* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’
* installing *source* package ‘solaR2’ ...
** package ‘solaR2’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** data
*** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ‘solaR2’
    finding HTML links ... done
    G0-class                                html  
    Gef-class                               html  
    HQCurve                                 html  
    Meteo-class                             html  
    Meteo2Meteo                             html  
    NmgSFB                                  html  
    ProdGCPV-class                          html  
    ProdPVPS-class                          html  
    SIAR                                    html  
    Shade-class                             html  
    Sol-class                               html  
    aguiar                                  html  
    as.data.tableD-methods                  html  
    as.data.tableI-methods                  html  
    as.data.tableM-methods                  html  
    as.data.tableY-methods                  html  
    calcG0                                  html  
    calcGef                                 html  
    calcShd                                 html  
    calcSol                                 html  
    compare-methods                         html  
    compareLosses-methods                   html  
    corrFdKt                                html  
    fBTd                                    html  
    fBTi                                    html  
    fCompD                                  html  
    fCompI                                  html  
    fInclin                                 html  
    fProd                                   html  
    fPump                                   html  
    fSolD                                   html  
    fSolI                                   html  
    fSombra                                 html  
    fTemp                                   html  
    fTheta                                  html  
    getData-methods                         html  
    getG0-methods                           html  
    getLat-methods                          html  
    helios                                  html  
    indexD-methods                          html  
    indexI-methods                          html  
    levelplot-methods                       html  
    local2UTC                               html  
    mergesolaR-methods                      html  
    optimShd                                html  
    plot-methods                            html  
    prodExample                             html  
    prodGCPV                                html  
    prodPVPS                                html  
    pumpCoef                                html  
    readBD                                  html  
    readG0dm                                html  
    readSIAR                                html  
    sample2Diff                             html  
    solaR.theme                             html  
    solar2-package                          html  
    solarAngles                             html  
    utils                                   html  
    utils2                                  html  
    window-methods                          html  
    writeSolar                              html  
    xyplot-methods                          html  
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (solaR2)