* installing to library ‘/home/hornik/tmp/R.check/r-patched-gcc/Work/build/Packages’
* installing *source* package ‘DEXiR’ ...
** package ‘DEXiR’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ‘DEXiR’
    finding HTML links ... done
    DEXiR-package                           html  
    DexiAttribute-class                     html  
    DexiContinuousScale-class               html  
    DexiDiscreteScale-class                 html  
    DexiDiscretizeFunction-class            html  
    DexiFunction-class                      html  
    DexiModel-class                         html  
    DexiScale-class                         html  
    DexiTabularFunction-class               html  
    alt_values                              html  
    and_function                            html  
    att_names                               html  
    attribute_effect                        html  
    bounded_scale_value                     html  
    compare_alternatives                    html  
    compare_two_alternatives                html  
    compare_values                          html  
    compare_values_by_preference            html  
    compare_values_on_scale                 html  
    convert_alternatives                    html  
    convert_data_continuous                 html  
    convert_data_discrete                   html  
    default_quality                         html  
    dexi_bool                               html  
    dexi_index                              html  
    dexi_option_value                       html  
    dexi_table                              html  
    dexi_value                              html  
    dexi_vector                             html  
    distr_to_set                            html  
    distribution                            html  
    equal_scales                            html  
    evaluate                                html  
    evaluate_attribute                      html  
    evaluate_attributes                     html  
    evaluation_order                        html  
    evaluation_parameters                   html  
    expand_value_to_points                  html  
    export_alternatives                     html  
    export_dexi_value                       html  
    flat_text                               html  
    ggplot_parallel                         html  
    has_bad                                 html  
    has_good                                html  
    has_none                                html  
    has_quality                             html  
    is_distribution                         html  
    is_in_range                             html  
    lin_map                                 html  
    make_args                               html  
    norm_max                                html  
    norm_none                               html  
    norm_sum                                html  
    normalize_function                      html  
    or_function                             html  
    plotalt1                                html  
    plotalt2                                html  
    plotalt_parallel                        html  
    plotalt_radar                           html  
    plus_minus                              html  
    plus_minus_setup                        html  
    print_selective_explanation             html  
    read_dexi                               html  
    reverse_value                           html  
    rule_value                              html  
    rule_values                             html  
    scale_alternatives                      html  
    scale_of                                html  
    scale_value                             html  
    scale_values                            html  
    select_quality                          html  
    selective_explanation                   html  
    set_alternative                         html  
    set_to_distr                            html  
    transparent_colors                      html  
    unique_names                            html  
    value_qualities                         html  
    value_text                              html  
    value_to_set                            html  
    values_to_str                           html  
    write_alternatives                      html  
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded from temporary location
** testing if installed package can be loaded from final location
** testing if installed package keeps a record of temporary installation path