* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’
* installing *source* package ‘packageRank’ ...
** package ‘packageRank’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** data
*** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ‘packageRank’
    finding HTML links ... done
    annualDownloads                         html  
    bioconductorDownloads                   html  
    bioconductorRank                        html  
    blog.data                               html  
    countryDistribution                     html  
    countryPackage                          html  
    countsRanks                             html  
    cranDistribution                        html  
    cranDownloads                           html  
    cranInflationPlot                       html  
    cranMirrors                             html  
    currentTime                             html  
    downloadsCountry                        html  
    filteredDownloads                       html  
    inflationPlot                           html  
    inflationPlot2                          html  
    ipCount                                 html  
    ipDownloads                             html  
    ipPackage                               html  
    localTime                               html  
    logDate                                 html  
    logInfo                                 html  
    monthlyLog                              html  
    packageCountry                          html  
    packageDistribution                     html  
    packageHistory                          html  
    packageLog                              html  
    packageRank-package                     html  
    packageRank                             html  
    packageVersionPercent                   html  
    plot.annualDownloads                    html  
    plot.bioconductorDownloads              html  
    plot.bioconductorRank                   html  
    plot.countryDistribution                html  
    plot.countsRanks                        html  
    plot.cranDistribution                   html  
    plot.cranDownloads                      html  
    plot.packageDistribution                html  
    plot.packageRank                        html  
    plot.packageVersionPercent              html  
    plot.weeklyDownloads                    html  
    plotDownloadsCountry                    html  
    plotTopCountryCodes                     html  
    print.bioconductorDownloads             html  
    print.bioconductorRank                  html  
    print.countryDistribution               html  
    print.cranDistribution                  html  
    print.cranDownloads                     html  
    print.packageDistribution               html  
    print.packageRank                       html  
    queryCount                              html  
    queryPackage                            html  
    queryPercentile                         html  
    queryRank                               html  
    rLog                                    html  
    rstudio.logs                            html  
    summary.bioconductorDownloads           html  
    summary.bioconductorRank                html  
    summary.cranDistribution                html  
    summary.cranDownloads                   html  
    summary.packageRank                     html  
    topCountryCodes                         html  
    utc                                     html  
    utc0                                    html  
    versionPlot                             html  
    weeklyDownloads                         html  
*** copying figures
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (packageRank)