* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’ * installing *source* package ‘biomod2’ ... ** package ‘biomod2’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked ** using staged installation ** R ** data *** moving datasets to lazyload DB ** inst ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading Checking Models arguments... ** help *** installing help indices converting help for package ‘biomod2’ finding HTML links ... done BIOMOD.ensemble.models.out html BIOMOD.formated.data.PA html BIOMOD.formated.data html BIOMOD.models.options html BIOMOD.models.out html BIOMOD.options.dataset html BIOMOD.options.default html BIOMOD.projection.out html BIOMOD.stored.data html BIOMOD_CrossValidation-deprecated html BIOMOD_EnsembleForecasting html BIOMOD_EnsembleModeling html BIOMOD_FormatingData html BIOMOD_LoadModels html BIOMOD_Modeling html BIOMOD_PresenceOnly-deprecated html BIOMOD_Projection html BIOMOD_RangeSize html BIOMOD_tuning-deprecated html BinaryTransformation-deprecated html DataSpecies html Find.Optim.Stat-deprecated html ModelsTable html OptionsBigboss html ProbDensFunc-deprecated html bioclim_current html bioclim_future html biomod2-deprecated html biomod2_ensemble_model html biomod2_model html bm_BinaryTransformation html bm_CrossValidation html bm_FindOptimStat html bm_MakeFormula html bm_ModelingOptions html bm_PlotEvalBoxplot html bm_PlotEvalMean html bm_PlotRangeSize html bm_PlotResponseCurves html bm_PlotVarImpBoxplot html bm_PseudoAbsences html bm_RunModelsLoop html bm_SRE html bm_SampleBinaryVector html bm_SampleFactorLevels html bm_Tuning html bm_VariablesImportance html calculate.stat-deprecated html check_duplicated_cells html dot-categorical2numeric html dot-get_categorical_names html dot-get_env_class html dot-load_gam_namespace html dot-transform.outputs.list-deprecated html dot-transform_model.as.col html getStatOptimValue-deprecated html getters.bm html getters.out html load_stored_object html makeFormula-deprecated html models_scores_graph-deprecated html plot html predict.bm html predict.em html predict2.bm html predict2.em html rast.has.values html response.plot2-deprecated html sample.factor.levels-deprecated html sre-deprecated html summary html variables_importance-deprecated html zzz_bm html ** building package indices ** installing vignettes ** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called ‘mda’ Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called ‘gam’ Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called ‘earth’ Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called ‘maxnet’ Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called ‘randomForest’ Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called ‘xgboost’ ** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called ‘mda’ Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called ‘gam’ Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called ‘earth’ Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called ‘maxnet’ Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called ‘randomForest’ Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called ‘xgboost’ ** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path * DONE (biomod2)