* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’
* installing *source* package ‘tern’ ...
** package ‘tern’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** data
*** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ‘tern’
    finding HTML links ... done
    abnormal                                html  
    abnormal_by_baseline                    html  
    abnormal_by_marked                      html  
    abnormal_by_worst_grade                 html  
    abnormal_by_worst_grade_worsen          html  
    add_riskdiff                            html  
    add_rowcounts                           html  
    aesi_label                              html  
    afun_riskdiff                           html  
    afun_selected_stats                     html  
    analyze_colvars_functions               html  
    analyze_functions                       html  
    analyze_variables                       html  
    analyze_vars_in_cols                    html  
    append_varlabels                        html  
    apply_auto_formatting                   html  
    argument_convention                     html  
    arrange_grobs                           html  
    as.rtable                               html  
    as_factor_keep_attributes               html  
    assertions                              html  
    bins_percent_labels                     html  
    bland_altman                            html  
    c_label_n                               html  
    c_label_n_alt                           html  
    cfun_by_flag                            html  
    check_diff_prop_ci                      html  
    check_same_n                            html  
    combination_function                    html  
    combine_counts                          html  
    combine_groups                          html  
    combine_levels                          html  
    combine_vectors                         html  
    compare_variables                       html  
    control_analyze_vars                    html  
    control_annot                           html  
    control_coxph                           html  
    control_coxreg                          html  
    control_incidence_rate                  html  
    control_lineplot_vars                   html  
    control_logistic                        html  
    control_riskdiff                        html  
    control_step                            html  
    control_surv_time                       html  
    control_surv_timepoint                  html  
    count_cumulative                        html  
    count_missed_doses                      html  
    count_occurrences                       html  
    count_occurrences_by_grade              html  
    count_patients_events_in_cols           html  
    count_patients_with_event               html  
    count_patients_with_flags               html  
    count_values                            html  
    cox_regression                          html  
    cox_regression_inter                    html  
    cut_quantile_bins                       html  
    d_count_abnormal_by_baseline            html  
    d_count_cumulative                      html  
    d_count_missed_doses                    html  
    d_onco_rsp_label                        html  
    d_pkparam                               html  
    d_proportion                            html  
    d_proportion_diff                       html  
    d_rsp_subgroups_colvars                 html  
    d_survival_subgroups_colvars            html  
    d_test_proportion_diff                  html  
    day2month                               html  
    decorate_grob                           html  
    decorate_grob_factory                   html  
    decorate_grob_set                       html  
    default_na_str                          html  
    default_stats_formats_labels            html  
    desctools_binom                         html  
    df2gg                                   html  
    df_explicit_na                          html  
    dot-is_equal_float                      html  
    draw_grob                               html  
    empty_vector_if_na                      html  
    estimate_coef                           html  
    estimate_multinomial_rsp                html  
    estimate_proportion                     html  
    ex_data                                 html  
    explicit_na                             html  
    extract_by_name                         html  
    extract_rsp_biomarkers                  html  
    extract_rsp_subgroups                   html  
    extract_survival_biomarkers             html  
    extract_survival_subgroups              html  
    extreme_format                          html  
    f_conf_level                            html  
    f_pval                                  html  
    fct_collapse_only                       html  
    fct_discard                             html  
    fct_explicit_na_if                      html  
    fit_coxreg                              html  
    fit_logistic                            html  
    fit_rsp_step                            html  
    fit_survival_step                       html  
    forest_viewport                         html  
    format_auto                             html  
    format_count_fraction                   html  
    format_count_fraction_fixed_dp          html  
    format_count_fraction_lt10              html  
    format_extreme_values                   html  
    format_extreme_values_ci                html  
    format_fraction                         html  
    format_fraction_fixed_dp                html  
    format_fraction_threshold               html  
    format_sigfig                           html  
    format_xx                               html  
    formatting_functions                    html  
    g_forest                                html  
    g_ipp                                   html  
    g_km                                    html  
    g_lineplot                              html  
    g_step                                  html  
    g_waterfall                             html  
    get_covariates                          html  
    get_smooths                             html  
    groups_list_to_df                       html  
    h_adlb_abnormal_by_worst_grade          html  
    h_adlb_worsen                           html  
    h_adsl_adlb_merge_using_worst_flag      html  
    h_ancova                                html  
    h_append_grade_groups                   html  
    h_col_indices                           html  
    h_count_cumulative                      html  
    h_cox_regression                        html  
    h_data_plot                             html  
    h_decompose_gg                          html  
    h_format_row                            html  
    h_g_ipp                                 html  
    h_ggkm                                  html  
    h_glm_count                             html  
    h_grob_coxph                            html  
    h_grob_median_surv                      html  
    h_grob_tbl_at_risk                      html  
    h_grob_y_annot                          html  
    h_incidence_rate                        html  
    h_km_layout                             html  
    h_logistic_regression                   html  
    h_map_for_count_abnormal                html  
    h_odds_ratio                            html  
    h_pkparam_sort                          html  
    h_ppmeans                               html  
    h_prop_diff                             html  
    h_prop_diff_test                        html  
    h_proportions                           html  
    h_response_biomarkers_subgroups         html  
    h_response_subgroups                    html  
    h_split_by_subgroups                    html  
    h_split_param                           html  
    h_stack_by_baskets                      html  
    h_step                                  html  
    h_survival_biomarkers_subgroups         html  
    h_survival_duration_subgroups           html  
    h_tab_one_biomarker                     html  
    h_tbl_coxph_pairwise                    html  
    h_tbl_median_surv                       html  
    h_worsen_counter                        html  
    h_xticks                                html  
    imputation_rule                         html  
    incidence_rate                          html  
    labels_or_names                         html  
    labels_use_control                      html  
    logistic_regression_cols                html  
    logistic_summary_by_flag                html  
    make_names                              html  
    month2day                               html  
    muffled_car_anova                       html  
    n_available                             html  
    odds_ratio                              html  
    prop_diff                               html  
    prop_diff_test                          html  
    prune_occurrences                       html  
    range_noinf                             html  
    reapply_varlabels                       html  
    response_biomarkers_subgroups           html  
    response_subgroups                      html  
    rtable2gg                               html  
    rtables_access                          html  
    s_cox_multivariate                      html  
    sas_na                                  html  
    score_occurrences                       html  
    split_cols_by_groups                    html  
    split_text_grob                         html  
    stack_grobs                             html  
    stat_mean_ci                            html  
    stat_mean_pval                          html  
    stat_median_ci                          html  
    stat_propdiff_ci                        html  
    strata_normal_quantile                  html  
    study_arm                               html  
    summarize_ancova                        html  
    summarize_change                        html  
    summarize_colvars                       html  
    summarize_functions                     html  
    summarize_glm_count                     html  
    summarize_logistic                      html  
    summarize_num_patients                  html  
    summarize_patients_exposure_in_cols     html  
    survival_biomarkers_subgroups           html  
    survival_coxph_pairwise                 html  
    survival_duration_subgroups             html  
    survival_time                           html  
    survival_timepoint                      html  
    tern-package                            html  
    tidy.glm                                html  
    tidy.step                               html  
    tidy_coxreg                             html  
    to_n                                    html  
    to_string_matrix                        html  
    try_car_anova                           html  
    ungroup_stats                           html  
    univariate                              html  
    unlist_and_blank_na                     html  
    update_weights_strat_wilson             html  
    utils_split_funs                        html  
*** copying figures
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (tern)