* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’
* installing *source* package ‘stevedata’ ...
** package ‘stevedata’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** data
*** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ‘stevedata’
    finding HTML links ... done
    Arca                                    html  
    CFT15                                   html  
    CP77                                    html  
    DAPO                                    html  
    DCE12                                   html  
    DJIA                                    html  
    DST                                     html  
    Datasaurus                              html  
    Dee04                                   html  
    EBJ                                     html  
    ESS10NO                                 html  
    ESS9GB                                  html  
    ESSBE5                                  html  
    GHR04                                   html  
    Guber99                                 html  
    LOTI                                    html  
    LTPT                                    html  
    LTWT                                    html  
    Lipset59                                html  
    Newhouse77                              html  
    ODGI                                    html  
    OODTPT                                  html  
    PPGE                                    html  
    PRDEG                                   html  
    Presidents                              html  
    SBCD                                    html  
    SCP16                                   html  
    TV16                                    html  
    USFAHR                                  html  
    af_crime93                              html  
    african_coups                           html  
    aluminum_premiums                       html  
    anes_partytherms                        html  
    anes_prochoice                          html  
    anes_vote84                             html  
    arcticseaice                            html  
    arg_tariff                              html  
    asn_stats                               html  
    clemson_temps                           html  
    co2emissions                            html  
    coffee_imports                          html  
    coffee_price                            html  
    commodity_prices                        html  
    eight_schools                           html  
    election_turnout                        html  
    eq_passengercars                        html  
    eurostat_codes                          html  
    eustates                                html  
    fakeAPI                                 html  
    fakeHappiness                           html  
    fakeLogit                               html  
    fakeTSCS                                html  
    fakeTSD                                 html  
    ghp100k                                 html  
    gss_abortion                            html  
    gss_spending                            html  
    gss_wages                               html  
    illiteracy30                            html  
    inglehart03                             html  
    min_wage                                html  
    mm_mlda                                 html  
    mm_nhis                                 html  
    mm_randhie                              html  
    mvprod                                  html  
    nesarc_drinkspd                         html  
    pwt_sample                              html  
    quartets                                html  
    recessions                              html  
    scb_regions                             html  
    sealevels                               html  
    so2concentrations                       html  
    states_war                              html  
    steves_clothes                          html  
    sugar_price                             html  
    sweden_counties                         html  
    thatcher_approval                       html  
    therms                                  html  
    turnips                                 html  
    ukg_eeri                                html  
    uniondensity                            html  
    usa_chn_gdp_forecasts                   html  
    usa_computers                           html  
    usa_migration                           html  
    usa_states                              html  
    usa_tradegdp                            html  
    voteincome                              html  
    wbd_example                             html  
    wvs_ccodes                              html  
    wvs_immig                               html  
    wvs_justifbribe                         html  
    wvs_usa_abortion                        html  
    wvs_usa_educat                          html  
    wvs_usa_regions                         html  
    yugo_sales                              html  
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (stevedata)