* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’ * installing *source* package ‘ICAMS’ ... ** package ‘ICAMS’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked ** using staged installation ** R ** data *** moving datasets to lazyload DB ** inst ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading ** help *** installing help indices converting help for package ‘ICAMS’ finding HTML links ... done AddAndCheckDBSClassInVCF html AddAndCheckSBSClassInVCF html AddDBSClass html AddRunInformation html AddSBSClass html AddSeqContext html AddTranscript html AnnotateDBSVCF html finding level-2 HTML links ... done AnnotateIDVCF html AnnotateSBSVCF html CalBaseCountsFrom3MerAbundance html CalculateNumberOfSpace html Canonicalize1Del html Canonicalize1ID html Canonicalize1INS html CanonicalizeID html CatalogRowOrder html CheckAndFixChrNames html CheckAndFixChrNamesForTransRanges html CheckAndReorderRownames html CheckAndReturnDBSCatalogs html CheckAndReturnDBSMatrix html CheckAndReturnIDCatalog html CheckAndReturnIDMatrix html CheckAndReturnSBSCatalogs html CheckAndReturnSBSMatrix html CheckDBSClassInVCF html CheckSBSClassInVCF html CheckSeqContextInVCF html CollapseCatalog html ConvertICAMSCatalogToSigProSBS96 html CreateDinucAbundance html CreateExomeStrandedRanges html CreateOneColDBSMatrix html CreateOneColIDMatrix html CreateOneColSBSMatrix html CreateOnePPMFromSBSVCF html CreatePPMFromSBSVCFs html CreatePentanucAbundance html CreateStrandedDinucAbundance html CreateStrandedTrinucAbundance html CreateTetranucAbundance html CreateTransRanges html CreateTrinucAbundance html FindDelMH html FindMaxRepeatDel html FindMaxRepeatIns html GeneExpressionData html GenerateEmptyKmerCounts html GenerateKmer html GetConsensusVAF html GetCustomKmerCounts html GetGenomeKmerCounts html GetMutationLoadsFromMutectVCFs html GetMutationLoadsFromStrelkaIDVCFs html GetMutationLoadsFromStrelkaSBSVCFs html GetSequenceKmerCounts html GetStrandedKmerCounts html GetVAF html ICAMS html InferAbundance html InferCatalogClassPrefix html InferCatalogInfo html InferRownames html IsGRCh37 html IsGRCh38 html IsGRCm38 html MakeDataFrameFromVCF html MakeVCFDBSdf html MutectVCFFilesToCatalog html MutectVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf html MutectVCFFilesToZipFile html NormalizeGenomeArg html Plot96PartOfCompositeToPDF html PlotCatalog html PlotCatalogToPdf html PlotPPM html PlotPPMToPdf html PlotTransBiasGeneExp html PlotTransBiasGeneExpToPdf html ReadAndSplitMutectVCFs html ReadAndSplitStrelkaSBSVCFs html ReadAndSplitVCFs html ReadBedRanges html ReadCatalog html ReadCatalogErrReturn html ReadCatalogInternal html ReadDukeNUSCat192 html ReadMutectVCF html ReadMutectVCFs html ReadStapleGT96SBS html ReadStrelkaIDVCF html ReadStrelkaIDVCFs html ReadStrelkaSBSVCF html ReadStrelkaSBSVCFs html ReadTranscriptRanges html ReadVCF html ReadVCFs html RemoveRangesOnBothStrand html RenameColumnsWithNameStrand html RenameColumnsWithNameVAF html Restaple1536 html Restaple96 html RevcDBS144 html RevcSBS96 html SplitListOfMutectVCFs html SplitListOfStrelkaSBSVCFs html SplitListOfVCFs html SplitOneMutectVCF html SplitOneVCF html SplitSBSVCF html SplitStrelkaSBSVCF html StandardChromName html StandardChromNameNew html StopIfCatalogTypeIllegal html StopIfNrowIllegal html StopIfRegionIllegal html StopIfTranscribedRegionIllegal html StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalog html StrelkaIDVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf html StrelkaIDVCFFilesToZipFile html StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalog html StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToCatalogAndPlotToPdf html StrelkaSBSVCFFilesToZipFile html TCFromCouSigCou html TCFromDenSigDen html TestMakeCatalogFromMutectVCFs html TestMakeCatalogFromStrelkaIDVCFs html TestMakeCatalogFromStrelkaSBSVCFs html TestPlotCatCOMPOSITE html TransRownames.ID.PCAWG.SigPro html TransRownames.ID.SigPro.PCAWG html TranscriptRanges html TransformCatalog html Unstaple1536 html Unstaple78 html Unstaple96 html VCFsToCatalogs html VCFsToCatalogsAndPlotToPdf html VCFsToDBSCatalogs html VCFsToIDCatalogs html VCFsToSBSCatalogs html VCFsToZipFile html VCFsToZipFileXtra html WriteCat html WriteCatalog html WriteCatalogIndelSigPro html all.abundance html as.catalog html revc html *** copying figures ** building package indices ** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location ** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location ** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path * DONE (ICAMS)