* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’ * installing *source* package ‘mrds’ ... ** package ‘mrds’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked ** using staged installation ** R ** data ** inst ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading ** help *** installing help indices converting help for package ‘mrds’ finding HTML links ... done AIC.ddf html DeltaMethod html NCovered html add.df.covar.line html adj.check.order html apex.gamma html assign.default.values html assign.par html average.line html average.line.cond html book.tee.data html calc.se.Np html cdf.ds html cds html check.bounds html check.mono html coef.ds html compute.Nht html covered.region.dht html create.bins html create.command.file html create.ddfobj html create.model.frame html create.varstructure html ddf html finding level-2 HTML links ... done ddf.ds html ddf.gof html ddf.io html ddf.io.fi html ddf.rem html ddf.rem.fi html ddf.trial html ddf.trial.fi html det.tables html detfct.fit html detfct.fit.opt html dht html dht.deriv html dht.se html distpdf html ds.function html flnl html flt.var html g0 html getpar html gof.ds html gstdint html histline html integratedetfct.logistic html integratelogistic.analytic html integratepdf html io.glm html is.linear.logistic html is.logistic.constant html keyfct.th1 html keyfct.th2 html keyfct.tpn html lfbcvi html lfgcwa html logLik.ddf html logisticbyx html logisticbyz html logisticdetfct html logisticdupbyx html logisticdupbyx_fast html logit html mcds html mcds_dot_exe html mrds-package html mrds_opt html nlminb_wrapper html p.det html p.dist.table html parse.optimx html pdot.dsr.integrate.logistic html plot.det.tables html plot.ds html plot.io html plot.io.fi html plot.rem html plot.rem.fi html plot.trial html plot.trial.fi html plot_cond html plot_layout html plot_uncond html predict.ds html print.ddf html print.ddf.gof html print.det.tables html print.dht html print.p_dist_table html print.summary.ds html print.summary.io html print.summary.io.fi html print.summary.rem html print.summary.rem.fi html print.summary.trial html print.summary.trial.fi html prob.deriv html prob.se html process.data html pronghorn html ptdata.distance html ptdata.dual html ptdata.removal html ptdata.single html qqplot.ddf html rem.glm html rescale_pars html sample_ddf html setbounds html setcov html setinitial.ds html sim.mix html solvecov html stake77 html stake78 html summary.ds html summary.io html summary.io.fi html summary.rem html summary.rem.fi html summary.trial html summary.trial.fi html survey.region.dht html test.breaks html varn html ** building package indices ** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location ** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location ** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path * DONE (mrds)