
useR! 2013 - Schedule and links


Wednesday 10th July

09:00 Opening Session, Paraninfo
09:30 Invited Talk, Paraninfo, Chair: Gonzalo García-Donato
  Håvard Rue : Bayesian computing with INLA and the R-INLA package [abstract | slides]
10:30Bioinformatics, FEBS 1, Chair: Ramón Díaz-Uriarte
Hugh Shanahan: Integrating R with a Platform as a Service cloud computing platform for Bioinformatics applications. [abstract]
Inma Tur: Simulation of molecular regulatory networks with graphical models [abstract | slides]
Raivo Kolde: GOsummaries: an R package for showing Gene Ontology enrichment results in the context of experimental data [abstract]
Laure Cougnaud: Analysis of qPCR data in R [abstract]
Computational Challenges in Molecular Biology I, FEBS 2, Chair: Tobias Verbeke
Yury Aulchenko: The GenABEL suite for genome-wide association analyses [abstract | slides]
Thomas Poulsen: Making enzymes with R [abstract]
Filippo Biscarini: Use of molecular markers to estimate genomic relationships and marker effects: computation strategies in R [abstract | slides]
Insa Winzenborg: High Content Screening Analysis in R [abstract]
Environmental statistics I, FEBS 9, Chair: Andy South
Jean-Michel Perraud: rClr package - low level access to .NET code from R [abstract]
María Victoria Jiménez Franco: Reproducible Research in Ecology with R: distribution of threatened mammals in Equatorial Guinea. [abstract | slides]
Ji\v{r}í Kadlec: Using R for Mapping the Spatial Extent of Meteorological and Hydrological Drought Events [abstract]
Statistics/Biostatistics I, FEBS 10, Chair: Stephanie Kovalchik
Yuri Possokhov: Three-component decomposition of coal spectrum in R [abstract]
Konstantin Chizhov: Method of comparison of actions of the liquidators of the accident on Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant on the basis of fragmentation of their routes and encryption it in a form similar to the DNA [abstract]
Leonardo Collado Torres: Differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data at base-pair resolution in multiple biological replicates [abstract]
Jan Graffelman: Statistical inference for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with missing data [abstract]
Tapas Break
12:20Econometric Software, FEBS 1, Chair: Achim Zeileis
R. Scott Hacker: Hansel: A Deducer Plug-In for Econometrics [abstract]
Giovanni Millo: Robust standard errors for panel data: a general framework [abstract]
Christoph Bergmeir: Rsiopred: An R package for forecasting by exponential smoothing with model selection by a fuzzy multicriteria approach [abstract]
Genaro Sucarrat: AutoSEARCH: Automated General-to-Specific Model Selection [abstract]
Computational Challenges in Molecular Biology II, FEBS 2, Chair: Hugh Shanahan
Adi Tarca: What did we learn from the IMPROVER Diagnostic Signature Challenge? [abstract]
Tal Galili: Deciphering the tRNA operational code - using R [abstract]
Andreas Leha: Big Data and Reproducibility -- Building the Bridge [abstract]
Robert Ness: Topology-based Hypothesis Generation on Causal Biological Networks using igraph [abstract]
Environmental statistics II, FEBS 9, Chair: Roger Bivand
Alejandro Alija: Driving R to the air quality industry. NanoEnvi Analyst: a tool for designing large-scale air quality plans for improvement in ambient air quality [abstract]
Daniele Amberti: Sequential Design of Experiments for model selection: an application to the energy sector [abstract]
Damian Zasina: Emission inventory supported by R: dependency between calorific value and carbon content for lignite [abstract | slides]
Statistics/Biostatistics II, FEBS 10, Chair: Steve Scott
Colin Rundel: Leveraging GPU libraries for efficient computation of Gaussian process models in R [abstract]
Jason Bryer: TriMatch: An R Package for Propensity Score Matching of Non-Binary Treatments [abstract]
Christophe Genolini: KmL3D: K-means for Joint Trajectories [abstract]
Mikiyas Gebresamuel: Stochastic Modeling of Claim Frequency in the Ethiopian Motor Insurance Corporation: A Case Study of Hawassa Disrict [abstract]
13:40 Lunch
15:30 Invited Talk, Paraninfo, Chair: David Smith
  Hadley Wickham: BigR data. [Abstract]
16:30Time Series Analysis, FEBS 1, Chair: Rob Hyndman
Constantino Antonio García Martínez: Heart Rate Variability analysis in R with RHRV [abstract | slides]
David Bronaugh: Massively Parallel Computation of Climate Extremes Indices using R [abstract]
Alice Cleynen: Segmentor3IsBack: an R package for the fast and exact segmentation of Seq-data [abstract]
Rob Hyndman: hts: R tools for hierarchical time series [abstract]
Database applications, FEBS 2, Chair: Xavier de Pedro
Finn Sandø: Introducing SimpleDataManager - A simple data management workflow for R [abstract]
Guillaume Le Ray: SenseLabOnline: Combining agile data base administration with strong data analysis [abstract]
Jan Wijffels: ffbase: statistical functions for large datasets [abstract]
Using R for Teaching I, FEBS 9, Chair: María José Haro
Virgilio Gómez Rubio: Teaching statistics interactively with Geogebra and R [abstract | slides]
Alfredo Sánchez Alberca: RKTeaching: a new R package for teaching Statistics [abstract]
Lara Lusa: genertest: a package for the developing exams in R [abstract]
Achim Zeileis: Flexible generation of e-learning exams in R: Moodle quizzes, OLAT assessments, and beyond [abstract | slides]
Karim Chine: Teaching R in the Cloud [abstract]
Statistics/Biostatistics III, FEBS 10, Chair: Anabel Forte
Maria Helena Gonçalves: cold: a package for Count Longitudinal Data [abstract]
Vik Gopal: kPop: An R package for the interval estimation of the mean of the selected populations. [abstract]
Tatjana Kecojevic: GLM - a case study: Antagonistic relationships between fungi and nematodes [abstract]
John Kloke: R Packages for Rank-based Estimates [abstract | slides]
Tapas Break
  Poster Session, Hall of Fac. of Economics and Business Science

Poster Session


Nora M. Villanueva: seq2R: Detecting DNA compositional change points. [abstract]

Wolfgang Raffelsberger: gxTools: Multiple approaches integrated in automated transcriptome analysis. [abstract]

Chemometrics/Computational physics

Yuri Possokhov: Automation of spectroscopic data processing in routine tests of coals using R. [abstract]


Eui-Kyung Lee: Asymmetric Volatility Transmission in Airline Related Companies in Stock Markets. [abstract]

Giovanni Millo: Panel time series methods in R. [abstract]

Environmetrics/Ecological Modeling

Mark Liniger: Climate Analysis Tools - An operational environment for climate products. [abstract]

Julia Marczewska: Statistical analysis with R of an effect of the air entrainment and the cement type on fresh mortar properties . [abstract]

Krzysztof Maciejewski: Statistical analysis in R of environmental and traffic noise in Kielce . [abstract]

Ilya Kudrin: Using R for dosimetry extremum tasks. [abstract]

Francisco Alonso-Sarría: An R script to model monthly climatic variables with GLM to be used in hydrological modelling. [abstract]

Yousef Erfanifard: Application of the nearest neighbour indices in spatstat R package for Persian oak (Quercus brantii var. persica) ecological studies in Zagros woodlands, Iran. [abstract]

Marketing/Business Analytics

Anna Bednarczyk: Pharmaceutical market analysis with R. [abstract]

Youngchul Shin: Efficiency analysis of companies using DEA model with R. [abstract]

Official statistics/Public policy

María del Mar Rueda: Using R to estimate parameters from multiple frames. [abstract]

Antonio Arcos: Calibration in Complex Survey using R. [abstract]

Carlos Pérez-González: Small area data visualization using ggplot2 library. [abstract]

Emilio L. Cano: Standardisation on Statistics: ISO Standards and R Tools. [abstract | poster]

Céline Bugli: Using R2wd package to automatize your reporting from R to Microsoft Word document - An application of automatic report for a survey in telecommunication. [abstract]


Petr Maj: TestR: R language test driven specification. [abstract]

Karim Chine: R as a Data Operating System for the Cloud. [abstract]

Monika Zuchowicz: Analysis of data from student surveys at Kielce University of Technology using R Commander and R Data Miner . [abstract]

Gergely Daróczi: A cloud infrastructure for R reports. [abstract | poster]

Kurt Ranalter: On thinning spatial polygons. [abstract]

Milena Nowek: Data mining with Rattle. [abstract]

Kamil Mogielski: Analysis of load capacity of pipes with CIPP liners using R Rattle package. [abstract]

Jaynal Abedin: edeR: Email Data Extraction using R. [abstract]

David Scott: hwriterPlus: Extending the hwriter Package. [abstract]

Social science

Yasuto Nakano: Quantitative Text Analysis of readers' contributions on Japanese daily newspapers. [abstract]


Peyman Eshghi: R/Statistica Interface. [abstract]

Guillermo Valles Castellano: AMOEBA+ with R. [abstract]

Javier Roca-Pardiñas: Software developments for non-parametric ROC regression analysis. [abstract]

Javier Roca-Pardiñas: An R-package forWeighted Smooth. [abstract]

Marta Sestelo: Variable selection algorithm implemented in FWDselect. [abstract]

Javier Roca-Pardiñas: TPmsm: Estimation of the Transition Probabilities in 3-State Models. [abstract]

Marta Sestelo: NPRegfast: Inference methods in regression models including factor-by-curve interaction. [abstract]

Jorge Luis Ojeda Cabrera: intRegGOF: Modelling with the aid of Integrated Regression Goodness of Fit tests.. [abstract]

Moisés Gómez-Mateu: A Web-based Application as a Dynamical Tool for Clinical Trial Researchers. [abstract]

Sandra González Maldonado: Biomarker Discovery using Metabolite Profiling Data: Discussion of different Statistical Approaches.. [abstract]

Klaus Marquart: Reproducible and Standardized Statistical Analyses using R. [abstract]

Francisco Javier Rodríguez Cortés: Point process spatio-temporal product density estimation with R. [abstract]

Jonatan A. González: Spatio-Temporal ANOVA for replicated point patterns using R. [abstract]

Xavier Barber: Estimation of parameters using several regression tools in sewage sludge by NIRS. [abstract]

Margarita Rincón Hidalgo: Recipe for the implementation of a population dynamics bayesian model for anchovy: Supercomputing using doMC , rjags and coda R packages. [abstract]


Antonio Arcos: A R tool to teach descriptive statistics. [abstract]

Francisco Gomariz-Castillo: Using R as continuous learning support in Sea Sciences degree. [abstract]

Xosé M. Martínez: Teaching introductory statistics to students in economics: a comparison between R and spreadsheet. [abstract]

Pilar Sanmartin: Introducing statistic and probability concepts with R in engineering grades. [abstract]\end{footnotesize}

Thursday 11th July

09:00 Invited Talk, Paraninfo, Chair: J.J. Allaire
  Duncan Murdoch: What’s New in R 3.0.x? [abstract]
10:00Machine learning I, FEBS 1, Chair: Esteban Alfaro
Bojan Mihaljevic: BayesClass: An R package for learning Bayesian network classifiers [abstract | slides]
Lala Septem Riza: Constructing fuzzy rule-based systems with the R package "frbs" [abstract]
Selçuk Korkmaz: bbRVM: an R package for Ensemble Classification Approaches of Relevance Vector Machines [abstract]
Max Kuhn: Classification Using C5.0 [abstract]
Marketing/Business Analytics I, FEBS 2, Chair: José Luis Alfaro
Louis Bajuk-Yorgan: Extending the Reach of R to the Enterprise [abstract | slides]
David Smith: Big-data, real-time R? Yes, you can. [abstract]
Alex Zolotovitski: Large-Scale Predictive Modeling with R and Apache Hive: from Modeling to Production [abstract]
Allan Engelhardt: Non-Life Insurance Pricing using R [abstract | slides]
Official statistics I, FEBS 9, Chair: Alexander Kowarik
Giulio Barcaroli: ReGenesees: symbolic computation for calibration and variance estimation [abstract]
Martijn Tennekes: Big data exploration with tabplot [abstract]
Valentin Todorov: rwiot: An R package for Input-Output analysis on the World Input Output Database (WIOD) [abstract]
Alexander Kowarik: Make Your Data Confidential with the sdcMicro and sdcMicroGUI packages [abstract]
Statistical Modelling I, FEBS 10, Chair: Heather Turner
Natalie Koziol: MRCV: A Package for Analyzing the Association Among Categorical Variables with Multiple Response Options [abstract]
Alexandra Kuznetsova: Different tests on lmer objects (of the lme4 package): introducing the lmerTest package. [abstract]
Miguel Munoz Zuniga: Implementation of advanced polynomial chaos expansion in R for uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis [abstract]
Maengseok Noh: Dhglm \& frailtyHL : R package for double hierarchical genralized linear models and frailty models [abstract]
Tapas Break
11:50Machine learning II, FEBS 1, Chair: Max Kuhn
Jim Harner: rknn: an R Package for Parallel Random KNN Classification with Variable Selection [abstract]
Matthias Eckardt: Patterns of Multimorbidity: Graphical Models and Statistical Learning [abstract]
Tristan Mary-Huard: ExactSampling: risk evaluation using exact resampling methods for the $k$ Nearest Neighbor algorithm [abstract]
A. Pedro Duarte Silva: Classifying High-Dimensional Data with the The HiDimDA package [abstract]
Marketing/Business Analytics II, FEBS 2, Chair: Noelia García
Kamson Lai: Groupon Impact Report: Using R To Power Large-Scale Business Analytics [abstract]
Joseph Rickert: Statistics with Big Data: Beyond the Hype [abstract]
Andrie de Vries: Using survival analysis for marketing attribution (with a big data case study) [abstract]
Mark Hornick: Big Data Analytics - Scaling R to Enterprise Data [abstract]
Official statistics II, FEBS 9, Chair: Matthias Templ
Susie Jentoft: Using R for exploring sampling designs at Statistics Norway [abstract]
Anna Dyga: Application of R in Crime Data Analysis [abstract]
Andy South: Maps can be rubbish for visualising global data : a look at other options. [abstract]
Han Lin Shang: The use of demography package for population forecasting [abstract]
Statistical Modelling II, FEBS 10, Chair: Benjamin French
Natalya Pya: Shape constrained additive modelling in R [abstract]
Rosalba Radice: Semiparametric bivariate probit models in R: the SemiParBIVProbit package [abstract]
Peter Ruckdeschel: "RobExtremes": Robust Extreme Value Statistics --- a New Member in the RobASt-Family of R Packages [abstract | slides]
Heather Turner: Generalized Bradley-Terry Modelling of Football Results [abstract]

13:10 Lunch
15:00 Invited Talk, Paraninfo, Chair: Matías Gámez
  José Manuel Benítez-Sánchez: Computational Intelligence in R. [Abstract]
16:30Programming, FEBS 1, Chair: Duncan Murdoch
Rasmus Bååth: An expos� of naming conventions in R [abstract | slides]
Majid Sarmad: Statistical Machine Translation tools in R [abstract]
Colin Gillespie: Reference classes: a case study with the poweRlaw package [abstract]
Felipe Ortega: Combining R and Python for scientific computing [abstract]
Biostatistics: Regression Methodology, FEBS 2, Chair: Gonzalo García-Donato
Giampiero Marra: Copula sample selection modelling using the R package SemiParSampleSel [abstract]
Andreas Alfons: Robust model selection for high-dimensional data with the R package robustHD [abstract]
Marek Molas: HGLMMM and JHGLM: Package and codes for (joint)hierarchical generalized linear models [abstract]
Yiwen Zhang: Fitting regression models for polytomous data in R [abstract]
R in the Central Banks, FEBS 9, Chair: Guiseppe Bruno
Beat Hulliger: Outliers in multivariate incomplete survey data [abstract]
Matja\v{z} Jeran: Use of R and LaTeX for periodical statistical publications [abstract]
Giuseppe Bruno: Solving Dynamic Macroeconomic Models with R [abstract]
R in companies, FEBS 10, Chair: Josh Paulson
Joe Cheng: Shiny: Easy web applications in R [abstract]
Aleksandar Blagoti\'c: rapport, an R report template system [abstract]
J.J. Allaire: Seamless C++ Integration with Rcpp Attributes [abstract]
Tobias Verbeke: The R Service Bus: New and Noteworthy [abstract]
Tapas Break
18:20Kaleidoscope I, FEBS 1, Chair: George Ostrouchov
Marco Scutari: packdep: network abstractions of CRAN and Bioconductor [abstract]
Douglas Mason: The Beatles Genome Project: Cluster Analysis of Popular Music in R [abstract]
Richard Cotton: The secrets of inverse brogramming [abstract]
Kaleidoscope II, FEBS 2, Chair: David Conesa
Charles DiMaggio: Mapping Hurricane Sandy Damage in New York City [abstract]
Graeme Hickey: Unlocking a national adult cardiac surgery audit registry with R [abstract | slides]
Alexander Bertram: Renjin: A new R interpreter built on the JVM [abstract | slides]
 Lightning Talks I, FEBS 9, Chair: Emilio L. Cano [slides]
 Jonathan Cornelissen : developing an interactive online education platform for R
 Joseph Rickert : Revolution Analytics supporting the R Community
 Gergely Daróczi : Transforming R objects to Pandoc's markdown
 William Hughes : A Simple (Simplistic?) Approach to Conjoint Analysis using R
 Tal Galili : Updating R on Windows/Mac (the {installr} package)
 Catherine Hurley : Seriation for visualisation with package DendSer
 Markus Gesmann : R in Insurance
 Aleksandar Blagoti? : Rapport - reproducible statistical templates
 David Smith : What is R? (with a surprise)
 Kevin Moore : Breaking the mould without breaking the system - the challenges of change
 Sascha Frydman : Mapping the Human Brain: How I Connected an MRI Analysis System with Rcpp
 Scott Sherrill-Mix : glmnet and latent HIV: twists in the hunt for a cure
 Lightning Talks II, FEBS 10, Chair: Virgilio Gómez-Rubio [slides]
 Karsten Weinert : Handling data with the datamart package
 Jan Graffelman : Visualizing correlation matrices with R
 Romain Francois : Rcpp is ready
 Andy South : Mapping half a million petition signatures using R
 Ramon Diaz-Uriarte : Using R for the parallelized analysis of big genomics data
 Jonathan McPherson : RStudio Debugging Features Preview
 JJ Allaire : Reproducible Presentations with RStudio
 Thierry Onkelinx : Using mixed models for quality control of citizen science data
 Alexander Meyer : Transcatheter Heart Valve Registry Data Explorer - a Shiny Use Case
 Mario Inchiosa : 10 Reasons to Use Revolution R Enterprise - Free to Academics
 Alex Zolotovitski : R work journal
 Wolfgang Raffelsberger : Hints for R faster R code
 Przemyslaw Biecek : R packages with PISA data. Let's learn about education!
21:30 Conference Dinner, Restaurant "Casino Primitivo"

Friday 12th July

09:00 Invited Talk, Paraninfo, Chair: TBC
  Steve Scott: Bayesian computation in C++ with R as an interface. [abstract]
10:00Visualization/Graphics I, FEBS 1, Chair: Hadley Wickham
Vladimir Skvortsov: Radar data acquisition, analysis and visualization using reproducible research with Sweave [abstract]
Sacha Epskamp: Network Visualizations of Statistical Relationships and Structural Equation Models [abstract]
Oliver Bracht: tableR - An R based approach for creating table reports from surveys [abstract]
Kimberly Speerschneider: likert: An R Package for Visualizing and Analyzing Likert-Based Items [abstract]
Richard Heiberger: Design of likert graphics with lattice and mosaic [abstract]
High performance computing, FEBS 2, Chair: Marco Scutari
Emma Huang: Facilitating genetic map construction at large scales in R [abstract]
Drew Schmidt: Elevating R to Supercomputers [abstract]
Jan Vitek: R in Java: Why and How? [abstract]
Junji Nakano: Rhpc: A package for High-Performance Computing [abstract]
Modelling and Optimization, FEBS 9, Chair: Franciso Parreño
Tomoaki Nakatani: DCchoice: a package for analyzing dichotomous choice contingent valuation data [abstract]
Aditya Bhagwat: Systems biology: modeling network dynamics in R [abstract]
Ching-Shih Tsou: Evolutionary multi-objective optimization with R [abstract]
Emilio L. Cano: An integrated Solver Manager: using R and Python for energy systems optimization [abstract | slides]
GUIs/Interfaces, FEBS 10, Chair: Jan Graffelman
Jorge Luis Ojeda Cabrera: Using Lazy--Evaluation to build the G.U.I. [abstract]
Reijo Sund: Survo for R - Interface for Creative Processing of Text and Numerical Data [abstract]
Zdzis\l{}aw Piasta: Using R in teaching statistics, quality improvement and intelligent decision support at Kielce University of Technology [abstract]
Tapas Break
11:50Visualization/Graphics II, FEBS 1, Chair: Jason Bryer
Willem Ligtenberg: A ggplot2 builder for Eclipse/StatET and Architect [abstract]
Jason Waddell: Visualizing Multivariate Contrasts [abstract]
David Scott: metaplot: Flexible Specification for Forest Plots [abstract]
Franciso Alonso-Sarría: GaRGoyLE: A map composer using GRASS, R, GMT and Latex [abstract]
High performance computing II, FEBS 2, Chair: Felipe Ortega
Dan Fraser: Open Source Product Creation, Bosco Team [abstract]
Yann Richet: Practical computer experiments in R [abstract | slides]
Hannes Mühleisen: Symbiosis - Column Stores and R Statistics [abstract]
Michael Sannella: Memory Management in the TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R (TERR) [abstract | slides]
Reproducible Research, FEBS 9, Chair: Emilio L. Cano
David Montaner: TiddlyWikiR: an R package for dynamic report writing. [abstract]
Randall Schumacker: Synthesis of Research Findings Using R [abstract]
Isaac Subirana: compreGroups updated: version 2.0 [abstract | slides]
Statistical Modelling III, FEBS 10, Chair: Rui Paulo
Anabel Forte Deltell: BayesVarSel. An R package for Bayesian Variable Selection. [abstract]
Dalia Chakrabarty: Bayesian learning of model parameters given matrix-valued information, using a new matrix-variate Gaussian Process. [abstract]
David Conesa: FluDetWeb: an interactive web-based system for the early detection of the onset of influenza epidemics [abstract | slides]
Jason Osborne: Looking for (and finding!) hidden additivity in complete block designs with the hiddenf package. [abstract]
13:10 Closing Remarks, Fac. of Economics and Business
13:30 Lunch/Paella