* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’
* installing *source* package ‘bnRep’ ...
** package ‘bnRep’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** data
*** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ‘bnRep’
    finding HTML links ... done
    APSsystem                               html  
    BOPfailure1                             html  
    BOPfailure2                             html  
    BOPfailure3                             html  
    GDIpathway1                             html  
    GDIpathway2                             html  
    accidents                               html  
    adhd                                    html  
    adversarialbehavior                     html  
    aerialvehicles                          html  
    agropastoral1                           html  
    agropastoral2                           html  
    agropastoral3                           html  
    agropastoral4                           html  
    agropastoral5                           html  
    aircrash                                html  
    algal1                                  html  
    algal2                                  html  
    algalactivity1                          html  
    algalactivity2                          html  
    algorithms1                             html  
    algorithms2                             html  
    algorithms3                             html  
    algorithms4                             html  
    algorithms5                             html  
    algorithms6                             html  
    arcticwaters                            html  
    argument                                html  
    asia                                    html  
    aspergillus                             html  
    augmenting                              html  
    bank                                    html  
    bankruptcy                              html  
    beam1                                   html  
    beam2                                   html  
    beatles                                 html  
    blacksea                                html  
    blockchain                              html  
    bnRep                                   html  
    bnRep_app                               html  
    bnRep_summary                           html  
    building                                html  
    bullet                                  html  
    burglar                                 html  
    cachexia1                               html  
    cachexia2                               html  
    cardiovascular                          html  
    case                                    html  
    catchment                               html  
    charleston                              html  
    chds                                    html  
    cng                                     html  
    compaction                              html  
    conasense                               html  
    concrete1                               html  
    concrete2                               html  
    concrete3                               html  
    concrete4                               html  
    concrete5                               html  
    concrete6                               html  
    concrete7                               html  
    consequenceCovid                        html  
    constructionproductivity                html  
    coral1                                  html  
    coral2                                  html  
    coral3                                  html  
    coral4                                  html  
    coral5                                  html  
    corical                                 html  
    corrosion                               html  
    corticosteroid                          html  
    covid1                                  html  
    covid2                                  html  
    covid3                                  html  
    covidfear                               html  
    covidrisk                               html  
    covidtech                               html  
    covidtest                               html  
    crimescene                              html  
    criminal1                               html  
    criminal2                               html  
    criminal3                               html  
    criminal4                               html  
    curacao1                                html  
    curacao2                                html  
    curacao3                                html  
    curacao4                                html  
    curacao5                                html  
    darktriad                               html  
    diabetes                                html  
    diagnosis                               html  
    dioxins                                 html  
    disputed1                               html  
    disputed2                               html  
    disputed3                               html  
    disputed4                               html  
    dot-onAttach                            html  
    dragline                                html  
    drainage                                html  
    dustexplosion                           html  
    earthquake                              html  
    ecosystem                               html  
    electricvehicle                         html  
    electrolysis                            html  
    emergency                               html  
    engines                                 html  
    enrollment                              html  
    estuary                                 html  
    expenditure                             html  
    fingermarks1                            html  
    fingermarks2                            html  
    fire                                    html  
    firealarm                               html  
    firerisk                                html  
    flood                                   html  
    fluids1                                 html  
    fluids2                                 html  
    fluids3                                 html  
    foodallergy1                            html  
    foodallergy2                            html  
    foodallergy3                            html  
    foodsecurity                            html  
    fundraising                             html  
    gasexplosion                            html  
    gasifier                                html  
    get_network_list                        html  
    gonorrhoeae                             html  
    greencredit                             html  
    grounding                               html  
    healthinsurance                         html  
    humanitarian                            html  
    hydraulicsystem                         html  
    income                                  html  
    intensification                         html  
    intentionalattacks                      html  
    inverters                               html  
    knowledge                               html  
    kosterhavet                             html  
    lawschool                               html  
    lexical                                 html  
    lidar                                   html  
    liquefaction                            html  
    liquidity                               html  
    lithium                                 html  
    load_network                            html  
    macrophytes                             html  
    medicaltest                             html  
    megacities                              html  
    metal                                   html  
    moodstate                               html  
    mountaingoat                            html  
    nanomaterials1                          html  
    nanomaterials2                          html  
    navigation                              html  
    nuclearwaste                            html  
    nuisancegrowth                          html  
    oildepot                                html  
    onlinerisk                              html  
    orbital                                 html  
    oxygen                                  html  
    parkinson                               html  
    perioperative                           html  
    permaBN                                 html  
    phdarticles                             html  
    pilot                                   html  
    pneumonia                               html  
    polymorphic                             html  
    poultry                                 html  
    project                                 html  
    projectmanagement                       html  
    propellant                              html  
    rainstorm                               html  
    rainwater                               html  
    redmeat                                 html  
    resilience                              html  
    ricci                                   html  
    rockburst                               html  
    rockquality                             html  
    ropesegment                             html  
    safespeeds                              html  
    sallyclark                              html  
    salmonella1                             html  
    salmonella2                             html  
    seismic                                 html  
    shipping                                html  
    simulation                              html  
    softwarelogs1                           html  
    softwarelogs2                           html  
    softwarelogs3                           html  
    softwarelogs4                           html  
    soil                                    html  
    soillead                                html  
    soilliquefaction1                       html  
    soilliquefaction2                       html  
    soilliquefaction3                       html  
    soilliquefaction4                       html  
    stocks                                  html  
    student1                                html  
    student2                                html  
    suffocation                             html  
    tastingtea                              html  
    tbm                                     html  
    theft1                                  html  
    theft2                                  html  
    titanic                                 html  
    trajectories                            html  
    transport                               html  
    tubercolosis                            html  
    turbine1                                html  
    turbine2                                html  
    twinframework                           html  
    urinary                                 html  
    vaccine                                 html  
    vessel1                                 html  
    vessel2                                 html  
    waterlead                               html  
    wheat                                   html  
    windturbine                             html  
    witness                                 html  
    yangtze                                 html  
*** copying figures
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (bnRep)