Hengyi Xue, E. James Harner
JavaStat: A Distributed Statistical Computing Environment

JavaStat is a distributed application written in Java for do statistical analyses. It is designed to run
on multiple computers connected by the Internet. The data model and the associated statistical logic of
JavaStat reside on the server while plots and reports and their controllers are located on the clients.
The client communicates with the server using Java RMI (Remote Method Invocation). JavaStat can be used
as a standalone application to perform traditional data analyses or it can be used for collaborative
research among a group of users. For instructional purposes, it is also possible to use Java applets as
the user interface. Statistical models or plots are initiated by the user from a dataset (viewed as a
table or a variable list), which is obtained from the server. JavaStat allows the user to do standard
analyses and advanced plotting, but it was not designed for complex modeling tasks. Instead, R will be
used as a backend computing engine and an Omegahat-type interface will be developed between R and
JavaStat. JavaStat is a component of a more comprehensive system being developed called JEMS (Java
Environment for Mathematics and Statistics).