S-PLUS Workbench: An Integrated Development Environment for S

David A. Henderson and Stephen P. Kaluzny, Insightful Coporation

The Enterprise Developer version of S-PLUS 8.0 contains several features
to increase the productivity of an S language programmer.  These
features are found in the S-PLUS Workbench which is a plugin perspective
for the open source Eclipse Integrated Development Environment.  Eclipse
allows integration with several source control solutions, such as
Subversion and CVS, which are accessible from within the S-PLUS
perspective using menu selections.  The S-PLUS perspective also contains
a debugger, using a Java syntax parser, and profiler with the ability to
set breakpoints within S code and the ability to monitor memory usage at
set points within the script code.  The perspective contains an
integrated command line console and any graphs produced are embedded
within Eclipse as their own pane with tabs in the case of multiple
graphs.  An example of how the S-PLUS Workbench can increase
productivity in creating and deploying S code will be demonstrated with
a demo.