* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’ * installing *source* package ‘DiagrammeR’ ... ** package ‘DiagrammeR’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked ** using staged installation ** R ** data *** moving datasets to lazyload DB ** inst ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading ** help *** installing help indices converting help for package ‘DiagrammeR’ finding HTML links ... done DiagrammeR-package html DiagrammeR html DiagrammeROutput html add_balanced_tree html add_cycle html add_edge html add_edge_clone html add_edge_df html add_edges_from_table html add_edges_w_string html add_forward_edges_ws html add_full_graph html add_global_graph_attrs html add_gnm_graph html add_gnp_graph html add_graph_action html add_graph_to_graph_series html add_grid_2d html add_grid_3d html add_growing_graph html add_islands_graph html add_mathjax html add_n_node_clones html add_n_nodes html add_n_nodes_ws html add_node html add_node_clones_ws html add_node_df html add_nodes_from_df_cols html add_nodes_from_table html add_pa_graph html add_path html add_prism html add_reverse_edges_ws html add_smallworld_graph html add_star html clear_selection html colorize_edge_attrs html colorize_node_attrs html combine_edfs html combine_graphs html combine_ndfs html copy_edge_attrs html copy_node_attrs html count_asymmetric_node_pairs html count_automorphisms html count_edges html count_graphs_in_graph_series html count_loop_edges html count_mutual_node_pairs html count_nodes html count_s_connected_cmpts html count_unconnected_node_pairs html count_unconnected_nodes html count_w_connected_cmpts html create_edge_df html create_graph html create_graph_series html create_node_df html currencies html delete_cache html delete_edge html delete_edges_ws html delete_global_graph_attrs html delete_graph_actions html delete_loop_edges_ws html delete_node html delete_nodes_ws html deselect_edges html deselect_nodes html display_metagraph html do_bfs html do_dfs html drop_edge_attrs html drop_node_attrs html edge_aes html edge_data html edge_list_1 html edge_list_2 html export_csv html export_graph html filter_graph_series html from_adj_matrix html from_igraph html fully_connect_nodes_ws html fully_disconnect_nodes_ws html generate_dot html get_adhesion html get_agg_degree_in html get_agg_degree_out html get_agg_degree_total html get_all_connected_nodes html get_alpha_centrality html get_articulation_points html get_authority_centrality html get_betweenness html get_cache html get_closeness html get_closeness_vitality html get_cmty_edge_btwns html get_cmty_fast_greedy html get_cmty_l_eigenvec html get_cmty_louvain html get_cmty_walktrap html get_common_nbrs html get_coreness html get_degree_distribution html get_degree_histogram html get_degree_in html get_degree_out html get_degree_total html get_dice_similarity html get_eccentricity html get_edge_attrs html get_edge_attrs_ws html get_edge_count_w_multiedge html get_edge_df html get_edge_df_ws html get_edge_ids html get_edge_info html get_edges html get_eigen_centrality html get_girth html get_global_graph_attr_info html get_graph_actions html get_graph_from_graph_series html get_graph_info html get_graph_log html get_graph_name html get_graph_series_info html get_graph_time html get_jaccard_similarity html get_last_edges_created html get_last_nodes_created html get_leverage_centrality html get_max_eccentricity html get_mean_distance html get_min_cut_between html get_min_eccentricity html get_multiedge_count html get_nbrs html get_node_attrs html get_node_attrs_ws html get_node_df html get_node_df_ws html get_node_ids html get_node_info html get_non_nbrs html get_pagerank html get_paths html get_periphery html get_predecessors html get_radiality html get_reciprocity html get_s_connected_cmpts html get_selection html get_similar_nbrs html get_successors html get_w_connected_cmpts html grViz html grVizOutput html import_graph html invert_selection html is_edge_loop html is_edge_multiple html is_edge_mutual html is_edge_present html is_graph_connected html is_graph_dag html is_graph_directed html is_graph_empty html is_graph_simple html is_graph_undirected html is_graph_weighted html is_node_present html is_property_graph html join_edge_attrs html join_node_attrs html layout_nodes_w_string html mermaid html mutate_edge_attrs html mutate_edge_attrs_ws html mutate_node_attrs html mutate_node_attrs_ws html node_aes html node_data html node_edge_aes_data html node_list_1 html node_list_2 html nudge_node_positions_ws html open_graph html pipe html print.dgr_graph html recode_edge_attrs html recode_node_attrs html remove_graph_from_graph_series html rename_edge_attrs html rename_node_attrs html renderDiagrammeR html renderGrViz html render_graph html render_graph_from_graph_series html reorder_graph_actions html replace_in_spec html rescale_edge_attrs html rescale_node_attrs html rev_edge_dir html rev_edge_dir_ws html save_graph html select_edges html select_edges_by_edge_id html select_edges_by_node_id html select_last_edges_created html select_last_nodes_created html select_nodes html select_nodes_by_degree html select_nodes_by_id html select_nodes_in_neighborhood html set_cache html set_edge_attr_to_display html set_edge_attrs html set_edge_attrs_ws html set_graph_directed html set_graph_name html set_graph_time html set_graph_undirected html set_node_attr_to_display html set_node_attr_w_fcn html set_node_attrs html set_node_attrs_ws html set_node_position html to_igraph html transform_to_complement_graph html transform_to_min_spanning_tree html transform_to_subgraph_ws html trav_both html trav_both_edge html trav_in html trav_in_edge html trav_in_node html trav_in_until html trav_out html trav_out_edge html trav_out_node html trav_out_until html trav_reverse_edge html trigger_graph_actions html usd_exchange_rates html visnetwork html x11_hex html ** building package indices ** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location ** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location ** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path * DONE (DiagrammeR)