* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’
* installing *source* package ‘amadeus’ ...
** package ‘amadeus’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ‘amadeus’
    finding HTML links ... done
    apply_extent                            html  
    as_mysftime                             html  
    calc_check_time                         html  
    calc_covariates                         html  
    calc_ecoregion                          html  
    calc_geos                               html  
    calc_gmted                              html  
    calc_gridmet                            html  
    calc_hms                                html  
    calc_koppen_geiger                      html  
    calc_lagged                             html  
    calc_merra2                             html  
    calc_message                            html  
    calc_modis_daily                        html  
    calc_modis_par                          html  
    calc_narr                               html  
    calc_nei                                html  
    calc_nlcd                               html  
    calc_prepare_locs                       html  
    calc_return_locs                        html  
    calc_sedac_groads                       html  
    calc_sedac_population                   html  
    calc_sedc                               html  
    calc_setcolumns                         html  
    calc_temporal_dummies                   html  
    calc_terraclimate                       html  
    calc_time                               html  
    calc_tri                                html  
    calc_worker                             html  
    check_for_null_parameters               html  
    check_mysf                              html  
    check_mysftime                          html  
    check_url_status                        html  
    check_urls                              html  
    download_aqs                            html  
    download_cropscape                      html  
    download_data                           html  
    download_ecoregion                      html  
    download_epa_certificate                html  
    download_geos                           html  
    download_gmted                          html  
    download_gridmet                        html  
    download_hms                            html  
    download_huc                            html  
    download_koppen_geiger                  html  
    download_merra2                         html  
    download_modis                          html  
    download_narr                           html  
    download_nei                            html  
    download_nlcd                           html  
    download_permit                         html  
    download_prism                          html  
    download_remove_command                 html  
    download_remove_zips                    html  
    download_run                            html  
    download_sanitize_path                  html  
    download_sedac_groads                   html  
    download_sedac_population               html  
    download_setup_dir                      html  
    download_sink                           html  
    download_terraclimate                   html  
    download_tri                            html  
    download_unzip                          html  
    dt_as_mysftime                          html  
    extract_urls                            html  
    generate_date_sequence                  html  
    generate_time_sequence                  html  
    is_date_proper                          html  
    narr_variable                           html  
    process_aqs                             html  
    process_blackmarble                     html  
    process_blackmarble_corners             html  
    process_collection                      html  
    process_conformity                      html  
    process_covariates                      html  
    process_cropscape                       html  
    process_ecoregion                       html  
    process_flatten_sds                     html  
    process_geos                            html  
    process_gmted                           html  
    process_gmted_codes                     html  
    process_gridmet                         html  
    process_gridmet_codes                   html  
    process_hms                             html  
    process_huc                             html  
    process_koppen_geiger                   html  
    process_locs_radius                     html  
    process_locs_vector                     html  
    process_merra2                          html  
    process_merra2_time                     html  
    process_modis_merge                     html  
    process_modis_sds                       html  
    process_modis_swath                     html  
    process_modis_warp                      html  
    process_narr                            html  
    process_nei                             html  
    process_nlcd                            html  
    process_prism                           html  
    process_sedac_codes                     html  
    process_sedac_groads                    html  
    process_sedac_population                html  
    process_terraclimate                    html  
    process_terraclimate_codes              html  
    process_tri                             html  
    process_variable_codes                  html  
    read_commands                           html  
    rename_time                             html  
    sf_as_mysftime                          html  
    sftime_as_mysftime                      html  
    sftime_as_sf                            html  
    sftime_as_spatraster                    html  
    sftime_as_spatrds                       html  
    sftime_as_spatvector                    html  
    spatraster_as_sftime                    html  
    spatrds_as_sftime                       html  
    spatvector_as_sftime                    html  
    test_download_functions                 html  
*** copying figures
** building package indices
** installing vignettes
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path
* DONE (amadeus)