* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’ * installing *source* package ‘fslr’ ... ** package ‘fslr’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked ** using staged installation ** R ** inst ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading ** help *** installing help indices converting help for package ‘fslr’ finding HTML links ... done applytopup html aux_file-methods html bitpix-methods html cal_max-methods html cal_min-methods html check_file html finding level-2 HTML links ... done checkout html data_type-methods html datatype-methods html descrip-methods html dim_-methods html download_fsl html dtifit html eddy html eddy_correct html enforce_form html face_removal_mask html fast html fast.help html flirt html flirt.help html flirt_apply html fnirt html fnirt.help html fnirt_with_affine html fnirt_with_affine_apply html fsl_anat html fsl_anat.help html fsl_applywarp html fsl_applywarp.help html fsl_atlas_dir html fsl_avscale html fsl_biascorrect html fsl_bin_tab html fsl_cluster html fsl_data_dir html fsl_deface html fsl_dice html fsl_resample html fsl_smoothest html fsl_std_dir html fsl_tsplot html fsl_version html fslabs html fslabs.help html fslacos html fslacos.help html fsladd html fsladd.help html fsland html fslasin html fslasin.help html fslatan html fslatan.help html fslbet html fslbet.help html fslbin html fslbin.help html fslbinv html fslbinv.help html fslchfiletype html fslchfiletype.help html fslcmd html fslcog html fslcos html fslcos.help html fslcpgeom html fslcpgeom.help html fsldilate html fsldir html fsldiv html fsldiv.help html fsledge html fsledge.help html fslentropy html fslepi_reg html fslerode html fslerode.help html fslexp html fslexp.help html fslfill html fslfill.help html fslfill2 html fslhd html fslhd.help html fslhd.parse html fslhelp html fslindex html fslindex.help html fsllog html fsllog.help html fslmask html fslmask.help html fslmaths html fslmaths.help html fslmean html fslmerge html fslmerge.help html fslmin_max html fslmul html fslmul.help html fslnan html fslnan.help html fslnanm html fslnanm.help html fslor html fslorient html fslorient.help html fslorient_wrap html fslorienter html fslrand html fslrand.help html fslrandn html fslrandn.help html fslrange html fslrecip html fslrecip.help html fslrem html fslrem.help html fslreorient2std html fslreorient2std.help html fslrobustfov html fslrobustfov.help html fslroi html fslsd html fslsin html fslsin.help html fslslicetimer html fslsmooth html fslsmooth.help html fslsmooth_in_mask html fslsplit html fslsplit.help html fslsqr html fslsqr.help html fslsqrt html fslsqrt.help html fslstats html fslstats.help html fslsub html fslsub.help html fslsub2 html fslsub2.help html fslsum html fslswapdim html fslswapdim.help html fsltan html fsltan.help html fslthresh html fslthresh.help html fslval html fslval.help html fslview html fslview.help html fslvol html fslvolume html fslxor html get.fsl html get.fsloutput html get.imgext html getForms html get_quickshear_mask html have.fsl html intent_code-methods html intent_name-methods html intent_p1-methods html intent_p2-methods html intent_p3-methods html invert_xfm html magic-methods html mcflirt html mcflirt.help html melodic html melodic.help html mid_sagittal_align html mni_fname html mni_img html mridefacer html orientation-methods html parse_avscale html pixdim-methods html probtrackx html qform_code-methods html read_xfm html readrpi html reverse_rpi_orient html rpi_orient html run_first_all html run_first_all.help html scl_inter-methods html scl_slope-methods html sform_code-methods html sizeof_hdr-methods html slice_code-methods html slice_duration-methods html slice_end-methods html slice_start-methods html susan html susan.help html toffset-methods html topup html vox_offset-methods html xfibres html *** copying figures ** building package indices ** installing vignettes ** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location ** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location ** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path * DONE (fslr)