* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’
* installing *source* package ‘wrapr’ ...
** package ‘wrapr’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ‘wrapr’
    finding HTML links ... done
    DebugFn                                 html  
    DebugFnE                                html  
    DebugFnW                                html  
    DebugFnWE                               html  
    DebugPrintFn                            html  
    DebugPrintFnE                           html  
    UnpackerF                               html  
    UnpackerP                               html  
    VectorizeM                              html  
    add_name_column                         html  
    apply_left                              html  
    apply_left.default                      html  
    apply_left_default                      html  
    apply_right                             html  
    apply_right.default                     html  
    apply_right_S4                          html  
    as_named_list                           html  
    bc                                      html  
    bquote_call                             html  
    bquote_call_args                        html  
    bquote_function                         html  
    buildNameCallback                       html  
    build_frame                             html  
    checkColsFormUniqueKeys                 html  
    check_equiv_frames                      html  
    clean_fit_glm                           html  
    clean_fit_lm                            html  
    coalesce                                html  
    defineLambda                            html  
    dot_arrow                               html  
    draw_frame                              html  
    draw_framec                             html  
    evalb                                   html  
    execute_parallel                        html  
    f.                                      html  
    grab_assignments_from_dots              html  
    grapes-in_block-grapes                  html  
    grapes-less-than-s-grapes               html  
    grapes-s-greater-than-grapes            html  
    grepdf                                  html  
    grepv                                   html  
    has_no_dup_rows                         html  
    inline_concat                           html  
    inline_dot                              html  
    inline_paste0                           html  
    inline_qc                               html  
    invert_perm                             html  
    lambda                                  html  
    lapplym                                 html  
    let                                     html  
    makeFunction_se                         html  
    map_to_char                             html  
    map_upper                               html  
    mapsyms                                 html  
    match_order                             html  
    mk_formula                              html  
    mk_tmp_name_source                      html  
    named_map_builder                       html  
    orderv                                  html  
    pack                                    html  
    parLapplyLBm                            html  
    partition_tables                        html  
    pipe_impl                               html  
    psagg                                   html  
    qae                                     html  
    qc                                      html  
    qchar_frame                             html  
    qe                                      html  
    qs                                      html  
    reduceexpand                            html  
    restrictToNameAssignments               html  
    returnCapture                           html  
    seqi                                    html  
    si                                      html  
    sinterp                                 html  
    sortv                                   html  
    split_at_brace_pairs                    html  
    stop_if_dot_args                        html  
    strsplit_capture                        html  
    sub-.Unpacker                           html  
    subset-.Unpacker                        html  
    sx                                      html  
    to                                      html  
    uniques                                 html  
    unpack                                  html  
    vapplym                                 html  
    view                                    html  
    wrapr-package                           html  
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (wrapr)