* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’
* installing *source* package ‘bioRad’ ...
** package ‘bioRad’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** data
*** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ‘bioRad’
    finding HTML links ... done
    Ops                                     html  
    add_expected_eta_to_scan                html  
    apply_mistnet                           html  
    as.data.frame.vp                        html  
    as.vpts                                 html  
    attribute_table                         html  
    beam_distance                           html  
    beam_height                             html  
    beam_profile                            html  
    beam_profile_overlap                    html  
    beam_range                              html  
    beam_width                              html  
    bind_into_vpts                          html  
    bioRad-deprecated                       html  
    bioRad-package                          html  
    c.vp                                    html  
    calculate_param                         html  
    calculate_vp                            html  
    check_date_format                       html  
    check_night                             html  
    check_radar_codes                       html  
    composite_ppi                           html  
    convert_legacy                          html  
    dbz_to_eta                              html  
    download_pvolfiles                      html  
    download_vpfiles                        html  
    doy_noy                                 html  
    eta_to_dbz                              html  
    example_scan                            html  
    example_vp                              html  
    example_vpts                            html  
    extract_string                          html  
    filter_vpts                             html  
    gaussian_beam_profile                   html  
    get_elevation_angles                    html  
    get_iris_raw_task                       html  
    get_odim_object_type                    html  
    get_param                               html  
    get_quantity                            html  
    get_scan                                html  
    integrate_profile                       html  
    integrate_to_ppi                        html  
    is.nan.data.frame                       html  
    is.pvolfile                             html  
    is.vpfile                               html  
    list_vpts_aloft                         html  
    map                                     html  
    match_filenames                         html  
    nexrad_to_odim                          html  
    nyquist_velocity                        html  
    plot.ppi                                html  
    plot.scan                               html  
    plot.vp                                 html  
    plot.vpi                                html  
    plot.vpts                               html  
    proj_to_wgs                             html  
    project_as_ppi                          html  
    rcs-set                                 html  
    rcs                                     html  
    read_cajun                              html  
    read_pvolfile                           html  
    read_stdout                             html  
    read_vp                                 html  
    read_vpfiles                            html  
    read_vpts                               html  
    regularize_vpts                         html  
    scan_to_raster                          html  
    scan_to_spatial                         html  
    sd_vvp_threshold-set                    html  
    sd_vvp_threshold                        html  
    select_vpfiles                          html  
    skip_if_no_aws.s3                       html  
    skip_if_no_mapping                      html  
    skip_if_no_mistnet                      html  
    skip_if_no_tidyselect                   html  
    skip_if_no_vol2birdR                    html  
    sub-.ppi                                html  
    summary.param                           html  
    summary.ppi                             html  
    summary.pvol                            html  
    summary.scan                            html  
    summary.vp                              html  
    summary.vpi                             html  
    summary.vpts                            html  
    sunrise_sunset                          html  
    tidyverse                               html  
    vplist_to_vpts                          html  
    vpts_schema                             html  
    wgs_to_proj                             html  
    write_pvolfile                          html  
*** copying figures
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (bioRad)