* using log directory ‘/data/gannet/ripley/R/packages/tests-clang/SimplyAgree.Rcheck’
* using R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-28 r87848)
* using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
* R was compiled by
    clang version 20.1.0-rc3
    flang version 20.1.0-rc3
* running under: Fedora Linux 40 (Workstation Edition)
* using session charset: UTF-8
* using option ‘--no-stop-on-test-error’
* checking for file ‘SimplyAgree/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* checking extension type ... Package
* this is package ‘SimplyAgree’ version ‘0.2.1’
* package encoding: UTF-8
* checking package namespace information ... OK
* checking package dependencies ... OK
* checking if this is a source package ... OK
* checking if there is a namespace ... OK
* checking for executable files ... OK
* checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
* checking for portable file names ... OK
* checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
* checking whether package ‘SimplyAgree’ can be installed ... [54s/71s] OK
See 'https://www.r-project.org/nosvn/R.check/r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang/SimplyAgree-00install.html' for details.
* checking installed package size ... OK
* checking package directory ... OK
* checking ‘build’ directory ... OK
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking top-level files ... OK
* checking for left-over files ... OK
* checking index information ... OK
* checking package subdirectories ... OK
* checking code files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded ... [7s/11s] OK
* checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
* checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
* checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK
* checking use of S3 registration ... OK
* checking dependencies in R code ... OK
* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
* checking replacement functions ... OK
* checking foreign function calls ... OK
* checking R code for possible problems ... [63s/84s] OK
* checking Rd files ... OK
* checking Rd metadata ... OK
* checking Rd line widths ... OK
* checking Rd cross-references ... OK
* checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
* checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
* checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
* checking Rd contents ... OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
* checking contents of ‘data’ directory ... OK
* checking data for non-ASCII characters ... OK
* checking LazyData ... OK
* checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK
* checking installed files from ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
* checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK
* checking examples ... [8s/11s] OK
* checking for unstated dependencies in ‘tests’ ... OK
* checking tests ... [269s/351s] ERROR
  Running ‘testthat.R’ [268s/350s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Complete output:
  > library(testthat)
  > library(SimplyAgree)
  > test_check("SimplyAgree")
  Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement (LoA) of the Ratio (x/y)
  95% LoA @ 5% Alpha-Level
  Log-transformed Nested Data
   Bias          Bias CI Lower LoA Upper LoA          LoA CI
   1.12 [0.7468, 1.6812]    0.6698     1.874 [0.4569, 2.748]
  Coefficient of Variation (%) = 30.0214
  MOVER Limits of Agreement (LoA)
  95% LoA @ 2.5% Alpha-Level
  Nested Data
   Average of Both Methods   Bias           Bias CI Lower LoA Upper LoA
                     3.905 0.6116 [-1.5669, 2.7901]    -2.169     3.392
                     5.465 0.7226 [-1.5861, 3.0313]    -2.058     3.503
                     7.395 0.8599 [-1.3417, 3.0616]    -1.921     3.641
               LoA CI
   [-9.5109, 10.7341]
   [-9.3999, 10.8451]
   [-9.2626, 10.9825]
  SD of Differences = 1.4188
  MOVER Limits of Agreement (LoA) of the Ratio (x/y)
  95% LoA @ 5% Alpha-Level
  Log-transformed Nested Data
   Bias          Bias CI Lower LoA Upper LoA           LoA CI
   1.12 [0.7468, 1.6812]    0.6698     1.874 [0.2558, 4.9087]
  Coefficient of Variation (%) = 30.0214
  Limit of Agreement = 95%
  Nested Data Points (true value may vary)
  Hypothesis Test: don't reject h0
  ###- Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement (LoA) -###
            Estimate Lower CI Upper CI CI Level
  Bias        0.7255  -0.6694   2.1204     0.95
  Lower LoA  -2.1404  -7.5748  -0.5891     0.90
  Upper LoA   3.5915   2.0402   9.0259     0.90
  Limit of Agreement = 95%
  Nested Data Points (true value may vary)
  Hypothesis Test: don't reject h0
  ###- Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement (LoA) -###
            Estimate Lower CI Upper CI CI Level
  Bias        0.7255  -0.6694   2.1204     0.95
  Lower LoA  -2.1404  -7.5748  -0.5891     0.90
  Upper LoA   3.5915   2.0402   9.0259     0.90
  Limit of Agreement = 95%
  Nested Data Points (true value may vary)
  Hypothesis Test: don't reject h0
  ###- Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement (LoA) -###
            Estimate Lower CI Upper CI CI Level
  Bias        0.7255  -0.6694   2.1204     0.95
  Lower LoA  -2.1404  -7.5748  -0.5891     0.90
  Upper LoA   3.5915   2.0402   9.0259     0.90
  Limit of Agreement = 80%
  Nested Data Points (true value may vary)
  Hypothesis Test: reject h0
  ###- Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement (LoA) -###
            Estimate Lower CI Upper CI CI Level
  Bias        0.7255 -0.09316   1.5442     0.75
  Lower LoA  -1.1484 -2.28235  -0.6037     0.50
  Upper LoA   2.5995  2.05481   3.7334     0.50
  Limit of Agreement = 80%
  Nested Data Points (true value may vary)
  Hypothesis Test: reject h0
  ###- Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement (LoA) -###
            Estimate Lower CI Upper CI CI Level
  Bias        0.7255 -0.09316   1.5442     0.75
  Lower LoA  -1.1484 -2.28235  -0.6037     0.50
  Upper LoA   2.5995  2.05481   3.7334     0.50
  Limit of Agreement = 95%
  Binomial proportions test and quantile regression for LoA
               agreement lower.ci upper.ci
  % within 2.5    0.9444   0.6935   0.9922
  Hypothesis Test: don't reject h0
  ###- Quantile Limits of Agreement (LoA) -###
            Estimate Lower CI Upper CI CI Level
  Lower LoA    -1.12  -1.4705  -0.7695     0.90
  Bias          0.04  -0.5362   0.6162     0.95
  Upper LoA     2.97   2.1954   3.7446     0.90
  Limit of Agreement = 95%
  Binomial proportions test and quantile regression for LoA
               agreement lower.ci upper.ci
  % within 2.5    0.9444   0.6935   0.9922
  Hypothesis Test: don't reject h0
  ###- Quantile Limits of Agreement (LoA) -###
                   Estimate Lower CI Upper CI CI Level
  Lower LoA @ 3.9  -1.52603  -1.9506 -1.10148     0.90
  Lower LoA @ 5.24 -0.58334  -0.7497 -0.41701     0.90
  Lower LoA @ 7.4   0.93837   0.6407  1.23608     0.90
  Bias @ 3.9       -0.73052  -1.3830 -0.07808     0.95
  Bias @ 5.24      -0.07238  -0.8096  0.66486     0.95
  Bias @ 7.4        0.99000  -0.9752  2.95519     0.95
  Upper LoA @ 3.9   0.52353  -1.9981  3.04516     0.90
  Upper LoA @ 5.24  2.27008   1.6152  2.92494     0.90
  Upper LoA @ 7.4   5.08940   1.8002  8.37859     0.90
  MOVER Limits of Agreement (LoA)
  95% LoA @ 2.5% Alpha-Level
  Data with Replicates
   Average of Both Methods    Bias            Bias CI Lower LoA Upper LoA
                     3.905 -0.3111   [-8.681, 8.0587]    -3.341     2.719
                     5.382  0.6522  [-3.8839, 5.1882]    -2.378     3.682
                     7.395  1.9651 [-7.7328, 11.6631]    -1.065     4.995
                LoA CI
   [-11.1274, 10.5051]
   [-10.1641, 11.4684]
    [-8.8511, 12.7814]
  SD of Differences = 1.546
  Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement (LoA) of the Ratio (x/y)
  95% LoA @ 2.5% Alpha-Level
  Log-transformed Data with Replicates
    Bias          Bias CI Lower LoA Upper LoA           LoA CI
   1.119 [0.6373, 1.9636]     0.639     1.958 [0.3961, 3.1593]
  Coefficient of Variation (%) = 33.0697
  MOVER Limits of Agreement (LoA) of the Ratio (x/y)
  95% LoA @ 2.5% Alpha-Level
  Log-transformed Data with Replicates
    Bias          Bias CI Lower LoA Upper LoA           LoA CI
   1.119 [0.6373, 1.9636]     0.639     1.958 [0.1511, 8.2835]
  Coefficient of Variation (%) = 33.0697
  MOVER Limits of Agreement (LoA)
  95% LoA @ 2.5% Alpha-Level
  Data with Replicates
     Bias         Bias CI Lower LoA Upper LoA            LoA CI
   0.7152 [-2.2296, 3.66]    -2.232     3.662 [-9.7686, 11.199]
  SD of Differences = 1.5036
  Limit of Agreement = 95%
  Replicate Data Points (true value does not vary)
  Warning: hypothesis test likely bogus with proportional bias.
  Hypothesis Test: don't reject h0
  ###- Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement (LoA) -###
            Estimate Lower CI Upper CI CI Level
  Bias        0.7035   -1.396    2.803     0.95
  Lower LoA  -2.0640   -9.011   -0.454     0.95
  Upper LoA   3.4710    1.861   10.418     0.95
  LoA at average of both measures. Please check plot.
  Limit of Agreement = 95%
  Replicate Data Points (true value does not vary)
  Hypothesis Test: No Hypothesis Test
  ###- Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement (LoA) -###
            Estimate Lower CI Upper CI CI Level
  Bias        0.7152  -0.6667   2.0971     0.95
  Lower LoA  -2.2317  -9.7686  -0.4779     0.95
  Upper LoA   3.6622   1.9084  11.1990     0.95
  Limit of Agreement = 95%
  Replicate Data Points (true value does not vary)
  Hypothesis Test: don't reject h0
  ###- Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement (LoA) -###
            Estimate Lower CI Upper CI CI Level
  Bias        0.7152  -0.6667   2.0971     0.95
  Lower LoA  -2.2317  -7.5482  -0.7295     0.90
  Upper LoA   3.6622   2.1599   8.9786     0.90
  Limit of Agreement = 80%
  Replicate Data Points (true value does not vary)
  Hypothesis Test: reject h0
  ###- Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement (LoA) -###
            Estimate Lower CI Upper CI CI Level
  Bias        0.7152 -0.09588   1.5263     0.75
  Lower LoA  -1.2117 -2.31316  -0.6769     0.50
  Upper LoA   2.6421  2.10732   3.7436     0.50
  Limit of Agreement = 80%
  Replicate Data Points (true value does not vary)
  Hypothesis Test: reject h0
  ###- Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement (LoA) -###
            Estimate Lower CI Upper CI CI Level
  Bias        0.7152 -0.09588   1.5263     0.75
  Lower LoA  -1.2117 -2.31316  -0.6769     0.50
  Upper LoA   2.6421  2.10732   3.7436     0.50
  [1] 79.0000000  0.8022956
  Weighted Deming Regression with 95% C.I.
               coef     bias     se df lower.ci upper.ci       t p.value
  Intercept -0.3251  0.20653 1.9609  8  -4.8470    4.197 -0.1658  0.8724
  Slope      1.0309 -0.02537 0.2189  8   0.5261    1.536  0.1413  0.8911
  Weighted Deming Regression with 95% C.I.
              coef     bias     se df lower.ci upper.ci      t p.value
  Intercept 3.4071 -0.05338 1.7556  2   -4.146   10.961  1.941  0.1918
  Slope     0.2828 -0.01214 0.3859  2   -1.378    1.943 -1.858  0.2042
  95% Limits of Agreement with Parametric Bootstrap 95% Confidence Intervals 
     Average Condition  Measures Estimate Lower CI Upper CI
  1    36.67   23C/5.5      Bias   0.3206  0.15866  0.50999
  2    36.67   23C/5.5 Lower LoA  -0.1665 -0.35850  0.16416
  3    36.67   23C/5.5 Upper LoA   0.8078  0.63372  1.06271
  4    36.67   33C/5.5      Bias   0.2780  0.04308  0.44716
  5    36.67   33C/5.5 Lower LoA  -0.1214 -0.35211  0.16832
  6    36.67   33C/5.5 Upper LoA   0.6775  0.35132  0.83876
  7    36.67   33C/7.5      Bias   0.2812  0.08005  0.52882
  8    36.67   33C/7.5 Lower LoA  -0.1882 -0.41513  0.22339
  9    36.67   33C/7.5 Upper LoA   0.7505  0.40618  0.94256
  10   36.93   23C/5.5      Bias   0.2762  0.09452  0.43279
  11   36.93   23C/5.5 Lower LoA  -0.2109 -0.42886  0.08643
  12   36.93   23C/5.5 Upper LoA   0.7634  0.54468  0.88854
  13   36.93   33C/5.5      Bias   0.2336  0.07439  0.38684
  14   36.93   33C/5.5 Lower LoA  -0.1658 -0.32113  0.02001
  15   36.93   33C/5.5 Upper LoA   0.6331  0.32082  0.83744
  16   36.93   33C/7.5      Bias   0.2368  0.02860  0.40621
  17   36.93   33C/7.5 Lower LoA  -0.2326 -0.47640  0.07545
  18   36.93   33C/7.5 Upper LoA   0.7061  0.45154  0.87547
  19   37.29   23C/5.5      Bias   0.2147 -0.13999  0.50590
  20   37.29   23C/5.5 Lower LoA  -0.2724 -0.67516  0.04306
  21   37.29   23C/5.5 Upper LoA   0.7019  0.35388  0.99223
  22   37.29   33C/5.5      Bias   0.1721 -0.05788  0.46182
  23   37.29   33C/5.5 Lower LoA  -0.2273 -0.40434  0.11394
  24   37.29   33C/5.5 Upper LoA   0.5715  0.16291  0.88580
  25   37.29   33C/7.5      Bias   0.1752 -0.20186  0.40945
  26   37.29   33C/7.5 Lower LoA  -0.2941 -0.69021  0.02786
  27   37.29   33C/7.5 Upper LoA   0.6446  0.22604  0.83207
  95% Limits of Agreement with Bootstrap 95% Confidence Intervals 
              estimate   lower.ci   upper.ci
  Mean Bias  0.2510000  0.1593847  0.3113323
  Lower LoA -0.2444893 -0.3529074 -0.1674958
  Upper LoA  0.7464893  0.6809332  0.8231947
  Coefficient of Variation (%):  19.1
  Standard Error of Measurement (SEM):  1.01
  Standard Error of the Estimate (SEE):  1.22
  Standard Error of Prediction (SEP):  1.9
  Intraclass Correlation Coefficients with  95 % C.I.
             Model         Measures  Type    ICC Lower CI Upper CI
  1 one-way random        Agreement  ICC1 0.1657 -0.09672   0.6434
  2 two-way random        Agreement  ICC2 0.2898  0.04290   0.6911
  3  two-way fixed      Consistency  ICC3 0.7148  0.41183   0.9258
  4 one-way random   Avg. Agreement ICC1k 0.4428 -0.54504   0.8783
  5 two-way random   Avg. Agreement ICC2k 0.6201  0.15204   0.8995
  6  two-way fixed Avg. Consistency ICC3k 0.9093  0.73690   0.9804
  Coefficient of Variation (%):  18.2
  Standard Error of Measurement (SEM):  0.964
  Standard Error of the Estimate (SEE):  1.2
  Standard Error of Prediction (SEP):  1.8
  Intraclass Correlation Coefficients with  95 % C.I.
             Model         Measures  Type    ICC Lower CI Upper CI
  1 one-way random        Agreement  ICC1 0.2202 -0.06155   0.6863
  2 two-way random        Agreement  ICC2 0.3327  0.05493   0.7300
  3  two-way fixed      Consistency  ICC3 0.7861  0.52451   0.9470
  4 one-way random   Avg. Agreement ICC1k 0.5305 -0.30199   0.8974
  5 two-way random   Avg. Agreement ICC2k 0.6660  0.18865   0.9154
  6  two-way fixed Avg. Consistency ICC3k 0.9363  0.81524   0.9862
  Coefficient of Variation (%): 18.2 95% C.I. [12.7, 24.4]
  Standard Error of Measurement (SEM): 0.964 95% C.I. [0.672, 1.29]
  Standard Error of the Estimate (SEE): 1.2 95% C.I. [0.835, 1.6]
  Standard Error of Prediction (SEP): 1.8 95% C.I. [1.26, 2.42]
  Intraclass Correlation Coefficients
             Model         Measures  Type    ICC Lower CI Upper CI
  1 one-way random        Agreement  ICC1 0.2202 -0.06155   0.6863
  2 two-way random        Agreement  ICC2 0.3327  0.05493   0.7300
  3  two-way fixed      Consistency  ICC3 0.7861  0.52451   0.9470
  4 one-way random   Avg. Agreement ICC1k 0.5305 -0.30199   0.8974
  5 two-way random   Avg. Agreement ICC2k 0.6660  0.18865   0.9154
  6  two-way fixed Avg. Consistency ICC3k 0.9363  0.81524   0.9862
  Coefficient of Variation (%):  18.2
  Standard Error of Measurement (SEM):  0.964
  Standard Error of the Estimate (SEE):  1.2
  Standard Error of Prediction (SEP):  1.8
  Intraclass Correlation Coefficients with  95 % C.I.
             Model         Measures  Type    ICC Lower CI Upper CI
  1 one-way random        Agreement  ICC1 0.2202 -0.06155   0.6863
  2 two-way random        Agreement  ICC2 0.3327  0.05493   0.7300
  3  two-way fixed      Consistency  ICC3 0.7861  0.52451   0.9470
  4 one-way random   Avg. Agreement ICC1k 0.5305 -0.30199   0.8974
  5 two-way random   Avg. Agreement ICC2k 0.6660  0.18865   0.9154
  6  two-way fixed Avg. Consistency ICC3k 0.9363  0.81524   0.9862
  Agreement between Measures (Difference: x-y)
  95% Prediction Interval with 95% Tolerance Limits
     Bias          Bias CI Prediction Interval Tolerance Limits
   0.1908 [0.1462, 0.2355]   [-0.1578, 0.5395] [-0.2123, 0.594]
  Agreement between Measures (Difference: x-y)
  95% Prediction Interval with 95% Tolerance Limits
   Average of Both Methods   Bias          Bias CI Prediction Interval
                     36.38 0.2333 [0.1319, 0.3347]   [-0.1275, 0.5941]
                     36.83 0.1901 [0.1453, 0.2348]   [-0.1591, 0.5392]
                     37.23 0.1512 [0.0552, 0.2472]   [-0.2081, 0.5105]
    Tolerance Limits
    [-0.1844, 0.651]
   [-0.2141, 0.5943]
   [-0.2648, 0.5672]
  Agreement between Measures (Difference: x-y)
  95% Prediction Interval with 95% Tolerance Limits
     Bias          Bias CI Prediction Interval Tolerance Limits
   0.1908 [0.1191, 0.2625]   [-0.2098, 0.5915] [-0.3803, 0.762]
  Agreement between Measures (Difference: x-y)
  95% Prediction Interval with 95% Tolerance Limits
     Bias         Bias CI Prediction Interval Tolerance Limits
   0.1907 [0.1284, 0.253]   [-0.1828, 0.5642]  [-0.2986, 0.68]
  Agreement between Measures (Difference: x-y)
  95% Prediction Interval with 95% Tolerance Limits
     Bias         Bias CI Prediction Interval  Tolerance Limits
   0.1907 [0.1284, 0.253]   [-0.1828, 0.5642] [-0.2986, 0.6801]
  Agreement between Measures (Difference: x-y)
  95% Prediction Interval with 95% Tolerance Limits
   Condition   Bias          Bias CI Prediction Interval  Tolerance Limits
          AM 0.1581 [0.0786, 0.2377]   [-0.2164, 0.5327] [-0.3403, 0.6565]
          PM 0.2233 [0.1438, 0.3028]   [-0.1513, 0.5979] [-0.2751, 0.7217]
  Agreement between Measures (Difference: x-y)
  95% Prediction Interval with 95% Tolerance Limits
   Condition   Bias          Bias CI Prediction Interval  Tolerance Limits
          AM 0.1537 [0.0595, 0.2478]   [-0.2919, 0.5993] [-0.3647, 0.7364]
          PM 0.2280 [0.1342, 0.3218]   [-0.3162, 0.7722] [-0.3617, 0.8177]
  Agreement between Measures (Ratio: x/y)
  95% Prediction Interval with 95% Tolerance Limits
   Average of Both Methods  Bias          Bias CI Prediction Interval
                     36.38 1.005 [1.0014, 1.0082]    [0.9943, 1.0153]
                     36.83 1.005  [1.003, 1.0074]    [0.9935, 1.0171]
                     37.23 1.006 [1.0024, 1.0089]    [0.9952, 1.0161]
   Tolerance Limits
   [0.9921, 1.0176]
   [0.9877, 1.0231]
   [0.9928, 1.0185]
  Sympercent Difference between Methods (s%)
  95% Prediction Interval with 95% Tolerance Limits
   Average of Both Methods   Bias          Bias CI Prediction Interval
                     36.38 0.4745 [0.1362, 0.8128]   [-0.5679, 1.5169]
                     36.83 0.5194 [0.3011, 0.7377]    [-0.654, 1.6928]
                     37.23 0.5598 [0.2359, 0.8837]   [-0.4811, 1.6007]
    Tolerance Limits
   [-0.7957, 1.7447]
   [-1.2419, 2.2807]
   [-0.7182, 1.8378]
  Agreement between Measures (Ratio: x/y)
  95% Prediction Interval with 95% Tolerance Limits
   Condition Average of Both Methods  Bias          Bias CI Prediction Interval
          AM                   36.38 1.007 [1.0035, 1.0096]    [0.9955, 1.0176]
          PM                   36.38 1.010 [1.0062, 1.0139]    [0.9989, 1.0213]
          AM                   36.83 1.003  [1.001, 1.0057]     [0.992, 1.0149]
          PM                   36.83 1.007 [1.0047, 1.0091]    [0.9927, 1.0213]
          AM                   37.23 1.001 [0.9967, 1.0045]    [0.9895, 1.0117]
          PM                   37.23 1.004 [1.0015, 1.0066]    [0.9929, 1.0153]
   Tolerance Limits
   [0.9931, 1.0201]
   [0.9969, 1.0234]
   [0.9882, 1.0188]
   [0.9836, 1.0308]
   [0.9876, 1.0137]
   [0.9897, 1.0186]
  Agreement between Measures (Ratio: x/y)
  95% Prediction Interval with 95% Tolerance Limits
   Condition Average of Both Methods  Bias          Bias CI Prediction Interval
          AM                   36.38 1.007 [1.0035, 1.0096]    [0.9955, 1.0176]
          PM                   36.38 1.010 [1.0062, 1.0139]    [0.9989, 1.0213]
          AM                   36.83 1.003  [1.001, 1.0057]     [0.992, 1.0149]
          PM                   36.83 1.007 [1.0047, 1.0091]    [0.9927, 1.0213]
          AM                   37.23 1.001 [0.9967, 1.0045]    [0.9895, 1.0117]
          PM                   37.23 1.004 [1.0015, 1.0066]    [0.9929, 1.0153]
   Tolerance Limits
    [0.9899, 1.022]
   [0.9939, 1.0254]
   [0.9881, 1.0177]
   [0.9904, 1.0239]
    [0.985, 1.0159]
   [0.9909, 1.0201]
  Agreement between Measures (Ratio: x/y)
  95% Prediction Interval with 95% Tolerance Limits
   Average of Both Methods  Bias          Bias CI Prediction Interval
                     36.38 1.005 [1.0014, 1.0082]    [0.9943, 1.0153]
                     36.83 1.005  [1.003, 1.0074]    [0.9935, 1.0171]
                     37.23 1.006 [1.0024, 1.0089]    [0.9952, 1.0161]
   Tolerance Limits
   [0.9901, 1.0215]
   [0.9919, 1.0194]
   [0.9899, 1.0197]
  Limit of Agreement = 95%
  ###- Shieh Results -###
  Exact 90% C.I.  [-2.6418, 3.5184]
  Hypothesis Test: don't reject h0
  ###- Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement (LoA) -###
            Estimate Lower CI Upper CI CI Level
  Bias        0.4383  -0.1669    1.044     0.95
  Lower LoA  -1.9470  -2.8162   -1.078     0.90
  Upper LoA   2.8237   1.9545    3.693     0.90
  ###- Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) -###
  CCC: 0.4791, 95% C.I. [0.1276, 0.7237]
  [ FAIL 16 | WARN 135 | SKIP 0 | PASS 118 ]
  ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
  ── Failure ('test-agree_nest.R:38:3'): examples from Zou ───────────────────────
  nest_test_new$loa$bias not equal to 0.7234979.
  1/1 mismatches
  [1] 0.723 - 0.723 == -0.000304
  ── Failure ('test-agree_nest.R:106:3'): examples from Zou ──────────────────────
  nest_test_newlog$loa$lower.CL not equal to -0.319.
  1/1 mismatches
  [1] -0.292 - -0.319 == 0.027
  ── Failure ('test-agree_nest.R:110:3'): examples from Zou ──────────────────────
  nest_test_newlog$loa$lme not equal to 1.030285.
  1/1 mismatches
  [1] 0.963 - 1.03 == -0.0676
  ── Failure ('test-agree_nest.R:150:3'): examples from Zou ──────────────────────
  c(nest_test_new$loa$bias, nest_test_new$loa$lower_loa, nest_test_new$loa$upper_loa) not equivalent to c(0.7255, -2.14, 3.59).
  2/3 mismatches (average diff: 0.152)
  [2] -1.99 - -2.14 ==  0.151
  [3]  3.44 -  3.59 == -0.154
  ── Failure ('test-agree_nest.R:155:3'): examples from Zou ──────────────────────
  c(nest_test_new$loa$lower_loa_ci, nest_test_new$loa$upper_loa_ci) not equivalent to c(-9.8, 11.2).
  2/2 mismatches (average diff: 0.626)
  [1] -9.15 - -9.8 ==  0.649
  [2] 10.60 - 11.2 == -0.603
  ── Failure ('test-loa_mixed.R:28:3'): basic runs ───────────────────────────────
  test_bca$loa$estimate not equivalent to `estimates1`.
  2/3 mismatches (average diff: 0.0557)
  [2] -0.244 - -0.189 == -0.0557
  [3]  0.746 -  0.691 ==  0.0557
  ── Failure ('test-loa_mixed.R:31:3'): basic runs ───────────────────────────────
  test_bca$var_comp$estimate not equivalent to `estimates2`.
  3/3 mismatches (average diff: 0.0305)
  [1] 0.155 - 0.168 == -0.0126
  [2] 0.200 - 0.149 ==  0.0506
  [3] 0.253 - 0.224 ==  0.0284
  ── Failure ('test-loa_mixed.R:48:3'): basic runs ───────────────────────────────
  test_perc$loa$estimate not equivalent to `estimates1`.
  2/3 mismatches (average diff: 0.0557)
  [2] -0.244 - -0.189 == -0.0557
  [3]  0.746 -  0.691 ==  0.0557
  ── Failure ('test-loa_mixed.R:51:3'): basic runs ───────────────────────────────
  test_perc$var_comp$estimate not equivalent to `estimates2`.
  3/3 mismatches (average diff: 0.0305)
  [1] 0.155 - 0.168 == -0.0126
  [2] 0.200 - 0.149 ==  0.0506
  [3] 0.253 - 0.224 ==  0.0284
  ── Failure ('test-loa_mixed.R:64:3'): basic runs ───────────────────────────────
  test_basic$loa$estimate not equivalent to `estimates1`.
  2/3 mismatches (average diff: 0.0557)
  [2] -0.244 - -0.189 == -0.0557
  [3]  0.746 -  0.691 ==  0.0557
  ── Failure ('test-loa_mixed.R:67:3'): basic runs ───────────────────────────────
  test_basic$var_comp$estimate not equivalent to `estimates2`.
  3/3 mismatches (average diff: 0.0305)
  [1] 0.155 - 0.168 == -0.0126
  [2] 0.200 - 0.149 ==  0.0506
  [3] 0.253 - 0.224 ==  0.0284
  ── Failure ('test-loa_mixed.R:80:3'): basic runs ───────────────────────────────
  test_norm$loa$estimate not equivalent to `estimates1`.
  2/3 mismatches (average diff: 0.0557)
  [2] -0.244 - -0.189 == -0.0557
  [3]  0.746 -  0.691 ==  0.0557
  ── Failure ('test-loa_mixed.R:83:3'): basic runs ───────────────────────────────
  test_norm$var_comp$estimate not equivalent to `estimates2`.
  3/3 mismatches (average diff: 0.0305)
  [1] 0.155 - 0.168 == -0.0126
  [2] 0.200 - 0.149 ==  0.0506
  [3] 0.253 - 0.224 ==  0.0284
  ── Failure ('test-reli_stats.R:153:3'): Simple Use Run Through ─────────────────
  round(test2$icc$icc, 4) not equivalent to round(test2_aov$icc$icc, 4).
  6/6 mismatches (average diff: 0.0549)
  [1] 0.220 - 0.166 == 0.0545
  [2] 0.333 - 0.290 == 0.0429
  [3] 0.786 - 0.715 == 0.0713
  [4] 0.530 - 0.443 == 0.0877
  [5] 0.666 - 0.620 == 0.0459
  [6] 0.936 - 0.909 == 0.0270
  ── Failure ('test-reli_stats.R:194:3'): Simple Use Run Through ─────────────────
  round(test3$icc$icc, 4) not equivalent to round(test3_aov$icc$icc, 4).
  6/6 mismatches (average diff: 0.0549)
  [1] 0.220 - 0.166 == 0.0545
  [2] 0.333 - 0.290 == 0.0429
  [3] 0.786 - 0.715 == 0.0713
  [4] 0.530 - 0.443 == 0.0877
  [5] 0.666 - 0.620 == 0.0459
  [6] 0.936 - 0.909 == 0.0270
  ── Failure ('test-reli_stats.R:196:3'): Simple Use Run Through ─────────────────
  round(test3$var_comp$percent, 4) not equivalent to round(test3_aov$var_comp$percent, 4).
  3/4 mismatches (average diff: 0.0286)
  [1] 0.3327 - 0.290 ==  0.0429
  [2] 0.5768 - 0.595 == -0.0178
  [3] 0.0905 - 0.116 == -0.0251
  [ FAIL 16 | WARN 135 | SKIP 0 | PASS 118 ]
  Error: Test failures
  Execution halted
* checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK
* checking package vignettes ... OK
* checking re-building of vignette outputs ... [112s/159s] OK
* checking PDF version of manual ... [8s/11s] OK
* checking HTML version of manual ... OK
* checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... OK
* checking for detritus in the temp directory ... OK
Status: 1 ERROR