* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’
* installing *source* package ‘see’ ...
** package ‘see’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ‘see’
    finding HTML links ... done
    add_plot_attributes                     html  
    bluebrown_colors                        html  
    coord_radar                             html  
    data_plot                               html  
    flat_colors                             html  
    geom_binomdensity                       html  
    geom_from_list                          html  
    geom_point2                             html  
    geom_poolpoint                          html  
    geom_violindot                          html  
    geom_violinhalf                         html  
    ggplot2-ggproto                         html  
    golden_ratio                            html  
    material_colors                         html  
    metro_colors                            html  
    okabeito_colors                         html  
    palette_bluebrown                       html  
    palette_colorhex                        html  
    palette_flat                            html  
    palette_material                        html  
    palette_metro                           html  
    palette_okabeito                        html  
    palette_pizza                           html  
    palette_see                             html  
    palette_social                          html  
    pizza_colors                            html  
    plot.datawizard_table                   html  
    plot.see_bayesfactor_models             html  
    plot.see_bayesfactor_parameters         html  
    plot.see_check_collinearity             html  
    plot.see_check_dag                      html  
    plot.see_check_distribution             html  
    plot.see_check_heteroscedasticity       html  
    plot.see_check_homogeneity              html  
    plot.see_check_model                    html  
    plot.see_check_normality                html  
    plot.see_check_outliers                 html  
    plot.see_compare_parameters             html  
    plot.see_compare_performance            html  
    plot.see_effectsize_table               html  
    plot.see_equivalence_test               html  
    plot.see_estimate_contrasts             html  
    plot.see_estimate_density               html  
    plot.see_hdi                            html  
    plot.see_n_factors                      html  
    plot.see_p_direction                    html  
    plot.see_p_function                     html  
    plot.see_p_significance                 html  
    plot.see_parameters_brms_meta           html  
    plot.see_parameters_distribution        html  
    plot.see_parameters_model               html  
    plot.see_parameters_pca                 html  
    plot.see_parameters_simulate            html  
    plot.see_performance_roc                html  
    plot.see_performance_simres             html  
    plot.see_point_estimate                 html  
    plot.see_rope                           html  
    plot.see_si                             html  
    plots                                   html  
    print.see_performance_pp_check          html  
    scale_color_bluebrown                   html  
    scale_color_colorhex                    html  
    scale_color_flat                        html  
    scale_color_material                    html  
    scale_color_metro                       html  
    scale_color_okabeito                    html  
    scale_color_pizza                       html  
    scale_color_see                         html  
    scale_color_social                      html  
    see-package                             html  
    see_colors                              html  
    social_colors                           html  
    theme_abyss                             html  
    theme_blackboard                        html  
    theme_lucid                             html  
    theme_modern                            html  
    theme_radar                             html  
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (see)