* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’
* installing *source* package ‘curesurv’ ...
** package ‘curesurv’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** data
*** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ‘curesurv’
    finding HTML links ... done
    AIC.curesurv                            html  
    TTC_adtneh2                             html  
    TTC_ic_Jakobsen_wei                     html  
    TTC_ic_adtneh2                          html  
    TTC_ic_adtneh2_log                      html  
    TTC_ic_log_wei                          html  
    TTC_ic_multneh                          html  
    TTC_ic_multneh_log                      html  
    TTC_ic_wei                              html  
    TTC_multneh                             html  
    TTC_theoric_adtneh                      html  
    TTC_wei                                 html  
    anova.curesurv                          html  
    cumLexc_alphaeweibull                   html  
    cumLexc_alphaweibull                    html  
    cumLexc_alphaweibull_topred             html  
    cumLexc_mul                             html  
    curesurv-package                        html  
    curesurv                                html  
    dTTCdtheta_wei                          html  
    dataweib                                html  
    dexhazdtheta_adtneh2                    html  
    dexhazdtheta_multneh                    html  
    dexhazdtheta_wei                        html  
    digamma                                 html  
    dlogCumHazdtheta_wei                    html  
    dlogTTCdtheta_wei                       html  
    dloglogpdtheta_wei                      html  
    dlogpdtheta_wei                         html  
    dlogsndtheta_wei                        html  
    dpdtheta_adtneh2                        html  
    dpdtheta_wei                            html  
    dpidtheta_adtneh2                       html  
    dpidtheta_multneh                       html  
    dpidtheta_wei                           html  
    dptdtheta_multneh                       html  
    dpttcdtheta_adtneh2                     html  
    dpttcdtheta_multneh                     html  
    dsndtheta_adtneh2                       html  
    dsndtheta_multneh                       html  
    dsndtheta_wei                           html  
    exhaz_ic_adtneh2                        html  
    exhaz_ic_adtneh2_log                    html  
    exhaz_ic_adtneh2_loglog                 html  
    exhaz_ic_multneh                        html  
    exhaz_ic_multneh_log                    html  
    exhaz_ic_multneh_loglog                 html  
    exhaz_ic_wei                            html  
    exhaz_ic_wei_log                        html  
    exhaz_ic_wei_loglog                     html  
    inc.beta.deriv                          html  
    lexc_alphaeweibull                      html  
    lexc_alphaweibull                       html  
    logCumHaz_ic_wei                        html  
    pancreas_data                           html  
    pcured                                  html  
    pi_ic_adtneh2                           html  
    pi_ic_adtneh2_log                       html  
    pi_ic_adtneh2_loglog                    html  
    pi_ic_log_wei                           html  
    pi_ic_loglog_wei                        html  
    pi_ic_multneh                           html  
    pi_ic_multneh_log                       html  
    pi_ic_multneh_loglog                    html  
    pi_ic_wei                               html  
    plot.predCuresurv                       html  
    predcall_tneh                           html  
    predcall_wei                            html  
    predict.curesurv                        html  
    print.curesurv                          html  
    pt_cure_ic_adtneh2                      html  
    pt_cure_ic_adtneh2_log                  html  
    pt_cure_ic_adtneh2_loglog               html  
    pt_cure_ic_log_wei                      html  
    pt_cure_ic_loglog_wei                   html  
    pt_cure_ic_multneh                      html  
    pt_cure_ic_multneh_log                  html  
    pt_cure_ic_multneh_loglog               html  
    pt_cure_ic_noDM                         html  
    pt_cure_ic_wei                          html  
    pt_cure_wei                             html  
    sn_ic_adtneh2                           html  
    sn_ic_adtneh2_log                       html  
    sn_ic_adtneh2_loglog                    html  
    sn_ic_log_wei                           html  
    sn_ic_multneh                           html  
    sn_ic_multneh_log                       html  
    sn_ic_multneh_loglog                    html  
    sn_ic_wei                               html  
    summary.curesurv                        html  
    testiscancer                            html  
    trigamma                                html  
    var_TTC_Jakobsen_wei                    html  
    var_TTC_multneh                         html  
    var_TTC_tneh2                           html  
    var_TTC_wei                             html  
    var_logCumHaz_wei                       html  
    var_pt_cure_wei                         html  
    varexhaz_adtneh2                        html  
    varlogTTC_Jakobsen_wei                  html  
    varlogTTC_wei                           html  
    z_alpha                                 html  
    z_riskpop.alpha                         html  
    z_tau                                   html  
*** copying figures
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (curesurv)