* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’
* installing *source* package ‘ufs’ ...
** package ‘ufs’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** data
*** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ‘ufs’
    finding HTML links ... done
    A_VarghaDelaney                         html  
    BAC_plot                                html  
    CIM                                     html  
    IN                                      html  
    aipedjmv                                html  
    aiperjmv                                html  
    areColors                               html  
    arr                                     html  
    associationMatrix                       html  
    associationMatrixHelperFunctions        html  
    associationsDiamondPlot                 html  
    finding level-2 HTML links ... done

    attenuate.d                             html  
    attenuate.r                             html  
    basicDiamondplotFunctions               html  
    bfi-data                                html  
    biAxisDiamondPlot                       html  
    carelessObject                          html  
    carelessReport                          html  
    cat0                                    html  
    checkDataIntegrity                      html  
    checkPkgs                               html  
    cohensDdistribution                     html  
    comparisonDiamondPlots                  html  
    confIntOmegaSq                          html  
    confIntProp                             html  
    confIntR                                html  
    confIntSD                               html  
    confintdjmv                             html  
    confintrjmv                             html  
    convert                                 html  
    convert.d.to.U3                         html  
    convertToNumeric                        html  
    cramersV                                html  
    descriptives                            html  
    diamondPlot                             html  
    disattenuate.d                          html  
    disattenuate.r                          html  
    escapeRegex                             html  
    exceptionalScore                        html  
    exceptionalScores                       html  
    exportToHTML                            html  
    extractVarName                          html  
    faConfInt                               html  
    fa_failsafe                             html  
    factorLoadingDiamondCIplot              html  
    factorLoadingHeatmap                    html  
    findShortestInterval                    html  
    formatCI                                html  
    formatPvalue                            html  
    formatR                                 html  
    getData                                 html  
    ggBarChart                              html  
    ggBoxplot                               html  
    ggEasyPlots                             html  
    ggPie                                   html  
    ggProportionPlot                        html  
    ggSave                                  html  
    ggqq                                    html  
    heading                                 html  
    ifelseObj                               html  
    insertNumberedCaption                   html  
    invertingItems                          html  
    iqrOutlier                              html  
    irpplot                                 html  
    is.nr                                   html  
    is.odd                                  html  
    isTrue                                  html  
    itemScaleColours                        html  
    kblXtra                                 html  
    knitAndSave                             html  
    knitFig                                 html  
    makeScales                              html  
    massConvertToNumeric                    html  
    meanConfInt                             html  
    meanSDtoDiamondPlot                     html  
    meansDiamondPlot                        html  
    meansDiamondPlotjmv                     html  
    multiResponse                           html  
    multiResponsejmv                        html  
    multiVarFreq                            html  
    nncConversion                           html  
    noZero                                  html  
    normalHist                              html  
    normalityAssessment                     html  
    omegasq                                 html  
    opts                                    html  
    parallelSubscales                       html  
    pwr.bootES                              html  
    pwr.confIntProp                         html  
    pwr.confIntR                            html  
    pwr.omegasq                             html  
    qVec                                    html  
    quietRemotesInstall                     html  
    rbind_df_list                           html  
    rbind_dfs                               html  
    regrInfluential                         html  
    repeatStr                               html  
    report                                  html  
    safeRequire                             html  
    scaleDiagnosis                          html  
    scaleStructure                          html  
    scatterMatrix                           html  
    setCaptionNumberingKnitrHook            html  
    sharedSubString                         html  
    simDataSet                              html  
    spearmanBrown                           html  
    strToFilename                           html  
    suspectParticipants                     html  
    testRetestAlpha                         html  
    testRetestCES                           html  
    testRetestReliability                   html  
    testRetestSimData                       html  
    vecTxt                                  html  
    viridisPalette                          html  
    wrapVector                              html  
    zotero_construct_export_call            html  
    zotero_download_and_export_items        html  
    zotero_get_all_items                    html  
    zotero_nr_of_items                      html  
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (ufs)