Revolution Analytics Presents: Launch Party!
Wednesday, July 21st @ 8:00pm

Revolution Analytics is proud to officially launch --- a
collection of resources about the R Project for the R Open Source
Statistics Community. The site features R related Blogs, R downloads,
user contributions, R Tips & Tricks, and more.

Join us Wednesday after the useR! Poster Session for beer and wine and
light appetizers. And don't miss your chance to win either an Xbox or
Zune! Pick up an entry form at the Revolution Analytics booth or
launch party!

Pertinent Details:

When: Wednesday, July 21st 

Time: 8:00pm 

Where: Crowne Plaza Washington DC - Rockville
       3 Research Court, Rockville, Maryland 20850-3212 

How do I get there?

useR! will have transportation from the conference to the Crowne Plaza 
beginning at 7:30pm.

All are welcome! useR! conference registration not required.