- using R Under development (unstable) (2024-12-23 r87457)
- using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
- R was compiled by
gcc-14 (GCC) 14.2.0
GNU Fortran (GCC) 14.2.0
- running under: Fedora Linux 36 (Workstation Edition)
- using session charset: UTF-8
- using option ‘--no-stop-on-test-error’
- checking for file ‘CAST/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
- checking extension type ... Package
- this is package ‘CAST’ version ‘1.0.2’
- package encoding: UTF-8
- checking package namespace information ... OK
- checking package dependencies ... OK
- checking if this is a source package ... OK
- checking if there is a namespace ... OK
- checking for executable files ... OK
- checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
- checking for portable file names ... OK
- checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
- checking whether package ‘CAST’ can be installed ... [29s/35s] OK
See the install log for details.
- checking package directory ... OK
- checking ‘build’ directory ... OK
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
- checking top-level files ... OK
- checking for left-over files ... OK
- checking index information ... OK
- checking package subdirectories ... OK
- checking code files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
- checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
- checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
- checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
- checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
- checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
- checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
- checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK
- checking use of S3 registration ... OK
- checking dependencies in R code ... OK
- checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
- checking replacement functions ... OK
- checking foreign function calls ... OK
- checking R code for possible problems ... [43s/51s] OK
- checking Rd files ... OK
- checking Rd metadata ... OK
- checking Rd line widths ... OK
- checking Rd cross-references ... OK
- checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
- checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
- checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
- checking Rd contents ... OK
- checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
- checking contents of ‘data’ directory ... OK
- checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK
- checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK
- checking installed files from ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
- checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK
- checking examples ... [17s/21s] OK
- checking for unstated dependencies in ‘tests’ ... OK
- checking tests ... [213s/237s] OK
Running ‘testthat.R’ [213s/236s]
- checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK
- checking package vignettes ... OK
- checking re-building of vignette outputs ... [229s/239s] ERROR
Error(s) in re-building vignettes:
--- re-building ‘cast01-CAST-intro.Rmd’ using rmarkdown
CAST package:CAST R Documentation
'_ c_ a_ r_ e_ t' _ A_ p_ p_ l_ i_ c_ a_ t_ i_ o_ n_ s _ f_ o_ r _ S_ p_ a_ t_ i_ a_ l-_ T_ e_ m_ p_ o_ r_ a_ l _ M_ o_ d_ e_ l_ s
_ D_ e_ s_ c_ r_ i_ p_ t_ i_ o_ n:
Supporting functionality to run 'caret' with spatial or
spatial-temporal data. 'caret' is a frequently used package for
model training and prediction using machine learning. CAST
includes functions to improve spatial-temporal modelling tasks
using 'caret'. It includes the newly suggested 'Nearest neighbor
distance matching' cross-validation to estimate the performance of
spatial prediction models and allows for spatial variable
selection to selects suitable predictor variables in view to their
contribution to the spatial model performance. CAST further
includes functionality to estimate the (spatial) area of
applicability of prediction models by analysing the similarity
between new data and training data. Methods are described in Meyer
et al. (2018); Meyer et al. (2019); Meyer and Pebesma (2021); Milà
et al. (2022); Meyer and Pebesma (2022); Linnenbrink et al.
(2023). The package is described in detail in Meyer et al. (2024).
_ D_ e_ t_ a_ i_ l_ s:
'caret' Applications for Spatio-Temporal models
_ A_ u_ t_ h_ o_ r(_ s):
Hanna Meyer, Carles Milà, Marvin Ludwig, Jan Linnenbrink, Fabian
_ R_ e_ f_ e_ r_ e_ n_ c_ e_ s:
• Meyer, H., Ludwig, L., Milà, C., Linnenbrink, J., Schumacher,
F. (2024): The CAST package for training and assessment of
spatial prediction models in R. arXiv,
• Linnenbrink, J., Milà, C., Ludwig, M., and Meyer, H.: kNNDM:
k-fold Nearest Neighbour Distance Matching Cross-Validation
for map accuracy estimation, EGUsphere [preprint],
https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2023-1308, 2023.
• Milà, C., Mateu, J., Pebesma, E., Meyer, H. (2022): Nearest
Neighbour Distance Matching Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation
for map validation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 00, 1–
• Meyer, H., Pebesma, E. (2022): Machine learning-based global
maps of ecological variables and the challenge of assessing
them. Nature Communications. 13.
• Meyer, H., Pebesma, E. (2021): Predicting into unknown space?
Estimating the area of applicability of spatial prediction
models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 12, 1620– 1633.
• Meyer, H., Reudenbach, C., Wöllauer, S., Nauss, T. (2019):
Importance of spatial predictor variable selection in machine
learning applications - Moving from data reproduction to
spatial prediction. Ecological Modelling. 411, 108815.
• Meyer, H., Reudenbach, C., Hengl, T., Katurji, M., Nauß, T.
(2018): Improving performance of spatio-temporal machine
learning models using forward feature selection and
target-oriented validation. Environmental Modelling &
Software 101: 1-9.
_ S_ e_ e _ A_ l_ s_ o:
Useful links:
• <https://github.com/HannaMeyer/CAST>
• <https://hannameyer.github.io/CAST/>
• Report bugs at <https://github.com/HannaMeyer/CAST/issues/>
Quitting from lines 73-78 [unnamed-chunk-5] (cast01-CAST-intro.Rmd)
Error: processing vignette 'cast01-CAST-intro.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
unable to find an inherited method for function 'crop' for signature 'x = "NULL"'
--- failed re-building ‘cast01-CAST-intro.Rmd’
--- re-building ‘cast02-plotgeodist.Rmd’ using rmarkdown
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast02-plotgeodist_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png
595x326 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 50068 bytes
Input file size = 50218 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 35138
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 35138
Output IDAT size = 35138 bytes (14930 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 35216 bytes (15002 bytes = 29.87% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast02-plotgeodist_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png
595x326 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 45459 bytes
Input file size = 45597 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 32761
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 32761
Output IDAT size = 32761 bytes (12698 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 32839 bytes (12758 bytes = 27.98% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast02-plotgeodist_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png
595x326 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 27257 bytes
Input file size = 27371 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 23273
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 23273
Output IDAT size = 23273 bytes (3984 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 23351 bytes (4020 bytes = 14.69% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast02-plotgeodist_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-2.png
595x326 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 26431 bytes
Input file size = 26545 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 22231
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 22231
Output IDAT size = 22231 bytes (4200 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 22309 bytes (4236 bytes = 15.96% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast02-plotgeodist_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png
595x326 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 49107 bytes
Input file size = 49245 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 36194
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 36194
Output IDAT size = 36194 bytes (12913 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 36272 bytes (12973 bytes = 26.34% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast02-plotgeodist_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png
595x326 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 28789 bytes
Input file size = 28903 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 24327
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 24327
Output IDAT size = 24327 bytes (4462 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 24405 bytes (4498 bytes = 15.56% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast02-plotgeodist_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-11-1.png
595x326 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 48588 bytes
Input file size = 48726 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 35499
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 35499
Output IDAT size = 35499 bytes (13089 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 35577 bytes (13149 bytes = 26.99% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast02-plotgeodist_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-12-1.png
595x326 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 30345 bytes
Input file size = 30459 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 25284
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 25284
Output IDAT size = 25284 bytes (5061 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 25362 bytes (5097 bytes = 16.73% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast02-plotgeodist_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-13-1.png
595x326 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 52199 bytes
Input file size = 52349 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 37667
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 37667
Output IDAT size = 37667 bytes (14532 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 37745 bytes (14604 bytes = 27.90% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast02-plotgeodist_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-14-1.png
595x326 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 29636 bytes
Input file size = 29750 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 25103
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 25103
Output IDAT size = 25103 bytes (4533 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 25181 bytes (4569 bytes = 15.36% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast02-plotgeodist_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-15-1.png
595x326 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 29704 bytes
Input file size = 29818 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 24905
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 24905
Output IDAT size = 24905 bytes (4799 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 24983 bytes (4835 bytes = 16.22% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast02-plotgeodist_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-16-1.png
595x326 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 30754 bytes
Input file size = 30868 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 26071
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 26071
Output IDAT size = 26071 bytes (4683 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 26149 bytes (4719 bytes = 15.29% decrease)
Quitting from lines 242-246 [unnamed-chunk-17] (cast02-plotgeodist.Rmd)
Error: processing vignette 'cast02-plotgeodist.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
attempt to set an attribute on NULL
--- failed re-building ‘cast02-plotgeodist.Rmd’
--- re-building ‘cast03-CV.Rmd’ using rmarkdown
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast03-CV_files/figure-html/read data-1.png
480x672 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 82884 bytes
Input file size = 83082 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 70268
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 70268
Output IDAT size = 70268 bytes (12616 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 70346 bytes (12736 bytes = 15.33% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast03-CV_files/figure-html/geodist density-1.png
576x672 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 64321 bytes
Input file size = 64483 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 52095
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 52095
Output IDAT size = 52095 bytes (12226 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 52173 bytes (12310 bytes = 19.09% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast03-CV_files/figure-html/geodist ecdf-1.png
576x672 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 56418 bytes
Input file size = 56568 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 46853
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 46853
Output IDAT size = 46853 bytes (9565 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 46931 bytes (9637 bytes = 17.04% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast03-CV_files/figure-html/NNDM LOO temp-1.png
576x384 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 27834 bytes
Input file size = 27948 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 23615
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 23615
Output IDAT size = 23615 bytes (4219 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 23693 bytes (4255 bytes = 15.22% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast03-CV_files/figure-html/NNDM LOO pm25-1-1.png
576x384 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 24913 bytes
Input file size = 25027 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 21166
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 21166
Output IDAT size = 21166 bytes (3747 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 21244 bytes (3783 bytes = 15.12% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast03-CV_files/figure-html/NNDM LOO pm25-2-1.png
576x384 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 40691 bytes
Input file size = 40817 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 33262
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 33262
Output IDAT size = 33262 bytes (7429 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 33340 bytes (7477 bytes = 18.32% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast03-CV_files/figure-html/kNNDM temp-1.png
576x384 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 27834 bytes
Input file size = 27948 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 23615
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 23615
Output IDAT size = 23615 bytes (4219 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 23693 bytes (4255 bytes = 15.22% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast03-CV_files/figure-html/kNNDM pm25-1.png
576x384 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 26211 bytes
Input file size = 26325 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 22450
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 22450
Output IDAT size = 22450 bytes (3761 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 22528 bytes (3797 bytes = 14.42% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast03-CV_files/figure-html/kNNDM viz-1.png
672x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 65654 bytes
Input file size = 65828 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 51750
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 51750
Output IDAT size = 51750 bytes (13904 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 51828 bytes (14000 bytes = 21.27% decrease)
--- finished re-building ‘cast03-CV.Rmd’
--- re-building ‘cast04-AOA-tutorial.Rmd’ using rmarkdown
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 98710 bytes
Input file size = 98932 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 70391
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 70391
Output IDAT size = 70391 bytes (28319 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 70469 bytes (28463 bytes = 28.77% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 32780 bytes
Input file size = 32906 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 23954
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 23954
Output IDAT size = 23954 bytes (8826 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 24032 bytes (8874 bytes = 26.97% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 32609 bytes
Input file size = 32723 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 24198
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 24198
Output IDAT size = 24198 bytes (8411 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 24276 bytes (8447 bytes = 25.81% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-10-1.png
847x288 pixels, 8 bits/pixel, 249 colors in palette
Reducing image to 8 bits/pixel, grayscale
Input IDAT size = 4146 bytes
Input file size = 4983 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 3636
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0 IDAT size = 3605
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0 IDAT size = 3605
Output IDAT size = 3605 bytes (541 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 3683 bytes (1300 bytes = 26.09% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-11-1.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 59501 bytes
Input file size = 59663 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 41746
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 41746
Output IDAT size = 41746 bytes (17755 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 41824 bytes (17839 bytes = 29.90% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-13-1.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 21063 bytes
Input file size = 21165 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 18288
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 18288
Output IDAT size = 18288 bytes (2775 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 18366 bytes (2799 bytes = 13.22% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-14-1.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 33014 bytes
Input file size = 33140 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 23074
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 23074
Output IDAT size = 23074 bytes (9940 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 23152 bytes (9988 bytes = 30.14% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-14-2.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 27934 bytes
Input file size = 28048 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 19754
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 19754
Output IDAT size = 19754 bytes (8180 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 19832 bytes (8216 bytes = 29.29% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-14-3.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 22164 bytes
Input file size = 22266 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 15521
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 15521
Output IDAT size = 15521 bytes (6643 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 15599 bytes (6667 bytes = 29.94% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-14-4.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 16162 bytes
Input file size = 16252 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 13480
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 13480
Output IDAT size = 13480 bytes (2682 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 13558 bytes (2694 bytes = 16.58% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-15-1.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 35326 bytes
Input file size = 35452 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 26976
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 26976
Output IDAT size = 26976 bytes (8350 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 27054 bytes (8398 bytes = 23.69% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-20-1.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 31396 bytes
Input file size = 31510 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 21918
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 21918
Output IDAT size = 21918 bytes (9478 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 21996 bytes (9514 bytes = 30.19% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-20-2.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 29936 bytes
Input file size = 30050 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 19689
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 19689
Output IDAT size = 19689 bytes (10247 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 19767 bytes (10283 bytes = 34.22% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-20-3.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 15880 bytes
Input file size = 15970 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 13482
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 13482
Output IDAT size = 13482 bytes (2398 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 13560 bytes (2410 bytes = 15.09% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-20-4.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 18415 bytes
Input file size = 18517 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 15620
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 15620
Output IDAT size = 15620 bytes (2795 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 15698 bytes (2819 bytes = 15.22% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-21-1.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 39888 bytes
Input file size = 40014 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 32161
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 32161
Output IDAT size = 32161 bytes (7727 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 32239 bytes (7775 bytes = 19.43% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-23-1.png
847x288 pixels, 8 bits/pixel, 256 colors in palette
Reducing image to 8 bits/pixel, grayscale
Input IDAT size = 8861 bytes
Input file size = 9731 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 7983
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0 IDAT size = 7975
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0 IDAT size = 7975
Output IDAT size = 7975 bytes (886 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 8053 bytes (1678 bytes = 17.24% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-23-2.png
847x288 pixels, 8 bits/pixel, 256 colors in palette
Reducing image to 8 bits/pixel, grayscale
Input IDAT size = 7607 bytes
Input file size = 8465 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 6771
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 6771
Output IDAT size = 6771 bytes (836 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 6849 bytes (1616 bytes = 19.09% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-23-3.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 18083 bytes
Input file size = 18185 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 15200
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 15200
Output IDAT size = 15200 bytes (2883 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 15278 bytes (2907 bytes = 15.99% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-23-4.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 17300 bytes
Input file size = 17402 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 14424
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 14424
Output IDAT size = 14424 bytes (2876 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 14502 bytes (2900 bytes = 16.66% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-26-1.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 53826 bytes
Input file size = 53976 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 41311
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 41311
Output IDAT size = 41311 bytes (12515 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 41389 bytes (12587 bytes = 23.32% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-27-1.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 35364 bytes
Input file size = 35490 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 27359
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 27359
Output IDAT size = 27359 bytes (8005 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 27437 bytes (8053 bytes = 22.69% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-27-2.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 33149 bytes
Input file size = 33275 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 25066
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 25066
Output IDAT size = 25066 bytes (8083 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 25144 bytes (8131 bytes = 24.44% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast04-AOA-tutorial_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-27-3.png
847x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 17346 bytes
Input file size = 17448 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 15088
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 15088
Output IDAT size = 15088 bytes (2258 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 15166 bytes (2282 bytes = 13.08% decrease)
--- finished re-building ‘cast04-AOA-tutorial.Rmd’
--- re-building ‘cast05-parallel.Rmd’ using rmarkdown
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast05-parallel_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png
288x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 17057 bytes
Input file size = 17159 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 11957
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 11957
Output IDAT size = 11957 bytes (5100 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 12035 bytes (5124 bytes = 29.86% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast05-parallel_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-2.png
288x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 20542 bytes
Input file size = 20644 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 13867
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 13867
Output IDAT size = 13867 bytes (6675 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 13945 bytes (6699 bytes = 32.45% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast05-parallel_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-3.png
288x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 17944 bytes
Input file size = 18046 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 11861
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 11861
Output IDAT size = 11861 bytes (6083 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 11939 bytes (6107 bytes = 33.84% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast05-parallel_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png
288x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 18793 bytes
Input file size = 18895 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 13180
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 13180
Output IDAT size = 13180 bytes (5613 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 13258 bytes (5637 bytes = 29.83% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast05-parallel_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-2.png
288x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 22951 bytes
Input file size = 23053 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 17072
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 17072
Output IDAT size = 17072 bytes (5879 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 17150 bytes (5903 bytes = 25.61% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast05-parallel_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-3.png
288x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 6340 bytes
Input file size = 6418 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 4892
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 4892
Output IDAT size = 4892 bytes (1448 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 4970 bytes (1448 bytes = 22.56% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast05-parallel_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png
288x288 pixels, 8 bits/pixel, 249 colors in palette
Input IDAT size = 2533 bytes
Input file size = 3370 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 2167
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 2167
Output IDAT size = 2167 bytes (366 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 3004 bytes (366 bytes = 10.86% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast05-parallel_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-2.png
288x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 7340 bytes
Input file size = 7418 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 5548
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 5548
Output IDAT size = 5548 bytes (1792 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 5626 bytes (1792 bytes = 24.16% decrease)
** Processing: /data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-devel/CAST.Rcheck/vign_test/CAST/vignettes/cast05-parallel_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-3.png
288x288 pixels, 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
Input IDAT size = 7580 bytes
Input file size = 7658 bytes
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 5683
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 0
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 0
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 1 f = 5
zc = 1 zm = 8 zs = 2 f = 5
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 3 f = 5
Selecting parameters:
zc = 9 zm = 8 zs = 0 f = 0 IDAT size = 5683
Output IDAT size = 5683 bytes (1897 bytes decrease)
Output file size = 5761 bytes (1897 bytes = 24.77% decrease)
--- finished re-building ‘cast05-parallel.Rmd’
SUMMARY: processing the following files failed:
‘cast01-CAST-intro.Rmd’ ‘cast02-plotgeodist.Rmd’
Error: Vignette re-building failed.
Execution halted
- checking PDF version of manual ... OK
- checking HTML version of manual ... OK
- checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... OK
- checking for detritus in the temp directory ... OK
Status: 1 ERROR