* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’ * installing *source* package ‘SEMID’ ... ** package ‘SEMID’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked ** using staged installation ** R ** demo ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading ** help *** installing help indices converting help for package ‘SEMID’ finding HTML links ... done FlowGraph html L html LatentDigraph html LatentDigraphFixedOrder html MixedGraph html O html SEMID-package html ancestors html ancestralID html ancestralIdentifyStep html bidirectedComponents html children html createAncestralIdentifier html createEdgewiseIdentifier html createHtcIdentifier html createIdentifierBaseCase html createLFHtcIdentifier html createLFIdentifierBaseCase html createSimpleBiDirIdentifier html createTrGraph html createTrekFlowGraph html createTrekSeparationIdentifier html descendants html edgewiseID html edgewiseIdentifyStep html edgewiseTSID html flowBetween html generalGenericID html getAncestors html getDescendants html getHalfTrekSystem html getMaxFlow html getMixedCompForNode html getMixedGraph html getParents html getSiblings html getTrekSystem html globalID html graphID html graphID.ancestralID html graphID.decompose html graphID.genericID html graphID.htcID html graphID.main html graphID.nonHtcID html htcID html htcIdentifyStep html htr html htrFrom html inducedSubgraph html isSibling html latentDigraphHasSimpleNumbering html latentNodes html lfhtcID html lfhtcIdentifyStep html mixedGraphHasSimpleNumbering html nodes html numLatents html numNodes html numObserved html observedNodes html observedParents html parents html plot html plotLatentDigraph html plotMixedGraph html print.GenericIDResult html print.LfhtcIDResult html print.SEMIDResult html semID html siblings html stronglyConnectedComponent html subsetsOfSize html tianComponent html tianDecompose html tianIdentifier html tianSigmaForComponent html toEx html toIn html trFrom html trekSeparationIdentifyStep html updateEdgeCapacities html updateVertexCapacities html validateLatentNodesAreSources html validateMatrices html validateMatrix html validateNodes html validateVarArgsEmpty html ** building package indices ** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location ** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location ** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path * DONE (SEMID)