Programme highlights
A detailed schedule with the invited and contributed talks is available here.
The conference starts Wednesday 10, 09:00 and ends Friday 12, 15:00. Lunch breaks are
scheduled at 13:10-15:30, and we expect you enjoy "Tapas breaks" during the mornings and afternoons.
Check also the Social programme.
Printed abstracts will not be provided at the conference. Links to individual
abstracts will be provided in the online agenda. The abstracts for all contributed
talks and posters are collected together in the abstract booklet.
in the abstract
Please note that there are three different formats for contributed talks:
- useR! Kaleidoscope:
- These sessions will give a broad overview of the many different applications of R and should appeal to a wide audience.
- useR! Focus Sessions:
- These sessions will focus on topics of special
interest and may be more technical.
- useR! Lightning Talks:
- These sessions, with oral presentations of 5
minutes, provide a platform for participants to speak on any R-related topic and should
particularly appeal to R newbies.
Information for Speakers, Session Chairs and Poster Presenters
- Presenters of Kaleidoscope and Focus contributed talks, please note that your talk is
scheduled for 17 minutes, followed by 3 minutes discussion.
- Presenters of Lightning talks, please note that your talk is scheduled for
5 minutes, with 1 minute question/transition time. A variation of
the pecha kucha and ignite formats will be used, in which you
must provide 15 slides to accompany your talk and each slide will be shown
for 20 seconds. Slides must be provided in PDF format and sent
to useR-2013@R-project.org by 17:00 GMT, Friday 4 July, 2013.
- Each useR! Invited Lecture will last 40 minutes, with 5 minutes at the end of the lecture
reserved for questions.
- Technical details: All lecture rooms are equipped with an LCD
projector and a computer or laptop that is connected to the
Internet. Unless speakers require their own laptop for software
demonstrations, speakers are expected to ensure that a PDF of their
presentation slides is on the computer provided, before the start of
their session. For presenters of Lightning Talks, this is achieved
by sending the slides in advance as described above; for presenters
of other talks, please see the conference assistant in the relevant
lecture room to arrange transfer of your slides. Conference
assistants will be available in the lecture rooms at least 10
minutes before the program starts each day and at least 10 minutes
before the program recommences after each coffee or lunch
break. Please arrive well before the start of your session and
introduce yourself to the Session Chair. During your talk, please
look out for the countdown cards that the Chair will use to signal
that your time is coming to a close.
- Session Chairs: Please check the News Board in the main atrium
for any changes to your session. Please arrive well before the start
of your session to meet the speakers and ensure that they have a PDF
of their slides on the room computer. Countdown cards will be
provided to help you keep the speakers to time. If we are aware
that a speaker is missing up to 2 hours prior to the relevant
session, then the other talks will be brought forwards and a notice
placed on the News Board, otherwise can we please request that
Chairs keep to the timetable, and in the event of a missing speaker,
advise the audience to go to an alternative talk.
- For those preparing posters, the poster boards can accommodate
posters of size A0 (Portrait) or A1 (Landscape). Poster presenters
should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the poster
session to put up their poster (presenters can access the venue from
18:00). Regular posters will have allocated boards as numbered in
the schedule; late-breaking posters can be put up on any unnumbered
board. Presenters should stay in the vicinity of their poster for
the first hour of the session. Please take down your poster at the
end of the session; if you are unable to stay until the end
remaining posters will be removed and can be retrieved from the
registration desk the next day.