Philippe Grosjean
SciViews: An Object-Oriented Abstraction Layer to Design GUIs on Top
of Various Calculation Kernels

SciViews aims to provide a unique, polymorph object-oriented interface
(called "Plug") to different data analysis software like R, Octave, Scilab,
MATLAB, S-PLUS, Ox, Mathematica, ... It is thus possible to develop
(Graphical) User Interfaces independently of the calculation kernel and
adapt them easily to other systems. Moreover, the same GUI can possibly
access several kernels simultaneously. A working prototype is developed
in Visual Basic for Windows, but other implementations of this concept
are possible. A plug to connect R is provided. Other plugs are in various
stages ofachievement. Several clients are also in development, including
SciViews compatible clients for office programs (Excel and Word) and a
versatile GUI with menus, toolbars, docking windows, a complete IDE and
an integrated reporting system for generating rich-formatted texts with
graphs called "Insider".