* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’
* installing *source* package ‘xlcharts’ ...
** package ‘xlcharts’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ‘xlcharts’
    finding HTML links ... done
    AbsoluteAnchor                          html  
    AdjPoint2D                              html  
    AdjustHandleList                        html  
    Alignment                               html  
    AlphaBiLevelEffect                      html  
    AlphaCeilingEffect                      html  
    AlphaFloorEffect                        html  
    AlphaInverseEffect                      html  
    AlphaModulateEffect                     html  
    AlphaModulateFixedEffect                html  
    AlphaReplaceEffect                      html  
    AnchorClientData                        html  
    AnchorMarker                            html  
    AreaChart                               html  
    AreaChart3D                             html  
    ArrayDescriptor                         html  
    ArrayFormula                            html  
    AuthorList                              html  
    AutoFilter                              html  
    AutonumberBullet                        html  
    AxDataSource                            html  
    Backdrop                                html  
    BandFormat                              html  
    BandFormatList                          html  
    BarChart                                html  
    BarChart3D                              html  
    Bevel                                   html  
    BiLevelEffect                           html  
    Blip                                    html  
    BlipFillProperties                      html  
    BlurEffect                              html  
    BookView                                html  
    Border                                  html  
    Break                                   html  
    BubbleChart                             html  
    CalcProperties                          html  
    Camera                                  html  
    Cell                                    html  
    CellIsRule                              html  
    CellRange                               html  
    CellSmartTag                            html  
    CellSmartTagPr                          html  
    CellSmartTags                           html  
    CellStyle                               html  
    CellStyleList                           html  
    CellWatch                               html  
    CellWatches                             html  
    CharacterProperties                     html  
    ChartContainer                          html  
    ChartLines                              html  
    ChartRelation                           html  
    ChartSpace                              html  
    Chartsheet                              html  
    ChartsheetProperties                    html  
    ChartsheetProtection                    html  
    ChartsheetView                          html  
    ChartsheetViewList                      html  
    ColBreak                                html  
    ColRange                                html  
    Color                                   html  
    ColorChangeEffect                       html  
    ColorChoice                             html  
    ColorFilter                             html  
    ColorList                               html  
    ColorMapping                            html  
    ColorReplaceEffect                      html  
    ColorScale                              html  
    ColorScaleRule                          html  
    ColumnDimension                         html  
    Comment                                 html  
    CommentRecord                           html  
    CommentSheet                            html  
    ConditionalFormatting                   html  
    ConditionalFormattingList               html  
    Connection                              html  
    ConnectionSite                          html  
    ConnectionSiteList                      html  
    ConnectorLocking                        html  
    Control                                 html  
    ControlProperty                         html  
    Controls                                html  
    CustomFilter                            html  
    CustomFilters                           html  
    CustomGeometry2D                        html  
    CustomProperties                        html  
    CustomProperty                          html  
    CustomSplit                             html  
    DashStop                                html  
    DashStopList                            html  
    DataBar                                 html  
    DataBarRule                             html  
    DataLabel                               html  
    DataLabelList                           html  
    DataPoint                               html  
    DataTable                               html  
    DataTableFormula                        html  
    DataValidation                          html  
    DataValidationList                      html  
    DateAxis                                html  
    DateGroupItem                           html  
    DefinedName                             html  
    DefinedNameList                         html  
    DifferentialStyle                       html  
    DifferentialStyleList                   html  
    Dimension                               html  
    DimensionHolder                         html  
    DisplayUnitsLabel                       html  
    DisplayUnitsLabelList                   html  
    DocumentProperties                      html  
    DocumentSecurity                        html  
    DoughnutChart                           html  
    Drawing                                 html  
    DrawingHF                               html  
    DummyWorksheet                          html  
    DuotoneEffect                           html  
    DynamicFilter                           html  
    EMU_to_cm                               html  
    EMU_to_inch                             html  
    EMU_to_pixels                           html  
    EffectContainer                         html  
    EffectList                              html  
    EmbeddedWAVAudioFile                    html  
    EmptyCell                               html  
    ErrorBars                               html  
    ExcelReader                             html  
    ExcelWriter                             html  
    Extension                               html  
    ExtensionList                           html  
    ExternalBook                            html  
    ExternalCell                            html  
    ExternalData                            html  
    ExternalDefinedName                     html  
    ExternalLink                            html  
    ExternalReference                       html  
    ExternalSheetDataSet                    html  
    ExternalSheetNames                      html  
    FileSharing                             html  
    FileVersion                             html  
    Fill                                    html  
    FillOverlayEffect                       html  
    FilterColumn                            html  
    Filters                                 html  
    Font                                    html  
    FontReference                           html  
    FormatObject                            html  
    FormulaRule                             html  
    FunctionGroup                           html  
    FunctionGroupList                       html  
    GeomGuide                               html  
    GeomGuideList                           html  
    GeomRect                                html  
    GlowEffect                              html  
    GradientFill                            html  
    GradientFillProperties                  html  
    GradientStop                            html  
    GraphicData                             html  
    GraphicFrameLocking                     html  
    GraphicObject                           html  
    GraphicalProperties                     html  
    GrayscaleEffect                         html  
    GroupLocking                            html  
    GroupShapeProperties                    html  
    GroupTransform2D                        html  
    HSLColor                                html  
    HSLEffect                               html  
    HeaderFooter                            html  
    HeaderFooterItem                        html  
    Hyperlink                               html  
    HyperlinkList                           html  
    IconFilter                              html  
    IconSet                                 html  
    IconSetRule                             html  
    IgnoredError                            html  
    IgnoredErrors                           html  
    Image                                   html  
    InlineFont                              html  
    InnerShadowEffect                       html  
    InputCells                              html  
    Layout                                  html  
    Legend                                  html  
    LegendEntry                             html  
    Level                                   html  
    LightRig                                html  
    LineBreak                               html  
    LineChart                               html  
    LineChart3D                             html  
    LineEndProperties                       html  
    LineProperties                          html  
    LinearShadeProperties                   html  
    ListStyle                               html  
    LuminanceEffect                         html  
    ManualLayout                            html  
    Marker                                  html  
    MergeCell                               html  
    MergeCells                              html  
    MergedCell                              html  
    MergedCellRange                         html  
    MultiCellRange                          html  
    MultiLevelStrData                       html  
    MultiLevelStrRef                        html  
    NamedStyle                              html  
    NamedStyleList                          html  
    NestedGapAmount                         html  
    NestedOverlap                           html  
    NonVisualConnectorProperties            html  
    NonVisualDrawingShapeProps              html  
    NonVisualGraphicFrameProperties         html  
    NonVisualPictureProperties              html  
    NumData                                 html  
    NumDataSource                           html  
    NumFmt                                  html  
    NumRef                                  html  
    NumVal                                  html  
    NumericAxis                             html  
    ObjectAnchor                            html  
    OneCellAnchor                           html  
    Outline                                 html  
    PageBreak                               html  
    PageMargins                             html  
    PageSetupProperties                     html  
    Pane                                    html  
    Paragraph                               html  
    ParagraphProperties                     html  
    Path2D                                  html  
    Path2DList                              html  
    PathShadeProperties                     html  
    PatternFill                             html  
    PatternFillProperties                   html  
    PhoneticProperties                      html  
    PhoneticText                            html  
    PieChart                                html  
    PieChart3D                              html  
    PivotFormat                             html  
    PivotSource                             html  
    PlotArea                                html  
    Point2D                                 html  
    Point3D                                 html  
    PositiveSize2D                          html  
    PresetGeometry2D                        html  
    PresetShadowEffect                      html  
    PrintArea                               html  
    PrintOptions                            html  
    PrintPageSetup                          html  
    PrintSettings                           html  
    PrintTitles                             html  
    ProjectedPieChart                       html  
    Protection                              html  
    RadarChart                              html  
    ReadOnlyCell                            html  
    Reference                               html  
    RegularTextRun                          html  
    Related                                 html  
    RelativeRect                            html  
    RichTextProperties                      html  
    RowBreak                                html  
    RowDimension                            html  
    RowRange                                html  
    Rule                                    html  
    RuleType                                html  
    Scaling                                 html  
    ScatterChart                            html  
    Scenario                                html  
    ScenarioList                            html  
    Scene3D                                 html  
    SchemeColor                             html  
    Selection                               html  
    Series                                  html  
    SeriesAxis                              html  
    SeriesFactory                           html  
    SeriesLabel                             html  
    Shape                                   html  
    Shape3D                                 html  
    ShapeStyle                              html  
    SheetBackgroundPicture                  html  
    SheetDimension                          html  
    SheetFormatProperties                   html  
    SheetProtection                         html  
    SheetView                               html  
    SheetViewList                           html  
    Side                                    html  
    SmartTag                                html  
    SmartTagList                            html  
    SmartTagProperties                      html  
    SmartTags                               html  
    SoftEdgesEffect                         html  
    SolidColorFillProperties                html  
    SortCondition                           html  
    SortState                               html  
    Spacing                                 html  
    SphereCoords                            html  
    SpreadsheetDrawing                      html  
    StockChart                              html  
    Stop                                    html  
    StopList                                html  
    StrData                                 html  
    StrRef                                  html  
    StrVal                                  html  
    StretchInfoProperties                   html  
    StyleArray                              html  
    StyleMatrixReference                    html  
    Stylesheet                              html  
    SurfaceChart                            html  
    SurfaceChart3D                          html  
    SystemColor                             html  
    Table                                   html  
    TableColumn                             html  
    TableFormula                            html  
    TableNameDescriptor                     html  
    TablePartList                           html  
    TableStyle                              html  
    TableStyleElement                       html  
    TableStyleInfo                          html  
    TableStyleList                          html  
    TextAxis                                html  
    TextBlock                               html  
    TextField                               html  
    TextNormalAutofit                       html  
    TintEffect                              html  
    Title                                   html  
    TitleDescriptor                         html  
    Transform2D                             html  
    Trendline                               html  
    TrendlineLabel                          html  
    TwoCellAnchor                           html  
    UpDownBars                              html  
    ValueDescriptor                         html  
    Vector3D                                html  
    WebPublishItem                          html  
    WebPublishObject                        html  
    WebPublishObjectList                    html  
    WebPublishing                           html  
    Workbook                                html  
    WorkbookParser                          html  
    WorkbookProperties                      html  
    WorkbookProtection                      html  
    WorksheetCopy                           html  
    WorksheetProperties                     html  
    WriteOnlyCell                           html  
    XDRPoint2D                              html  
    XDRPositiveSize2D                       html  
    XDRTransform2D                          html  
    XMLColumnProps                          html  
    XYSeries                                html  
    absolute_coordinate                     html  
    active                                  html  
    add_chart                               html  
    add_data                                html  
    add_table                               html  
    angle_to_degrees                        html  
    avoid_duplicate_name                    html  
    builtin_format_code                     html  
    builtin_format_id                       html  
    cast_numeric                            html  
    cast_percentage                         html  
    cast_time                               html  
    cm_to_EMU                               html  
    cm_to_dxa                               html  
    column_index_from_string                html  
    coordinate_from_string                  html  
    coordinate_to_tuple                     html  
    deepcopy                                html  
    degrees_to_angle                        html  
    dxa_to_cm                               html  
    expand_cell_ranges                      html  
    get_column_interval                     html  
    get_column_letter                       html  
    get_type                                html  
    hash_password                           html  
    iadd                                    html  
    inch_to_EMU                             html  
    inch_to_dxa                             html  
    install_openpyxl                        html  
    install_pillow                          html  
    load_workbook                           html  
    pixels_to_EMU                           html  
    pixels_to_points                        html  
    points_to_pixels                        html  
    quote_sheetname                         html  
    range_boundaries                        html  
    range_to_tuple                          html  
    rows_from_range                         html  
    save_workbook                           html  
    set_categories                          html  
    short_color                             html  
    title_maker                             html  
    write_stylesheet                        html  
    write_xlsx                              html  
    x_axis                                  html  
    y_axis                                  html  
*** copying figures
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (xlcharts)