* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’ * installing *source* package ‘FCPS’ ... ** package ‘FCPS’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked ** using staged installation ** R ** data *** moving datasets to lazyload DB ** inst ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading ** help *** installing help indices converting help for package ‘FCPS’ finding HTML links ... done ADPclustering html APclustering html AgglomerativeNestingClustering html Atom html AutomaticProjectionBasedClustering html Chainlink html ClusterARI html ClusterAccuracy html ClusterApply html ClusterChallenge html ClusterCount html ClusterCreateClassification html ClusterDaviesBouldinIndex html ClusterDendrogram html ClusterDistances html ClusterDunnIndex html ClusterEqualWeighting html ClusterInterDistances html ClusterMCC html ClusterNoEstimation html ClusterNormalize html ClusterPlotMDS html ClusterRedefine html ClusterRename html ClusterRenameDescendingSize html ClusterShannonInfo html ClusterUpsamplingMinority html ClusterabilityMDplot html CrossEntropyClustering html DBscan html DatabionicSwarmClustering html DensityPeakClustering html DivisiveAnalysisClustering html EngyTime html EntropyOfDataField html EstimateRadiusByDistance html FCPS-package html FannyClustering html GapStatistic html GenieClustering html GolfBall html HCLclustering html HDDClustering html Hepta html HierarchicalClusterData html HierarchicalClusterDists html HierarchicalClustering html HierarchicalDBSCAN html LargeApplicationClustering html Leukemia html Lsun3D html MSTclustering html MarkovClustering html MeanShiftClustering html MinimalEnergyClustering html MinimaxLinkageClustering html MoGclustering html ModelBasedClustering html ModelBasedVarSelClustering html NetworkClustering html NeuralGasClustering html OPTICSclustering html PAMclustering html PenalizedRegressionBasedClustering html ProjectionPursuitClustering html QTclustering html RobustTrimmedClustering html SOMclustering html SOTAclustering html SharedNearestNeighborClustering html SparseClustering html SpectralClustering html Spectrum html StatPDEdensity html SubspaceClustering html TandemClustering html Target html Tetra html TwoDiamonds html WingNut html kmeansClustering html kmeansDist html pdfClustering html ** building package indices ** installing vignettes ** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location ** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location ** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path * DONE (FCPS)