* using log directory ‘/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/reservr.Rcheck’
* using R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-24 r87814)
* using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
* R was compiled by
    gcc (GCC) 14.2.1 20240912 (Red Hat 14.2.1-3)
    GNU Fortran (GCC) 14.2.1 20240912 (Red Hat 14.2.1-3)
* running under: Fedora Linux 40 (Workstation Edition)
* using session charset: UTF-8
* using option ‘--no-stop-on-test-error’
* checking for file ‘reservr/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* this is package ‘reservr’ version ‘0.0.3’
* package encoding: UTF-8
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking for executable files ... OK
* checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
* checking whether package ‘reservr’ can be installed ... [264s/463s] OK
See 'https://www.r-project.org/nosvn/R.check/r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc/reservr-00install.html' for details.
* used C++ compiler: ‘g++ (GCC) 14.2.1 20240912 (Red Hat 14.2.1-3)’
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking ‘build’ directory ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking for left-over files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking code files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK
* checking whether startup messages can be suppressed ... OK
* checking use of S3 registration ... OK
* checking dependencies in R code ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... [45s/163s] OK
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking Rd metadata ... OK
* checking Rd line widths ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* checking Rd contents ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
* checking line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers ... OK
* checking line endings in Makefiles ... OK
* checking compilation flags in Makevars ... OK
* checking for GNU extensions in Makefiles ... INFO
GNU make is a SystemRequirements.
* checking for portable use of $(BLAS_LIBS) and $(LAPACK_LIBS) ... OK
* checking use of PKG_*FLAGS in Makefiles ... OK
* checking use of SHLIB_OPENMP_*FLAGS in Makefiles ... OK
* checking pragmas in C/C++ headers and code ... OK
* checking compilation flags used ... OK
* checking compiled code ... OK
* checking installed files from ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
* checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK
* checking examples ... [56s/179s] ERROR
Running examples in ‘reservr-Ex.R’ failed
The error most likely occurred in:

> ### Name: quantile.Distribution
> ### Title: Quantiles of Distributions
> ### Aliases: quantile.Distribution
> ### ** Examples
> # With quantiles available
> dist <- dist_normal(sd = 1)
> qqs <- quantile(dist, probs = rep(0.5, 3), with_params = list(mean = 1:3))
> stopifnot(all.equal(qqs, 1:3))
> # Without quantiles available
> dist <- dist_erlangmix(shapes = list(1, 2, 3), scale = 1.0)
> my_probs <- c(0, 0.01, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
> qqs <- quantile(
+   dist, probs = my_probs,
+   with_params = list(probs = list(0.5, 0.3, 0.2)), .start = 2
+ )
Error in uniroot(diff_prob, lower = q0_min, upper = .start, prob_target = prob) : 
  lower < upper  is not fulfilled
Calls: quantile -> quantile.Distribution -> uniroot
Execution halted
* checking for unstated dependencies in ‘tests’ ... OK
* checking tests ... [41s/186s] ERROR
  Running ‘testthat.R’ [40s/186s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Complete output:
  > library(testthat)
  > library(reservr)
  > test_check("reservr")
  ── Skip ('/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/reservr.Rcheck/tests/testthat/helpers.R:13:3'): set floatx to 64-bit ──
  Reason: TensorFlow not available for testing
  [ FAIL 8 | WARN 0 | SKIP 29 | PASS 1205 ]
  ══ Skipped tests (29) ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
  • TensorFlow not available for testing (29): 'test-dist_beta.R:16:3',
    'test-dist_binomial.R:26:3', 'test-dist_blended.R:108:3',
    'test-dist_dirac.R:25:3', 'test-dist_discrete.R:39:3',
    'test-dist_erlangmix.R:67:3', 'test-dist_erlangmix.R:112:3',
    'test-dist_exponential.R:17:3', 'test-dist_gamma.R:17:3',
    'test-dist_genpareto.R:42:5', 'test-dist_lognormal.R:17:3',
    'test-dist_mixture.R:60:3', 'test-dist_negbinomial.R:18:3',
    'test-dist_normal.R:17:3', 'test-dist_pareto.R:17:3',
    'test-dist_poisson.R:18:3', 'test-dist_translate.R:56:3',
    'test-dist_trunc.R:42:3', 'test-dist_uniform.R:21:3',
    'test-dist_weibull.R:17:3', 'test-interval.R:159:3', 'test-tf_fit.R:2:3',
    'test-tf_fit.R:74:3', 'test-tf_fit.R:127:3', 'test-tf_fit.R:179:3',
    'test-tf_fit.R:239:3', 'test-tf_fit.R:281:3', 'test-tf_fit.R:332:3',
  ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
  ── Failure ('test-dist_erlangmix.R:16:3'): erlang mixture distribution works ───
  `fit(dist, x, init = "shapes", shapes = as.numeric(params$shapes))` produced output.
  ── Failure ('test-dist_erlangmix.R:18:3'): erlang mixture distribution works ───
  `fit(dist, x, init = "fan", spread = 3L)` produced output.
  ── Failure ('test-dist_erlangmix.R:20:3'): erlang mixture distribution works ───
  `fit(dist, x, init = "kmeans")` produced output.
  ── Failure ('test-dist_erlangmix.R:21:3'): erlang mixture distribution works ───
  `fit(dist, x, init = "cmm")` produced output.
  ── Failure ('test-dist_mixture.R:21:3'): test dist_mixture ─────────────────────
  `fit(dist, x)` produced output.
  ── Failure ('test-distribution_generics.R:18:3'): fit_dist_direct works ────────
  `fit_result <- fit_dist(dist, x)` produced output.
  ── Failure ('test-distribution_generics.R:19:3'): fit_dist_direct works ────────
  `direct_fit_result <- fit_dist_direct(dist, x)` produced output.
  ── Error ('test-distribution_methods.R:10:3'): test quantile.Distribution ──────
  Error in `uniroot(diff_prob, lower = q0_min, upper = .start, prob_target = prob)`: lower < upper  is not fulfilled
   1. ├─testthat::expect_equal(quantile(dist, p, start = 0), x, tolerance = 1e-04) at test-distribution_methods.R:10:3
   2. │ └─testthat::quasi_label(enquo(object), label, arg = "object")
   3. │   └─rlang::eval_bare(expr, quo_get_env(quo))
   4. ├─stats::quantile(dist, p, start = 0)
   5. └─reservr:::quantile.Distribution(dist, p, start = 0)
   6.   └─stats::uniroot(diff_prob, lower = q0_min, upper = .start, prob_target = prob)
  [ FAIL 8 | WARN 0 | SKIP 29 | PASS 1205 ]
  Error: Test failures
  Execution halted
* checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK
* checking package vignettes ... OK
* checking re-building of vignette outputs ... [64s/260s] OK
* checking PDF version of manual ... [13s/54s] OK
* checking HTML version of manual ... [7s/29s] OK
* checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... OK
* checking for detritus in the temp directory ... OK
Status: 2 ERRORs