useR! 2019

Toulouse - France

user2019   Submission guidelines

The submissions are over. The list of selected contributions is available on /program_overview/.

A note on the selection of contributions...

Each abstract was reviewed by (at least) two reviewers from the program committee with expertise relevant to the topic. This resulted in a score which was a guide to the committee chairs to make a final decision. The final decision was based on the score and the internal comments from reviewers, taking into account other abstracts with same author/team/topic/format and other abstracts with a similar score.

The submission website is The submission process requires that you create an account on SciencesConf prior to submitting your application.


SciencesConf is a Web platform to manage scientific conferences organized by academic and research institutions. It is developed by CCSD - CNRS (French National Centre for Scientific Research).


The submission process requires:

  • a title
  • an abstract (in plain text — no HTML, TeX or MarkDown formatting is accepted, 1200 characters at maximum)
  • a type (tutorial/oral presentation/lightning talk/poster/submission for Datathon)
  • only for oral presentations, lightning talks and posters, a topic (please choose exactly one, although the form allows multiple selections)
  • only for the Datathon, a file (HTML or PDF formats, see instructions on the Datathon page). For all the other submissions, please do not add a supplementary file: they will not be considered by the reviewers for evaluating your proposal.
  • key words (additional topics that you feel are also related to your submission)

which should be provided at the first step of the submission. At the second step, please provide the list of authors, together with their affiliations.

After submission, you will be sent an email confirming your submission. You can edit your submission until the review process starts (January 18 for tutorials and March 1st for the other submissions).

Types of submissions


Tutorials submission is now closed.

Oral presentations

Presentations will be 20 minutes in length, including a couple of minutes for questions at the end.

Lightning talks

Lightning talks will be 5 minutes in length. We will need to have these uploaded ahead of time, and automatically run from one laptop.


Posters will be printed posters. Poster presenters will also have the option to do a 30 second speed advertisement of their poster during the conference.


The best posters will be awarded prizes by four French scientific groups:

GDR Stat&Santé GDR Statistiques & Santé will award a prize for the best poster in “Statistics and Health” (identify your contribution with the topic “biostatistics/epidemiology”)

GDR BIM GDR Bioinformatique Moléculaire will award a prize for the best poster in “Bioinformatics” (identify your contribution with the topic “bioinformatics”)

GDR MASCOT NUM GDR MASCOT NUM will award a prize for the best poster in “Design, modeling and analysis in computer experiments” (identify your contribution with the keyword “Computer experiment”)

GDR MaDICS GDR MaDICS will award a prize for the best poster in “Big Data - Data Science” (identify your contribution with the topics “(data mining”, “big/high dimensional data”, “multivariate analysis”, “visualisation”, “databases/data management”, “performance”)

These prizes will be announced during the conference, after the poster session.


At least one presenter of an accepted abstract must attend the conference, or their presentation will be removed from the program.

Standard registration rates will apply for presenters of contributed presentations except for

  • winner of the Datathon who will be offered free registration (including tutorials and gala dinner)

  • accepted tutorial speakers who will be offered free registration (including tutorials and gala dinner)

  • speakers who have been given a diversity scholarship

PhD students in France can also ask the GDR MaDICS to support their participation to the conference by filling this form.

Data collection

The submission will be subjected to computer processing. It is processed by computer in order to organize the conference, and provide statistics on the attendees. The recipients of the data will be the organization committee. According to the Data Protection Act of January 6th, 1978, you have a right of access to and rectification of all of your personal data, at any time. If you wish to exercise this right and gain access to your personal data, please write to You may also oppose the processing of your personal data, for legitimate reasons.