* using log directory ‘/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-clang/metafor.Rcheck’
* using R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-28 r87848)
* using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
* R was compiled by
    clang version 20.1.0-rc3
    flang version 20.1.0-rc3
* running under: Fedora Linux 40 (Workstation Edition)
* using session charset: UTF-8
* using option ‘--no-stop-on-test-error’
* checking for file ‘metafor/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* this is package ‘metafor’ version ‘4.8-0’
* package encoding: UTF-8
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking for executable files ... OK
* checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
* checking whether package ‘metafor’ can be installed ... [129s/170s] OK
See 'https://www.r-project.org/nosvn/R.check/r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang/metafor-00install.html' for details.
* checking installed package size ... INFO
  installed size is  5.4Mb
  sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
    R      2.2Mb
    help   2.3Mb
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking ‘build’ directory ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking for left-over files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking code files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK
* checking whether startup messages can be suppressed ... OK
* checking use of S3 registration ... OK
* checking dependencies in R code ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... [306s/396s] OK
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking Rd metadata ... OK
* checking Rd line widths ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* checking Rd contents ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
* checking sizes of PDF files under ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
* checking installed files from ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
* checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK
* checking examples ... [116s/134s] OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in ‘tests’ ... OK
* checking tests ... [238s/379s] ERROR
  Running ‘testthat.R’ [237s/378s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Complete output:
  > ### to also run skip_on_cran() tests, uncomment:
  > #Sys.setenv(NOT_CRAN="true")
  > library(testthat)
  > library(metafor)
  Loading required package: Matrix
  Loading required package: metadat
  Loading required package: numDeriv
  Loading the 'metafor' package (version 4.8-0). For an
  introduction to the package please type: help(metafor)
  > test_check("metafor", reporter="summary")
  Checking analysis example: berkey1995: ............
  Checking analysis example: berkey1998: ..............
  Checking analysis example: dersimonian2007: S
  Checking analysis example: gleser2009: .......................
  Checking analysis example: henmi2010: .......
  Checking analysis example: ishak2007: .......................
  Checking analysis example: jackson2014: SS
  Checking analysis example: konstantopoulos2011: ..............................S......SSSS
  Checking analysis example: law2016: SS
  Checking analysis example: lipsey2001: ..........................
  Checking analysis example: miller1978: ...........S
  Checking analysis example: morris2008: ..............
  Checking analysis example: normand1999: ..............................
  Checking analysis example: raudenbush1985: ..........S.............S
  Checking analysis example: raudenbush2009: ..................
  Checking analysis example: rothman2008: .............................S.....................S..............S
  Checking analysis example: stijnen2010: ............S.......SS............S......S
  Checking analysis example: vanhouwelingen1993: SSS
  Checking analysis example: vanhouwelingen2002: ..............S.S....S.........................
  Checking analysis example: viechtbauer2005: ........
  Checking analysis example: viechtbauer2007a: .......S...SS
  Checking analysis example: viechtbauer2007b: ............S
  Checking analysis example: yusuf1985: S.....
  Checking misc: aggregate() function: ..............
  Checking misc: anova() function: ..........................
  Checking misc: computation of Q-test: ..........
  Checking misc: coef() and se() functions: ................
  Checking misc: confint() function: .......
  Checking misc: cumul() functions: .........
  Checking misc: dfround() function: ..
  Checking misc: model diagnostic functions for rma.mv(): SS
  Checking misc: emmprep() function: SSS
  Checking misc: escalc() function: .........................................................................................................................
  Checking misc: computations of fit statistics: .......................
  Checking misc: formula() function: .......
  Checking misc: fsn() function: .....S....S....S
  Checking misc: funnel() functions: .S
  Checking misc: handling of NAs: ......................................................................................
  Checking misc: handling of edge cases due to zeros: .......S.......S
  Checking misc: influence() and related functions: .........................
  Checking misc: head.list.rma() and tail.list.rma() functions: ....
  Checking misc: matreg() function: .........
  Checking misc: rma.mh() against metan with 'dat.bcg': .....................
  Checking misc: rma.peto() against metan with 'dat.bcg': ........
  Checking misc: rma.uni() against metan with 'dat.bcg': .............................................
  Checking misc: pdfs of various measures: .....
  Checking misc: permutest() function: SSSS
  Checking misc: plot() function: .S.S.S
  Checking misc: predict() function: ..................................
  Checking misc: regtest() and ranktest() functions: ............
  Checking misc: replmiss() function: ...
  Checking misc: reporter() function: .S
  Checking misc: residuals() function: .....................S
  Checking misc: proper handling of errors in rma(): ......
  Checking misc: rma.glmm() function: ..........S............SSS
  Checking misc: proper handling of missing values: S
  Checking misc: location-scale models: ...........SSSSSSSS
  Checking misc: rma.mv() function: .....................1...
  Checking misc: rma() function: ..............
  Checking misc: rma() function with location-scale models: ...............
  Checking misc: rma.uni() against direct computations: .....
  Checking tip: rma() results match up with those from lm(): ........
  Checking misc: robust() function: ..........................................................................
  Checking misc: selmodel() function: .S.S.S.S.S
  Checking misc: .setlab() function: .S
  Checking misc: tes() function: ......S
  Checking misc: to.long() function: ......................
  Checking misc: transformation functions: .......................
  Checking misc: update() function: ....S
  Checking misc: vcalc() function: ......
  Checking misc: vcov() function: ........
  Checking misc: vec2mat() function: ....
  Checking misc: vif() function: ...
  Checking misc: weights() function: ..........................
  Checking plots example: Baujat plot: .S
  Checking plots example: caterpillar plot: .S
  Checking plots example: contour-enhanced funnel plot: .S
  Checking plots example: cumulative forest plot: .S.S.S
  Checking plots example: forest plot with adjusted predstyle: .S.S.S.S.S
  Checking plots example: forest plot with subgroups: .S
  Checking plots example: funnel plot variations: .S
  Checking plots example: funnel plot with trim and fill: .S
  Checking plots example: GOSH plot: .S
  Checking plots example: L'Abbe plot: .S
  Checking plots example: likelihood plot: .S
  Checking plots example: meta-analytic scatterplot: .S
  Checking plots example: normal QQ plots: .S.S.S.
  Checking plots example: plot of cumulative results: .S
  Checking plots example: plot of influence diagnostics: .S
  Checking plots example: radial (Galbraith) plot: .S
  Checking plots example: scatter/bubble plot: .S
  Checking tip: model selection using the glmulti and MuMIn packages: SS
  Checking tip: multiple imputation with the mice and metafor packages: SS
  Checking tip: rma() results match up with those from lm(): ...........
  Checking tip: rma() results match up with those from lm() and lme(): ..........
  Checking tip: testing factors and linear combinations of parameters: ............................
  ══ Skipped ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
  1. results are correct for the CLASP example. ('test_analysis_example_dersimonian2007.r:17:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  2. confint() gives correct results for example 1 in Jackson et al. (2014). ('test_analysis_example_jackson2014.r:9:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  3. confint() gives correct results for example 2 in Jackson et al. (2014). ('test_analysis_example_jackson2014.r:49:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  4. profiling works for the three-level random-effects model (multilevel parameterization). ('test_analysis_example_konstantopoulos2011.r:119:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  5. profiling works for the three-level random-effects model (multivariate parameterization). ('test_analysis_example_konstantopoulos2011.r:166:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  6. BLUPs are calculated correctly for the three-level random-effects model (multilevel parameterization). ('test_analysis_example_konstantopoulos2011.r:195:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  7. restarting with 'restart=TRUE' works. ('test_analysis_example_konstantopoulos2011.r:211:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  8. results are correct when allowing for different tau^2 per district. ('test_analysis_example_konstantopoulos2011.r:225:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  9. results are correct for example 1. ('test_analysis_example_law2016.r:9:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  10. results are correct for example 2. ('test_analysis_example_law2016.r:86:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  11. back-transformations work as intended for individual studies and the model estimate. ('test_analysis_example_miller1978.r:80:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  12. results are correct for the random-effects model. ('test_analysis_example_raudenbush1985.r:40:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  13. results are correct for the mixed-effects model. ('test_analysis_example_raudenbush1985.r:102:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  14. results are correct for Mantel-Haenszel method. ('test_analysis_example_rothman2008.r:133:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  15. results are correct for Mantel-Haenszel method. ('test_analysis_example_rothman2008.r:269:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  16. results are correct for Mantel-Haenszel method. ('test_analysis_example_rothman2008.r:363:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  17. results for the binomial-normal normal are correct (measure=='PLO') ('test_analysis_example_stijnen2010.r:40:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  18. results for the conditional logistic model with exact likelihood are correct (measure=='OR') ('test_analysis_example_stijnen2010.r:83:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  19. results for the conditional logistic model with approximate likelihood are correct (measure=='OR') ('test_analysis_example_stijnen2010.r:101:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  20. results for the Poisson-normal model are correct (measure=='IRLN') ('test_analysis_example_stijnen2010.r:153:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  21. results for the Poisson-normal model are correct (measure=='IRR') ('test_analysis_example_stijnen2010.r:196:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  22. the log likelihood plot can be created. ('test_analysis_example_vanhouwelingen1993.r:14:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  23. results of the equal-effects conditional logistic model are correct. ('test_analysis_example_vanhouwelingen1993.r:38:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  24. results of the random-effects conditional logistic model are correct. ('test_analysis_example_vanhouwelingen1993.r:63:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  25. profile plot for tau^2 can be drawn. ('test_analysis_example_vanhouwelingen2002.r:65:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  26. forest plot of observed log(OR)s and corresponding BLUPs can be drawn. ('test_analysis_example_vanhouwelingen2002.r:82:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  27. L'Abbe plot can be drawn. ('test_analysis_example_vanhouwelingen2002.r:136:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  28. CI is correct for the profile likelihood method. ('test_analysis_example_viechtbauer2007a.r:79:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  29. CI is correct for the parametric bootstrap method. ('test_analysis_example_viechtbauer2007a.r:121:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  30. CI is correct for the non-parametric bootstrap method. ('test_analysis_example_viechtbauer2007a.r:159:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  31. results are correct for the mixed-effects model. ('test_analysis_example_viechtbauer2007b.r:74:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  32. log likelihood plot can be drawn. ('test_analysis_example_yusuf1985.r:15:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  33. model diagnostic functions work with 'na.omit'. ('test_misc_diagnostics_rma.mv.r:29:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  34. model diagnostic functions work with 'na.pass'. ('test_misc_diagnostics_rma.mv.r:160:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  35. emmprep() gives correct results for an intercept-only model. ('test_misc_emmprep.r:16:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  36. emmprep() gives correct results for a meta-regression model. ('test_misc_emmprep.r:36:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  37. emmprep() gives correct results for the r-to-z transformation. ('test_misc_emmprep.r:63:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  38. confint() gives correct results for the 'expectancy data' in Becker (2005). ('test_misc_fsn.r:33:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  39. confint() gives correct results for the 'passive smoking data' in Becker (2005). ('test_misc_fsn.r:65:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  40. confint() gives correct results for the 'interview data' in Becker (2005). ('test_misc_fsn.r:93:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  41. funnel() works correctly. ('test_misc_funnel.r:11:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  42. rma.peto(), rma.mh(), and rma.glmm() handle outcome1 never occurring properly. ('test_misc_handling_of_edge_cases_due_to_zeros.r:23:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  43. rma.peto(), rma.mh(), and rma.glmm() handle outcome2 never occurring properly. ('test_misc_handling_of_edge_cases_due_to_zeros.r:45:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  44. permutest() gives correct results for a random-effects model. ('test_misc_permutest.r:15:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  45. permutest() gives correct results for a mixed-effects model. ('test_misc_permutest.r:44:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  46. permutest() gives correct results for example in Follmann & Proschan (1999). ('test_misc_permutest.r:68:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  47. permutest() works correctly when specifying the 'btt' argument. ('test_misc_permutest.r:95:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  48. plot can be drawn for rma(). ('test_misc_plot_rma.r:11:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  49. plot can be drawn for rma.mh(). ('test_misc_plot_rma.r:52:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  50. plot can be drawn for rma.peto(). ('test_misc_plot_rma.r:76:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  51. reporter() works correctly for 'rma.uni' objects. ('test_misc_reporter.r:12:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  52. residuals are correct for rma.glmm(). ('test_misc_residuals.r:81:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  53. rma.glmm() works correctly for 'UM.FS' model. ('test_misc_rma_glmm.r:30:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  54. rma.glmm() works correctly for 'UM.RS' model. ('test_misc_rma_glmm.r:69:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  55. rma.glmm() works correctly when using 'clogit' or 'clogistic'. ('test_misc_rma_glmm.r:89:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  56. rma.glmm() works correctly for 'CM.EL' model. ('test_misc_rma_glmm.r:107:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  57. rma.glmm() handles NAs correctly. ('test_misc_rma_handling_nas.r:9:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  58. location-scale model works correctly for two subgroups with different tau^2 values ('test_misc_rma_ls.r:38:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  59. profile() and confint() work correctly for location-scale models ('test_misc_rma_ls.r:49:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  60. location-scale model works correctly for a continuous predictor ('test_misc_rma_ls.r:92:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  61. location-scale model works correctly for multiple predictors ('test_misc_rma_ls.r:155:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  62. permutation tests work correctly for a location-scale model ('test_misc_rma_ls.r:200:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  63. predict() works correctly for location-scale models ('test_misc_rma_ls.r:230:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  64. anova() works correctly for location-scale models ('test_misc_rma_ls.r:281:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  65. vif() works correctly for location-scale models ('test_misc_rma_ls.r:322:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  66. results are correct for a step function model. ('test_misc_selmodel.r:11:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  67. results are correct for the beta function model. ('test_misc_selmodel.r:63:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  68. results are correct for the various exponential function models. ('test_misc_selmodel.r:120:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  69. results are correct for a pirori chosen step function models. ('test_misc_selmodel.r:178:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  70. results are correct for a truncated distribution model. ('test_misc_selmodel.r:202:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  71. .setlab() works correctly together with forest(). ('test_misc_setlab.r:14:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  72. tes() works correctly for 'dat.dorn2007'. ('test_misc_tes.r:25:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  73. update() works for rma.glmm(). ('test_misc_update.r:45:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  74. plot can be drawn. ('test_plots_baujat_plot.r:13:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  75. plot can be drawn. ('test_plots_caterpillar_plot.r:13:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  76. plot can be drawn. ('test_plots_contour-enhanced_funnel_plot.r:13:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  77. plot can be drawn for 'rma.uni' object. ('test_plots_cumulative_forest_plot.r:13:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  78. plot can be drawn for 'rma.mh' object. ('test_plots_cumulative_forest_plot.r:43:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  79. plot can be drawn for 'rma.peto' object. ('test_plots_cumulative_forest_plot.r:70:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  80. plot can be drawn with predstyle='l'. ('test_plots_forest_plot_with_predstyle.r:17:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  81. plot can be drawn with predstyle='b'. ('test_plots_forest_plot_with_predstyle.r:79:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  82. plot can be drawn with predstyle='s'. ('test_plots_forest_plot_with_predstyle.r:141:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  83. plot can be drawn with predstyle='d'. ('test_plots_forest_plot_with_predstyle.r:203:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  84. plot can be drawn with predstyle='d' and transf=exp. ('test_plots_forest_plot_with_predstyle.r:265:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  85. plot can be drawn. ('test_plots_forest_plot_with_subgroups.r:13:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  86. plot can be drawn. ('test_plots_funnel_plot_variations.r:13:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  87. plot can be drawn. ('test_plots_funnel_plot_with_trim_and_fill.r:13:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  88. plot can be drawn. ('test_plots_gosh.r:13:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  89. plot can be drawn. ('test_plots_labbe_plot.r:13:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  90. plot can be drawn. ('test_plots_llplot.r:11:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  91. plot can be drawn. ('test_plots_meta-analytic_scatterplot.r:13:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  92. plot can be drawn for 'rma.uni' object. ('test_plots_normal_qq_plots.r:13:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  93. plot can be drawn for 'rma.mh' object. ('test_plots_normal_qq_plots.r:54:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  94. plot can be drawn for 'rma.peto' object. ('test_plots_normal_qq_plots.r:72:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  95. plot can be drawn. ('test_plots_plot_of_cumulative_results.r:13:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  96. plot can be drawn. ('test_plots_plot_of_influence_diagnostics.r:13:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  97. plot can be drawn. ('test_plots_radial_plot.r:13:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  98. plot can be drawn. ('test_plots_regplot.r:13:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  99. results are correct for package glmulti. ('test_tips_model_selection_with_glmulti_and_mumin.r:16:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  100. results are correct for package MuMIn. ('test_tips_model_selection_with_glmulti_and_mumin.r:89:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  101. results are correct for package mice. ('test_tips_multiple_imputation_with_mice.r:16:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  102. results are correct for package Amelia. ('test_tips_multiple_imputation_with_mice.r:59:4') - Reason: On CRAN
  ══ Failed ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
  ── 1. Error ('test_misc_rma_mv.r:108:4'): rma.mv() works correctly with differen
  Error: Optimizer (nloptr::nloptr) did not achieve convergence (status = -2).
   1. └─metafor::rma.mv(...) at test_misc_rma_mv.r:108:4
   2.   └─metafor:::.chkconv(...)
  ══ DONE ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
  Error: Test failures
  Execution halted
* checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK
* checking package vignettes ... OK
* checking re-building of vignette outputs ... OK
* checking PDF version of manual ... [41s/53s] OK
* checking HTML version of manual ... [27s/33s] OK
* checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... OK
* checking for detritus in the temp directory ... OK
Status: 1 ERROR