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Brisbane convention & exhibition center.
Cnr Merivale and Glenelg Streets
South Bank, Brisbane
Queensland 4101

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Local organising committee

Di Cook (Monash, chair), Rob J Hyndman (Monash), Nick Tierney (Monash), Earo Wang (Monash), Thomas Lumley (Auckland), Paul Murrell (Auckland), Bill Venables (Brisbane), Simone Blomberg (UQ), Kerrie Mengersen (QUT), Goknur Giner (WEHI), Jessie Roberts (QUT), Miles McBain (QUT), Eun-kyung Lee (EWHA, Korea), Paula Andrea (UQ), Wenjing Wang (RUC, China), Soroor Hediyehzadeh (WEHI), Rhydwyn McGuire (NSW DOH), Alex Whan (CSIRO), Steph de Silva (Rex Analytics), Anna Quaglieri (WEHI), Marie Trussart (WEHI), Kim Fitter (NZ), Monash Business School Events Team (Kerry, Hannah, Jess and Deb)


Brisbane convention & exhibition center.
Cnr Merivale and Glenelg Streets
South Bank, Brisbane
Queensland 4101

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