* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’ * installing *source* package ‘DIscBIO’ ... ** package ‘DIscBIO’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked ** using staged installation ** R ** data *** moving datasets to lazyload DB ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading ** help *** installing help indices converting help for package ‘DIscBIO’ finding HTML links ... done ClassVectoringDT html ClustDiffGenes html Clustexp html DEGanalysis html DEGanalysis2clust html DISCBIO html DISCBIO2SingleCellExperiment html Exprmclust html FinalPreprocessing html FindOutliers html HumanMouseGeneIds html J48DT html J48DTeval html Jaccard html KmeanOrder html NetAnalysis html Networking html NoiseFiltering html Normalizedata html PCAplotSymbols html PPI html PlotMBpca html PlotmclustMB html RpartDT html RpartEVAL html VolcanoPlot html as.DISCBIO html check.format html clustheatmap html comptSNE html customConvertFeats html foldchange.seq.twoclass.unpaired html plotExptSNE html plotGap html plotLabelstSNE html plotOrderTsne html plotSilhouette html plotSymbolstSNE html plottSNE html prepExampleDataset html pseudoTimeOrdering html rankcols html reformatSiggenes html replaceDecimals html resa html retrieveURL html sammy html samr.estimate.depth html valuesG1msTest html wilcoxon.unpaired.seq.func html ** building package indices ** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location ** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location ** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path * DONE (DIscBIO)