- using R Under development (unstable) (2025-03-10 r87922)
- using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
- R was compiled by
gcc-14 (Debian 14.2.0-17) 14.2.0
GNU Fortran (Debian 14.2.0-17) 14.2.0
- running under: Debian GNU/Linux trixie/sid
- using session charset: UTF-8
- checking for file ‘NAM/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
- checking extension type ... Package
- this is package ‘NAM’ version ‘1.7.3’
- checking package namespace information ... OK
- checking package dependencies ... OK
- checking if this is a source package ... OK
- checking if there is a namespace ... OK
- checking for executable files ... OK
- checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
- checking for portable file names ... OK
- checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
- checking serialization versions ... OK
- checking whether package ‘NAM’ can be installed ... OK
See the install log for details.
- used C compiler: ‘gcc-14 (Debian 14.2.0-17) 14.2.0’
- used C++ compiler: ‘g++-14 (Debian 14.2.0-17) 14.2.0’
- checking package directory ... OK
- checking for future file timestamps ... OK
- checking ‘build’ directory ... OK
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
- checking top-level files ... OK
- checking for left-over files ... OK
- checking index information ... OK
- checking package subdirectories ... OK
- checking code files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
- checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
- checking whether the package can be loaded ... [0s/0s] OK
- checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... [0s/0s] OK
- checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... [0s/1s] OK
- checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... [0s/0s] OK
- checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... [0s/0s] OK
- checking loading without being on the library search path ... [0s/0s] OK
- checking use of S3 registration ... OK
- checking dependencies in R code ... OK
- checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
- checking replacement functions ... OK
- checking foreign function calls ... OK
- checking R code for possible problems ... [18s/23s] OK
- checking Rd files ... [0s/1s] NOTE
checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:65: Lost braces
65 | 01) \code{Import_data(file,type=c('GBS','HapMap','VCF')):}{ This function can be used to import genotypic data in the NAM format, providing a list with a genotypic matrix \code{gen} coded as \code{012} and a vector \code{chr} with count of markers per chromosome. Currently, it helps users to import three types of files: GBS text, HapMap and VCF.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:67: Lost braces
67 | 02) \code{markov(gen,chr):}{ Imputation method based forwards Markov model for SNP data coded as \code{012}. We recommend users to remove non-segregating markers before using this function.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:69: Lost braces
69 | 03) \code{LD(gen):}{ Computes the linkage disequilibrium in terms of r2 for SNP data coded as \code{012}. Missing data is not allowed.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:71: Lost braces
71 | 04) \code{PedMat(ped):}{ Builds a kinship from a pedigree. Input format is provided with \code{PedMat()}.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:73: Lost braces
73 | 05) \code{PedMat2(ped,gen=NULL,IgnoreInbr=FALSE,PureLines=FALSE):}{ Builds a kinship from a genomic data and pedigree. Useful when not all individuals are genotyped. Row names of \code{gen} must indicate the genotype id.}
| ^
checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:75: Lost braces
75 | 06) \code{Gdist(gen, method = 1):}{ Computes genetic distance among individuals. Five methods are available: 1) Nei distance; 2) Edwards distance; 3) Reynolds distance; 4) Rogers distance; 5) Provesti's distance. 6) Modified Rogers distance}
| ^
checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:77: Lost braces
77 | 07) \code{covar(sp=NULL,rho=3.5,type=1,dist=2.5):}{ Builds a spatial kernel from field plot information. Input format is provided with \code{covar()}. Parameter \code{rho} detemines the decay of relationship among neighbor plots. \code{type} defines if the kernel is exponential (1), Gaussian (2) or some intermediate. \code{dist} informs the distance ratio between range neighbors and row neighbors.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:79: Lost braces
79 | 08) \code{eigX(gen,fam):}{ Computes the input of the argument \code{EIG} of the function \code{gwas2}.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:81: Lost braces
81 | 09) \code{G2A_Kernels(gen):}{ Computes a list of orthogonal kernels containing additive, dominant and first-order epistatic effects, in accordance to the G2A model from ZB Zeng et al. 2005. These kernels can be used for description of genetic architecture through variance components, for that we recommend packages \code{varComp} and \code{BGLR}.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:83: Lost braces
83 | 10) \code{NNsrc(sp=NULL,rho=1,dist=3):}{ Using the same field data input required by the function \code{covar}, this function provides a list of nearest neighbor plots for each entry.}
| ^
checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:85: Lost braces
85 | 11) \code{NNcov(NN,y):}{ This function utilizes the output of \code{NNsrc} to generate a numeric vector, averageing the observed values of \code{y}. This function is useful to generate field covariates to control micro-environmental variance without krigging.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:87: Lost braces
87 | 11) \code{emXX(y,gen,...):}{ Fits whole-genome regressions using the expectation-maximization algorithm as opposed to MCMC. Currently avaible methods include BayesA (\code{emBA}), BayesB (\code{emBB}), BayesC (\code{emBC}), BayesD (\code{emBD}), BLASSO (\code{emBL}), FLM (\code{emDE}), Elastic-Net (\code{emEN}), maximum likelihood (\code{emML}) and ridge regression (\code{emRR}). A cross-validation option is also available (\code{emCV}).}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:89: Lost braces
89 | 12) \code{CNT(X):}{ Centralizes parameters from matrix \code{X}.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:91: Lost braces
91 | 13) \code{IMP(X):}{ Imputes missing points from matrix \code{X} with the average value of the column.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:93: Lost braces
93 | 14) \code{GAU(X):}{ Creates a Gaussian kernel from matrix \code{X}.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:95: Lost braces
95 | 15) \code{GRM(X, Code012=FALSE):}{ Creates genomic relationship matrix as linear kernel from matrix \code{X}. If genotypes are coded as 012 and Code012=TRUE, the kinship is the same as proposed by VanRaden (2008), otherwise the outcome is an additive G2A kernel.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:97: Lost braces
97 | 16) \code{MSX(X):}{ Computes the cross-product of each column of \code{X} and the sum of variances of each column of \code{X}.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:99: Lost braces
99 | 17) \code{NOR(y,X,cxx,xx,maxit=50,tol=10e-6):}{ Solves a ridge regression using GSRU, where \code{y} corresponds to the response variable, \code{X} is the set of parameters, \code{cxx} and \code{xx} are the output from the MSX function, \code{maxit} and \code{tol} are the convergence criteria.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:101: Lost braces
101 | 18) \code{SPC(y,blk,row,col,rN=3,cN=1):}{ Computes a spatial covariate, similar to what could be obtained using NNsrc and NNcov but in a single step. It often is faster than NNsrc/NNcov.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:103: Lost braces
103 | 19) \code{SPM(blk,row,col,rN=3,cN=1):}{ Computes a spatial matrix that capture nearest neighbots, to be used as design matrix of random effects. The least-square solution gives the same as SPC.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:105: Lost braces
105 | 20) \code{BRR2(y,X1,X2,it=1500,bi=500,df=5,R2=0.5):}{ A simple C++ implementation of a Bayesian Ridge Regression that accomodates two random effects.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:107: Lost braces
107 | 21) \code{emML2(y,X1,X2,D1=NULL,D2=NULL):}{ A simple C++ implementation of emML that accomodates two random effects.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:109: Lost braces
109 | 22) \code{press(y,K,MaxIt=10):}{Solves a PRESS-regularized GBLUP. You can provide K as a matrix or as the output of the functin eigen. MaxIt the maximum number of iterations to for updating missing values (if any) if H*y does not converge.}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:111: Lost braces
111 | 23) \code{emGWA(y,gen):}{ A vanilla algorithm written in C++ for GWAS (very simple, but very efficient). It fits a snpBLUP via EM-REML based GSRU, then run an additional round checkinkg the likelihood of treating each marker as fixed effect instead of random, thus avoiding double-fitting. It returns the marker p-values, snpBLUP marker effects for genomic prediction, LS marker effects from the GWAS, variance components, heritability, and GEBVs (fitted values).}
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:113: Lost braces
113 | 24) \code{BCpi(y,X,it=3000,bi=500,df=5,R2=0.5):}{ A vanilla implementation in C++ of BayesCpi for GWAS or GWP. It returns the marker p-values (as the minus log probability of marker excluded), marker effects for genomic prediction, probability of marker included, variance components, heritability, and GEBVs (fitted values). }
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checkRd: (-1) Internals.Rd:115: Lost braces
115 | 25) \code{mrr(Y,X)/mkr(Y,K)/mrrV2(Y,X)/mrr2X(Y,X1,X2)/mkr2X(Y,K1,K2):}{A C++ implementation for multivariate regression.}
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- checking Rd metadata ... OK
- checking Rd line widths ... OK
- checking Rd cross-references ... OK
- checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
- checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
- checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
- checking Rd contents ... OK
- checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
- checking contents of ‘data’ directory ... OK
- checking data for non-ASCII characters ... [1s/1s] OK
- checking data for ASCII and uncompressed saves ... OK
- checking line endings in C/C++/Fortran sources/headers ... OK
- checking pragmas in C/C++ headers and code ... OK
- checking compilation flags used ... OK
- checking compiled code ... OK
- checking sizes of PDF files under ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
- checking installed files from ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
- checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK
- checking examples ... [0s/1s] OK
- checking for unstated dependencies in ‘demo’ ... NOTE
'::' or ':::' import not declared from: ‘Matrix’
- checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK
- checking package vignettes ... OK
- checking re-building of vignette outputs ... [2s/3s] OK
- checking PDF version of manual ... [4s/5s] OK
- checking HTML version of manual ... [1s/1s] OK
- checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... OK
Status: 2 NOTEs