antonio | Surface and Sprinkle Irrigation Analysis with R |
[A][S] | Johannes Breidenbach | Use R! for estimating forest parameters based on Airborne Laser Scanner Data |
[A][S] | Hans-Joachim Klemmt | Using R as an environment for automatic extraction of forest growth parameters form terrestrial laser scanning data |
[A][S] | Jedrzej Bojanowski, César Carmona-Moreno | Using R for time series analysis and spatial-temporal distribution of global burnt surface multi-year product |
[A][S] | Jens Oehlschlägel, Daniel Adler, Oleg Nenadic, Walter Zucchini | A first glimpse into 'R.ff', a package that virtually removes R's memory limit |
[A] | Daniel Grose | Distributed Computing using the multiR Package |
[A] | Dennis Wegener, Stefan Rüping, Michael Mock | GridR: Distributed Data Analysis using R |
[A] | David Henderson, Stephen Weston, Nicholas Carriero, Robert Bjornson | High Performance Computing with NetWorkSpaces for R |
[A][S] | Daniel Adler, Jens Oehlschlägel, Oleg Nenadic, Walter Zucchini | Large atomic data in R: package 'ff' |
[A] | Mike Smith, Richard Pugh, Romain Francois | MSToolkit: Distributed R for the creation and analysis of simulated clinical trial data |
[A][S] | Markus Schmidberger, Ulrich Mansmann | Parallelized preprocessing algorithms for high-density oligonucleotide array data |
[A][S] | Thomas Baier | R in Automation: Accessing Real-time-data |
[A][S] | Ferdinand Jamitzky | ROMP - an OpenMP binding for R |
[A][S] | Dirk Eddelbuettel | Scripting with R in high-performance computing: An Example using littler |
[A][S] | Jochen Knaus | sfCluster/snowfall: Managing parallel execution of R programs on a compute cluster |
[A][S] | Junji Nakano, Ei-ji Nakama | Speeding up R by using ISM-like calls |
[A][S] | John Emerson, Michael Kane | The bigmemoRy package: handling large data sets in R using RAM and shared memory |
[A][S] | Andrew Gelman | Bayesian generalized linear models and an appropriate default prior |
[A][S] | Peter Bühlmann | Computationally Tractable Methods for High-Dimensional Data |
[A][S] | Graham J. Williams | Deploying Data Mining in Government - Experiences With R/Rattle |
[A][S] | Jean Thioulouse | Multivariate Data Analysis in Microbial Ecology - New Skin for the old Ceremony |
[A][S] | Duncan Murdoch | Package Development in Windows |
[A][S] | Gary King | The Dataverse Network |
[A][S] | Kurt Hornik | The Past, Present, and Future of the R Project - Development in the R Project |
[A][S] | John Fox | The Past, Present, and Future of the R Project - Social Organization of the R Project |
[A][S] | Sebastian Kaiser, Friedrich Leisch | A Toolbox for Bicluster Analysis in R |
[A][S] | Manuel Eugster, Friedrich Leisch | Exploratory and Inferential Analysis of Benchmark Experiments |
[A][S] | Julia Schiffner, Claus Weihs | Local Classification Methods for Heterogeneous Classes |
[A] | Matteo Pardo, Giorgio Sberveglieri | Random Forests and Nearest Shrunken Centroids for the Classification of eNose data |
[A] | Gero Szepannek, Uwe Ligges, Claus Weihs | Some Aspects on Classification, Variable Selection and Categorical Clustering |
[A] | Carolin Strobl, Achim Zeileis | Why and how to use random forest variable importance measures (and how you shouldn't) |
[A][S] | Christopher Byrd | An Automatic Recommendation System using R: Project Thank You eMail |
[A][S] | Derek Norton | Automating Business Modeling with the AutoModelR package |
[A][S] | Fumiyo Kondo, Teppei Kuroda | Customer Heterogeneity in Purchasing Habit of Variety Seeking Based on Hierarchical Bayesian Model |
[A][S] | Jim Porzak | Direct Marketing Analytics with R |
[A] | Mohammad Ali Dashti | Quantitative approach to Entropy weighting methodology in MADM |
[A][S] | Boris Vaillant | Using R to test Bayesian adaptive discrete choice designs |
[A][S] | Robert Crouchley, Damon Berridge, Dan Grose | An Alternative Package for Estimating Multivariate Generalised Linear Mixed Models in R |
[A][S] | Heather Turner, David Firth, Andy Batchelor | Custom Functions for Specifying Nonlinear Terms to gnm |
[A][S] | Peter Ruckdeschel, Matthias Kohl | distrMod - an S4-class based package for statistical models |
[A] | Giovanni Petris | Dynamic Linear Models in R |
[A][S] | Bettina Gruen, Friedrich Leisch | FlexMix: Flexible fitting of finite mixtures with the EM algorithm |
[A][S] | Christian Ritz | Functional regression analysis using R |
[A][S] | Christian Kleiber, Achim Zeileis | Generalized count data regression in R |
[A][S] | Thomas Kneib, Torsten Hothorn | mboost - Componentwise Boosting for Generalised Regression Models |
[A][S] | Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen | Models for Replicated Discrimination Tests: A Synthesis of Latent Class Mixture Models and Generalized Linear Mixed Models |
[A][S] | Ralf Seger, Antony Unwin | MORET - A Software For Model Management |
[A][S] | Ioannis Kosmidis | Profiling the parameters of models with linear predictors |
[A][S] | Werner Stahel | Regression Model Development and Yet Another Regression Function |
[A][S] | Fabian Scheipl, Sonja Greven, Helmut Küchenhoff | RLRsim: Testing for Random Effects or Nonparametric Regression Functions in Additive Mixed Models |
[A] | Ewa Sztendur, Neil Diamond | rsm: An R package for Response Surface Methodology |
[A][S] | Christine Steinhoff, Matteo Pardo, Martin Vingron | A pipeline based on multivariate correspondence analysis with supplementary variables for cancer genomics |
[A] | M. Rui Alves, M. Beatriz Oliveira | Automatic construction of graphical outputs of common multivariate analyses with a special reference to predictive biplots |
[A] | Ben Goodrich | FAiR: A Package for Factor Analysis in R |
[A][S] | Klaus Nordhausen, Hannu Oja, David Tyler | Invariant coordinate selection for multivariate data analysis - the package ICS |
[A] | Olaf Mersmann, Heike Trautmann, Detlef Steuer, Claus Weihs, Uwe Ligges | Desirabilitiy functions in multicriteria optimization - Observations made while implementing desiRe |
[A][S] | Kurt Hornik, David Meyer | Good Relations with R |
[A][S] | Antonio Di Narzo, Marji Lines | RiDMC: an R package for the numerical analysis of dynamical systems |
[A][S] | Robin Nunkesser, Silke Straatmann, Simone Wenzel | rPorta - An R Package for Analyzing Polytopes and Polyhedra |
[A] | Björn Bornkamp, José Pinheiro, Frank Bretz | MCPMod - An R Package for the Design and Analysis of Dose-Finding Studies |
[A][S] | Chun-ying Lee, Yung-jin Lee | PKfit - A Pharmacokinetic Data Analysis Tool on R |
[A][S] | Enrique Vidal, Roberto Pastor-Barriuso, Marina Pollan, Gonzalo Lopez-Abente | Segmented Poisson Models |
[A][S] | Miao-ting Chen, Yung-jin Lee | tdm - A Tool of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in R |
[A][S] | Florian Wickelmaier | Analyzing paired-comparison data in R using probabilistic choice models |
[A][S] | Dimitris Rizopoulos | Item Response Theory Using the ltm Package |
[A][S] | Gianmarco Altoè | The 'deltaR' package: a flexible way to compare regression models on independent samples using a bootstrap approach |
[A][S] | Wolfgang Raffelsberger, Luc Moulinier, David Kieffer, Olivier Poch | RReportGenerator: Automatic reports from routine statistical analysis using R |
[A][S] | Delphine Fontaine | Sweave or how to make 286 customized reports in two clicks |
[A] | Romain Francois, David Ilsley | XML-based Reporting Application |
[A] | Majid Sarmad, Peter S. Craig | 'robande': An R package for Robust ANOVA |
[A] | Soumaya Rekaia | Indicators of Least Absolute Deviation's sensibility |
[A][S] | Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel | R-Packages for Robust Asymptotic Statistics |
[A] | John Kloke | Rfit: An R Package for Rank Estimates |
[A][S] | Karen Schettlinger, Roland Fried, Ursula Gather | robfilter: An R Package for Robust Time Series Filters |
[A][S] | Claudio Agostinelli | Robust Inference in Generalized Linear Models |
[A] | Dattatraya Kashid | Variable Selection in Regression Using R |
[A] | Micah Altman, Michael McDonald | BARD: Better Automated Redistricting |
[A][S] | Gabor Csardi | igraph - a package for network analysis |
[A][S] | Michal Bojanowski | Simulating Games on Networks with R. Application to coordination in dynamic social network under heterogeneity. |
[A][S] | Jin Li, Andrew Heap | Comparison of spatial interpolation methods using a simulation experiment based on Australian seabed sediment data |
[A] | Rebeca Ramis, Peter Diggle, Gonzalo López-Abente | Estimation of Standard Errors in Non-Linear Regression Models: Spatial Variation in Risk Around Putative Sources |
[A] | Katharina Henneböhl, Edzer Pebesma | Providing R functionality through the OGC Web Processing Service |
[A] | Thomas Achia, Atinuke Adebanji, John Owino, Anne Wangombe | Spatial Durbin Model for Poverty Mapping and Analysis |
[A][S] | Martin Elff | Management and Analysis of Large Survey Data Sets Using the 'memisc' Package |
[A][S] | Lucien Lemmens | Small groups and questionnaires |
[A][S] | Marco Ballin, Giulio Barcaroli | Tree-based and GA tools for optimal sampling design |
[A][S] | Patrick Wessa | A Compendium Platform for Reproducible, R-based Research with a focus on Statistics Education |
[A] | Ruya Gokhan Kocer | Believing by Seeing before Seeing by Believing: Visualizing the Gaussian Regression Model by the SIM.REG package for intuitive teaching |
[A] | Will Dubyak | Cracking the Nut: Introducing R to a Department |
[A] | Andras Low | R and Stata for Building Regression Models |
[A] | Richard Pugh, Matt Aldridge | R for the Masses: Lessons learnt from delivering R training courses |
[A][S] | Yihui Xie | Statistical Animations Using R |
[A][S] | Ewan Crawford, Adrian Bowman | Statistical Cartoons |
[A][S] | Ray Brownrigg | Tricks and Traps for Young Players |
[A][S] | Bernhard Spangl, Peter Ruckdeschel, Rudolf Dutter | Approximate Conditional-mean Type Filtering for State-space Models |
[A][S] | Susana Barbosa | ArDec: Autoregressive-based time series decomposition in R |
[A][S] | Rudolf Dutter | A Graphical User Interface for Environmental Statistics |
[A][S] | Christian Weiß | Commercial meets Open Source - Tuning STATISTICA with R |
[A] | Julien Durand, Julie Josse, François Husson, Sébastien Lê | dynGraph: interactive visualization of 'factorial planes' integrating numerical indicators |
[A] | Washington Junger, Antonio Ponce de Leon, Elizabeth de Albuquerque, Reinaldo Marques, Leonardo Costa | EpiR: a graphic user interface oriented to epidemiological data analysis |
[A] | E. James Harner, Dajie Luo, Jun Tan | JavaStat: a Java-based R Front-end |
[A][S] | Ryota Suzuki | R AnalyticFlow: A flowchart-style GUI for R |
[A][S] | Erich Neuwirth | R meets the Workplace - Embedding R into Excel and making it more accessible |
[A] | Erin Hodgess, Carol Vobach | RcmdrPlugin.epack: A Time Series Plug-in for Rcmdr |
[A][S] | Ilhami Visne, Klemens Vierlinger, Friedrich Leisch, Albert Kriegner | RGG: An XML-based GUI Generator for R Scripts |
[A][S] | Bert Gunter, Nicholas Lewin-Koh | SimpleR: Taking on the 'Evil Empire' by Developing Applications for Non-statistical Users |
[A][S] | Mario Gellrich, Rudolf Gubler, Andreas Schönborn, Andreas Papritz | SIMSURVEY - a tool for (geo-) statistical analyses with R on the web |
[A] | Ivailo Partchev | TCL Expect: Yet another way to develop GUI for R |
[A][S] | Karim Chine | The Virtual R Workbench, towards an open platform for R based e-Science |
[A] | Bernd Bischl, Kornelius Rohmeyer | Towards a Java Framework for Rapid Development of Graphical User Interfaces for Statistical Applications based on R |
[A][S] | David Meyer, Achim Zeileis, Kurt Hornik | The strucplot framework for Visualizing Categorical Data |
[A][S] | Benjamin Barnes, Karen Steindorf | Visualizing multivariate categorical and continuous data from epidemiologic studies: An expanded scatter plot matrix |