Room | Aalborghallen | Gæstesalen | Musiksalen | Det lille Teater | Radiosalen |
(790 seats) | (149 seats) | (160 seats) | (224 seats) | (216 seats) | |
Session 1 | Kaleidoscope 1 | Ecology | Networks | Reproducibility | Interfacing |
Chair | Heather Turner | Hadley Wickham | Claus Dethlefsen | Martin Maechler | Dirk Eddelbuettel |
Session 2 | Kaleidoscope 2 | Case study | Clustering | Data Management | Computational Performance |
Chair | Romain François | Claus Dethlefsen | Martin Maechler | Thomas Lumley | Dirk Eddelbuettel |
Session 3 | Kaleidoscope 3 | Business | Spatial | Databases | Lightning talks |
Chair | Peter Dalgaard | Esben Høg | Adrian Baddeley | Thomas Lumley | James Curran |
Session 4 | Kaleidoscope 4 | Medicine | Regression | Commercial Offerings | Interactive graphics |
Chair | Susan Holmes | Heather Turner | Rasmus Waagepetersen | Romain François | Di Cook |
Session 5 | Kaleidoscope 5 | Teaching 1 | Statistical Methodology 1 | Machine Learning 1 | Visualisation 1 |
Chair | Søren Højsgaard | Rasmus Waagepetersen | Helle Sørensen | Poul Svante Eriksen | Di Cook |
Session 6 | Kaleidoscope 6 | Teaching 2 | Statistical Methodology 2 | Machine Learning 2 | Visualisation 2 |
Chair | Susan Holmes | Helle Sørensen | James Curran | Poul Svante Eriksen | Hadley Wickham |
June 10th: Small change to the program - talks of Kaleidoscope 1 and 5 were interchanged.
June 15th: Tiny change - Google-talks have swapped session (now Millar in Kaleidoscope 5, Best in Interfacing).
June 25th: Cancellation - The "Word Alignment tools in R" talk by Majid Sarmad has been cancelled.
June 30th: Cancellation - The "Massive Online Data Stream Mining using R and MOA" talk by Jan Wijffels was cancelled.
July 2nd: Talk moved - The "The Network Structure of R Packages" talk by Andrie de Vries is moved to Kaleidoscope 4 from Kaleidoscope 6.
Room: Aalborghallen (790 seats) - Chair: Heather Turner
flowcatchR: A user-friendly workflow solution for the analysis of time-lapse cell flow imaging data (Federico Marini) [slides]
Image processing and alignment with RNiftyReg and mmand (Jonathan Clayden) [slides]
rags2ridges: Ridge estimation and graphical modeling for high-dimensional precision matrices (Carel F. W. Peeters)
dgRaph: Discrete factor graphs in R (Henrik Tobias Madsen)
Room: Gæstesalen (149 seats) - Chair: Hadley Wickham
Optimized R functions for analysis of ecological community data using the R virtual laboratory (Rvlab) (Costas Varsos)
Building ecological models bit-by-bit (David L Miller) [slides]
Simulating ecological microcosms with systems of differential equations: tools for the scientific, technical and communication challenges (Andrew Dolman) [slides]
A Graphical User Interface for R in an Integrated Development Environment for Ecological Modeling, Scientific Image Analysis and Statistical Analysis (Marcel Austenfeld)
Room: Musiksalen (160 seats) - Chair: Claus Dethlefsen
fbRads: Analyzing and managing Facebook ads from R (Gergely Daroczi) [slides]
Web scraping with R - A fast track overview. (Peter Meißner) [slides]
multiplex: Analysis of Multiple Social Networks with Algebra (Antonio Rivero Ostoic) [slides]
What's new in igraph and networks (Gabor Csardi) [slides]
Room: Det lille Teater (224 seats) - Chair: Martin Maechler
rOpenSci: A suite of reproducible research tools in R (Karthik Ram)
Enhancing reproducibility and collaboration via management of R package cohorts (Michael Lawrence) [slides]
A Review of Meta-Analysis Packages in R (Joshua R. Polanin & Emily A. Hennessy) [web]
Simple reproducibility with the checkpoint package (David Smith) [slides]
Room: Radiosalen (216 seats) - Chair: Dirk Eddelbuettel
Some lessons relevant to including external libraries in your R package (Kasper D. Hansen) [slides]
Integrating R with the Go programming language using interprocess communication (Christoph Best) [slides]
Naturally Sweet Rcpp with Modern C++ and Boost (Matt P. Dziubinski) [slides]
Linking R to the Spark MLlib Machine Learning Library (Dan Putler) [slides]
Room: Aalborghallen (790 seats) - Chair: Romain Francois
archivist: Tools for Storing, Restoring and Searching for R Objects (Przemyslaw Biecek) [slides]
R User Groups (Joseph B. Rickert) [slides]
Computational Precision and Floating-Point Arithmetic: A Teacher's Guide to Answering FAQ 7.31 (Richard M. Heiberger) [slides]
Tiny Data, Approximate Bayesian Computation and the Socks of Karl Broman (Rasmus Bååth) [slides]
Room: Gæstesalen (149 seats) - Chair: Claus Dethlefsen
Using R for small area estimation in the Norwegian National Forest Inventory (Johannes Breidenbach) [slides]
Using R for natural gas market balancing in the Czech republic (Ivan Kasanický)
Heteroscedastic censored and truncated regression for weather forecasting (Jakob W. Messner) [slides]
Multinomial functional regression with application to lameness detection for horses (Helle Sørensen) [slides]
Room: Musiksalen (160 seats) - Chair: Martin Maechler
Unsupervised Clustering and Meta-Analysis using Gaussian Mixture Copula Models (Anders Ellern Bilgrau) [slides]
Hierarchical Cluster Analysis of hyperspectral Raman images: a new point of view leads to 10000fold speedup (Claudia Beleites) [slides]
Dirichlet process Bayesian clustering with the R package PReMiuM (Silvia Liverani) [slides]
Examining the Environmental Characteristics of Tornado Outbreaks in the United States using Spatial Clustering (Thomas Jagger) [slides]
Room: Det lille Teater (224 seats) - Chair: Thomas Lumley
Taking testing to another level: testwhat (Filip Schouwenaars) [slides]
Failing fast and early: assertive/defensive programming for R data analysis pipelines (Tony Fischetti)
Getting your data into R (Hadley Wickham) [slides]
A better way to manage hierarchical data (Christoph Glur) [web or slides]
A proposal for distributed data-structures in R (Indrajit Roy, Michael Lawrence) [slides]
Room: Radiosalen (216 seats) - Chair: Dirk Eddelbuettel
Running R+Hadoop using Docker Containers (E. James Harner)
Algorithmic Differentiation for Extremum Estimation: An Introduction Using RcppEigen (Matt P. Dziubinski) [slides]
Improving computational performance with algorithm engineering (Kirill Müller) [slides]
Performance Analysis for Parallel R Programs: Towards Efficient Resource Utilization (Helena Kotthaus)
Refactoring the xtable Package (David Scott) [slides]
Room: Aalborghallen (790 seats) - Chair: Peter Dalgaard
Coding for the enterprise server - what does it mean for you? (Friedrich Schuster) [slides]
R as a citizen in a polyglot world - the promise of the Truffle framework (Lukas Stadler) [slides / video]
Architect. An IDE for Data Science and R (Tobias Verbeke)
Distributed computing with R (Balasubramanian Narasimhan) [slides]
Room: Gæstesalen (149 seats) - Chair: Esben Høg
Statistical consulting using R: a DRY approach from the Australian outback (Peter Baker) [slides]
Using R in Production (Stefan Milton Bache)
Hedging and Risk Management of CDOs portfolio with R (Giuseppe Bruno) [slides]
Data Driven Customer Segmentation with R (Jim Porzak) [slides]
Room: Musiksalen (160 seats) - Chair: Adrian Baddeley
Bringing Geospatial Tasks into the Mainstream of Business Analytics (Ian Cook) [slides]
Novel hybrid spatial predictive methods of machine learning and geostatistics with applications to terrestrial and marine environments in Australia (Jin Li) [slides]
Graphical Modelling of Multivariate Spatial Point Patterns (Matthias Eckardt)
Spatial Econometrics Models with R-INLA (Virgilio Gomez-Rubio)
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Epidemic Phenomena Using the R Package surveillance (Sebastian Meyer) [slides]
Room: Det lille Teater (224 seats) - Chair: Thomas Lumley
Rango - Databases made easy (Willem Ligtenberg) [slides]
Ad-Hoc User-Defined Functions for MonetDB with R (Hannes Mühleisen) [slides]
R database connectivity: what did we leave behind? (Mateusz Żółtak)
jsonlite and mongolite (Jeroen Ooms) [slides]
Using R Efficiently with Large Databases (Michael Wurst) [slides]
Room: Radiosalen (216 seats) - Chair: James Curran
See Lightning talks for titles and abstracts.Room: Aalborghallen (790 seats) - Chair: Susan Holmes
While my base R gently weeps (A. Jonathan R. Godfrey)
Rapid Deployment of Automatic Scoring Models to Hadoop Production Systems (Amitai Golub) [slides]
Fast, stable and scalable true radix sorting (Matt Dowle) [slides]
Fast, flexible and memory efficient data manipulation using data.table (Arunkumar Srinivasan) [slides]
The Network Structure of R Packages (Andrie de Vries) [slides]
Room: Gæstesalen (149 seats) - Chair: Heather Turner
Phenotypic deconvolution: the next frontier in pharma (Marvin Steijaert) [slides]
Using R and free software to improve the delivery of life changing medicine to patients (Paul Metcalfe)
Stratified medicine using the partykit package (Heidi Seibold) [slides]
Room: Musiksalen (160 seats) - Chair: Rasmus Waagepetersen
The ilc package (Han Lin Shang) [slides]
Approximately Exact Calculations for Linear Mixed Models (Andrew Bray)
Shiny application for analyzing consumer preference and sensory data in a mixed effects model framework: introducing SensMixed package (Alexandra Kuznetsova)
Spatial regression of quantiles based on parametric distributions (Chenjerai Kathy Mutambanengwe)
glmmsr: fitting GLMMs with sequential reduction (Helen Ogden) [slides]
Room: Det lille Teater (224 seats) - Chair: Romain Francois
Supporting the "Rapi" C-language API in an R-compatible engine (Michael Sannella) [slides]
Enabling R for Big Data with PL/R and PivotalR: Real World Examples on Hadoop & MPP Databases (Woo J. Jung) [slides]
The DataRobot R Package (Ron Pearson) [slides]
Applying the R Language in Streaming Applications and Business Intelligence (Lou Bajuk-Yorgan) [slides]
Room: Radiosalen (216 seats) - Chair: Di Cook
D3 and R Shiny - Making your graphs come to life (Monika Huhn) [slides]
Interactive Graphics with ggplot2 and gridSVG (Michael Sachs)
Interactive visualization using htmlwidgets and Shiny (Joe Cheng)
Interactive Data Visualization using the Loon package (Adrian Waddell) [www]
New interactive visualization tools for exploring high dimensional data in R (Wayne Oldford) [slides]
Room: Aalborghallen (790 seats) - Chair: Søren Højsgaard
Formalising R Development - ValidR Enterprise (Aimee Gott)
CXXR: Modernizing the R Interpreter (Karl Millar)
Fun times with R and Google Sheets (Jennifer Bryan)
A Comparative Study of Complex Estimation Software (Jonathan Digby-North) [slides]
Software Standards in the R Community: An Analysis (Oliver Keyes)
Room: Gæstesalen (149 seats) - Chair: Rasmus Waagepetersen
SWOT analysis on using R for online training (Miranda Y Mortlock)
Manipulation of Discrete Random Variables in R with discreteRV (Eric Hare) [slides]
Teaching R in heterogeneous settings: Lessons learned (Matthias Gehrke) [slides]
Interactive applications written in R to accelerate statistical learning (Chris Wild) [slides]
Classroom experiments (James Curran) [slides]
Room: Musiksalen (160 seats) - Chair: Helle Sørensen
TAM: An R Package for Item Response Modelling (Thomas Kiefer) [slides]
gets: General-to-Specific (GETS) Modelling (Genaro Sucarrat) [slides]
R Package CASA: Component Automatic Selection in Additive models (Thouvenot Vincent)
Dose-response analysis using R revisited (Christian Ritz)
Changepoints over a Range of Penalties using the changepoint package (Kaylea Haynes) [slides]
Room: Det lille Teater (224 seats) - Chair: Poul Svante Eriksen
Word Alignment tools in R (Neda Daneshgar / Majid Sarmad)
Rapid detection of spatiotemporal clusters (Markus Loecher) [slides]
Scalable distributed random-forest in R (Arash Fard, Vishrut Gupta) [slides]
Multivariate analysis of mixed data: The PCAmixdata R package (Marie Chavent)
PPforest (Natalia da Silva) [slides]
Room: Radiosalen (216 seats) - Chair: Di Cook
Reordering and selecting continuous variables for scatterplot matrices (Katrin Grimm) [slides]
R-package to assess and visualize the calibration of multiclass risk predictions (Kirsten Van Hoorde) [slides]
tmap: creating thematic maps in a flexible way (Martijn Tennekes) [slides]
The dendextend R package for manipulation of dendograms, visualization and comparison (Tal Galili) [slides]
Room: Aalborghallen (790 seats) - Chair: Susan Holmes
The METACRAN experiment (Gabor Csardi) [slides]
Using R in photobiology (Pedro J. Aphalo) [slides]
Industrial Big Data Analytics for Wind Turbines (Sven Jesper Knudsen) [slides]
Room: Gæstesalen (149 seats) - Chair: Helle Sørensen
Web Application Teaching Tools for Statistics Using Shiny and R (Gail Potter) [slides]
Teaching R in (an online) class (Jonathan Cornelissen) [slides]
Teaching R using the github ecosystem (Colin Rundel) [slides]
Using R, RStudio, and Docker for introductory statistics teaching (Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel) [slides]
Room: Musiksalen (160 seats) - Chair: James Curran
seasonal: An X-13 interface for seasonal adjustment (Christoph Sax) [slides]
Estimating the Linfoot correlation in R (Sören Möller) [slides]
Seasonal Adjustment with the R packages x12 and x12GUI (Alexander Kowarik) [slides]
frailtyHL: R package for variable selection in general frailty models for various survival data (Il Do Ha)
Room: Det lille Teater (224 seats) - Chair: Poul Svante Eriksen
Massive Online Data Stream Mining using R and MOA (Jan Wijffels)
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning with R (Stephen Elston) [slides]
forestFloor: a package to visualize and comprehend the full curvature of random forests (Søren Havelund Welling) [slides]
Machine Learning for Internal Product Measurement (Douglas Mason)
h2oEnsemble for Scalable Ensemble Learning in R (Erin LeDell) [slides]
Room: Radiosalen (216 seats) - Chair: Hadley Wickham
Plotting data as music videos in R (Thomas Levine) [io slides / static slides]
NaviCell Web Service for Network-based Data Visualization (Eric Bonnet) [slides]
Easy visualizations of high-dimensional genomic data (Laure Cougnaud) [material as zip file]
The gridGraphics Package (Paul Murrell) [slides]