* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’
* installing *source* package ‘volker’ ...
** package ‘volker’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** data
*** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ‘volker’
    finding HTML links ... done
    VLKR_FIG_SETTINGS                       html  
    VLKR_FILLDISCRETE                       html  
    VLKR_FILLGRADIENT                       html  
    VLKR_FILLPOLARIZED                      html  
    VLKR_NA_LEVELS                          html  
    VLKR_NA_NUMBERS                         html  
    VLKR_NORMAL_DIGITS                      html  
    VLKR_PLOT_LABELWRAP                     html  
    VLKR_POINT_ALPHA                        html  
    VLKR_POINT_MEAN_SHAPE                   html  
    VLKR_POINT_SIZE                         html  
    VLKR_WRAP_SEPARATOR                     html  
    cfg_get_na_numbers                      html  
    chatgpt                                 html  
    check_has_column                        html  
    check_is_dataframe                      html  
    check_is_param                          html  
    codebook                                html  
    data_clean                              html  
    data_clean_sosci                        html  
    data_prepare                            html  
    data_rm_missings                        html  
    data_rm_na_levels                       html  
    data_rm_na_numbers                      html  
    data_rm_negatives                       html  
    data_rm_zeros                           html  
    dot-add_to_vlkr_rprt                    html  
    dot-attr_insert                         html  
    dot-attr_transfer                       html  
    dot-density_mode                        html  
    dot-effect_correlations                 html  
    dot-effect_npmi                         html  
    dot-factor_with_attr                    html  
    dot-get_fig_settings                    html  
    dot-iqr                                 html  
    dot-knit_plot                           html  
    dot-knit_prepare                        html  
    dot-knit_table                          html  
    dot-outliers                            html  
    dot-plot_bars                           html  
    dot-plot_cor                            html  
    dot-plot_lines                          html  
    dot-plot_summary                        html  
    dot-report_idx                          html  
    dot-tab_split                           html  
    dot-to_vlkr_df                          html  
    dot-to_vlkr_list                        html  
    dot-to_vlkr_plot                        html  
    dot-to_vlkr_rprt                        html  
    dot-to_vlkr_tab                         html  
    dot-whisker_lower                       html  
    dot-whisker_upper                       html  
    effect_counts                           html  
    effect_counts_items                     html  
    effect_counts_items_cor                 html  
    effect_counts_items_cor_items           html  
    effect_counts_items_grouped             html  
    effect_counts_items_grouped_items       html  
    effect_counts_one                       html  
    effect_counts_one_cor                   html  
    effect_counts_one_grouped               html  
    effect_metrics                          html  
    effect_metrics_items                    html  
    effect_metrics_items_cor                html  
    effect_metrics_items_cor_items          html  
    effect_metrics_items_grouped            html  
    effect_metrics_items_grouped_items      html  
    effect_metrics_one                      html  
    effect_metrics_one_cor                  html  
    effect_metrics_one_grouped              html  
    ends_with                               html  
    filter                                  html  
    get_angle                               html  
    get_baseline                            html  
    get_ci                                  html  
    get_direction                           html  
    get_gini                                html  
    get_limits                              html  
    get_prefix                              html  
    get_stars                               html  
    get_title                               html  
    html_report                             html  
    idx_add                                 html  
    idx_alpha                               html  
    knit_print.vlkr_plt                     html  
    label_scale                             html  
    labs_apply                              html  
    labs_clear                              html  
    labs_impute                             html  
    labs_replace                            html  
    labs_restore                            html  
    labs_store                              html  
    mutate                                  html  
    pdf_report                              html  
    pipe                                    html  
    plot_counts                             html  
    plot_counts_items                       html  
    plot_counts_items_cor                   html  
    plot_counts_items_cor_items             html  
    plot_counts_items_grouped               html  
    plot_counts_items_grouped_items         html  
    plot_counts_one                         html  
    plot_counts_one_cor                     html  
    plot_counts_one_grouped                 html  
    plot_metrics                            html  
    plot_metrics_items                      html  
    plot_metrics_items_cor                  html  
    plot_metrics_items_cor_items            html  
    plot_metrics_items_grouped              html  
    plot_metrics_items_grouped_items        html  
    plot_metrics_one                        html  
    plot_metrics_one_cor                    html  
    plot_metrics_one_grouped                html  
    prepare_scale                           html  
    print.vlkr_list                         html  
    print.vlkr_plt                          html  
    print.vlkr_rprt                         html  
    print.vlkr_tbl                          html  
    report_counts                           html  
    report_metrics                          html  
    select                                  html  
    skim_boxplot                            html  
    skim_metrics                            html  
    starts_with                             html  
    tab_counts                              html  
    tab_counts_items                        html  
    tab_counts_items_cor                    html  
    tab_counts_items_cor_items              html  
    tab_counts_items_grouped                html  
    tab_counts_items_grouped_items          html  
    tab_counts_one                          html  
    tab_counts_one_cor                      html  
    tab_counts_one_grouped                  html  
    tab_metrics                             html  
    tab_metrics_items                       html  
    tab_metrics_items_cor                   html  
    tab_metrics_items_cor_items             html  
    tab_metrics_items_grouped               html  
    tab_metrics_items_grouped_items         html  
    tab_metrics_one                         html  
    tab_metrics_one_cor                     html  
    tab_metrics_one_grouped                 html  
    theme_set                               html  
    theme_vlkr                              html  
    tibble                                  html  
    tidy_lm_levels                          html  
    tribble                                 html  
    trim_label                              html  
    trim_prefix                             html  
    trunc_labels                            html  
    vlkr_colors_discrete                    html  
    vlkr_colors_polarized                   html  
    vlkr_colors_sequential                  html  
    volker-package                          html  
    wrap_label                              html  
    zip_tables                              html  
*** copying figures
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (volker)