Lightning Talks
Starting in useR! 2011, lightning talks provide a 5-minute
platform for participants to speak on an R-related topic of
their choice. A variation of the pecha kucha and
formats will be used in which speakers must provide 15 slides
to accompany their talk and each slide will be shown for 20
useR! 2013 keeps this format, aimed particularly at those new to R. The talks will help
users discover packages, techniques and ways of working,
learning from the experience and expertise of others.
A wide range of topics are encouraged from across the user
community. Examples might include:
Data import/export experiences
Using R for Business Analytics
Linear Mixed Models in R
Impressive Data Visualization applications
R for teaching
Getting the Most out of your Local R User Group
Use Case for a given package
- Sharing Experiences Across the R Community
Registered participants who would like to give a lightning talk provided a title for the talk. Deadline has passed and talks have been selected from the proposed titles to form a
varied and balanced program. Potential speakers have been
informed of the outcome yet.
The lightning talk sessions will be organised separately from
the main program and participants are welcome to give a
lightning talk in addition to a regular talk or poster.