Interested in sponsoring useR! 2018?

By Di Cook | December 2, 2017

useR! is the main annual meeting of the R community, and has been growing in attendance along with the language. This is the first time that the conference will be held outside Europe and the USA, and it will be an opportunity for a new cohort of the R community to come along, improve their skills and make connections across Australiasia and beyond.

Sponsorship of useR! 2018 is an opportunity to visibly support the R community, to reach a large group of highly skilled data science professionals, support your organisation’s analytics or data science pipeline and to help make the conference a success. Attendees include R developers and users who are data scientists, business intelligence specialists, analysts and statisticians from academia and industry. There are five main levels of sponsorships: platinum ($25k), gold ($15k), silver ($10k), bronze ($5k) and pro-networker ($1k).

Full details of sponsorship benefits are available in the prospectus, and you can email queries to