Directions in Statistical Computing (DSC) 2017 was an invitation-only
conference held in conjunction with UseR! 2017 in Brussels, July 3-4.
Talks covered a diverse range of topics revolving around R, including
parallel/distributed computing, compilation, syntax extensions,
alternative implementations of basic vectors, and package management.
There was an R-core meeting on the afternoon of July 3, where some of
the proposals were discussed.
- Luke Tierney (ALTREP branch) [pdf]
- Tomas Kalibera (Byte Code Compiler: Recent Work on R Runtime) [pdf]
- Helena Kotthaus (R Goes Mobile: Efficient Scheduling for Parallel R
Programs on Heterogeneous Embedded Systems) [pdf]
- Hannes Mühleisen (Dressing up Data for R) [pdf]
- Jim Hester (Syntax Extensions to R) [html]
- Lionel Henry (fexprs) [pdf]
- Dirk Eddelbuettel (Rcpp at a 1k Reverse Depends) [pdf]
- Gabor Csardi (R Hub) [pdf]
- Martin Morgan (Bioconductor development model) [pdf]
- Petr Maj (JIT for R) [pdf]
- Jan Vitek (Annotations for R) [pdf]