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Presentations |
The abstracts of the useR! 2006 presentations are linked individually below or available in a single pdf file.
For time and location of the presentations, see the conference program.
Claudio Agostinelli |
Robust Estimation for Circular Data using R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Micah Altman, Jeff Gill and Michael McDonald |
R Modules for Accurate and Reliable Statistical Computing, Perturb package | [abstract] | [slides] |
M. Rui Alves and M. Beatriz Oliveira |
R algorithms for the calculation of markers to be used in the construction of predictive and interpolative biplot axes in routine multivariate analyses. | [abstract] | [slides] |
Pedro Andrade Neto and Paulo Justinano Junior |
aRT: R-TerraLib API | [abstract] | [slides] |
Thomas Baier, Richard Heiberger, Erich Neuwirth and Wilfried Grossmann |
Using R for teaching statistics to nonmajors: Comparing experiences of two different approaches | [abstract] | [slides] |
Andreas Baierl and Andreas Futschik |
Implementation of robust methods for locating quantitative trait loci in R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Pierre-Alois Beitinger, Romain Beitinger, Stephany Fulda and Thomas-Christian Wetter |
R in clinical practice - summarizing pharmacological data | [abstract] | [slides] |
Axel Benner |
Statistical Learning for Analyzing Functional Genomic Data | [abstract] | [slides] |
Harald Binder |
Comparison of approaches for fitting generalized additive models | [abstract] | [slides] |
Gordon Blunt |
Using Grid Graphics to produce linked micromap plots of large financial datasets | [abstract] | [slides] |
Jake Bowers and Ben Hansen |
The ritools package: Tools for Exact and Randomization Inference | [abstract] | [slides] |
Adrian Bowman and Ewan Crawford |
rpanel: simple interactive controls for R functions using the tcltk package | [abstract] | [slides] |
Alessandra R. Brazzale |
Applied Asymptotics in R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Göran Broström |
A fixed effects approach to GLMs with clustered data | [abstract] | [slides] |
Jan Budczies and Joachim Grün |
oligoExpress - exploiting probe level information in Affymetrix GeneChip expression data | [abstract] | [slides] |
Patrick Burns |
Using R to Evaluate Trading Strategies | [abstract] | [slides] |
Lucas Julian Carbonaro |
Studies on financial time series analysis | [abstract] | [slides] |
Nick Carriero, J. Lai, Martin Schultz, S. Weston and Greg Warnes |
Parallel Computing in R using NetWorkSpaces | [abstract] | [slides] |
John Chambers |
A History of S and R (with some questions for the future) | [abstract] | [slides] |
Christine Choirat, Paolo Paruolo and Raffaello Seri |
GEAR: GNU Econometric Analysis with R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Christine Choirat and Raffaello Seri |
Computing Weighted Chi-square Distributions and Related Quantities | [abstract] | |
Clara Cordeiro, Alexandra Machás and Manuela Neves |
Missing Data, PLS and Bootstrap: A Magical Recipe? | [abstract] | [slides] |
Yves Croissant |
plm: linear models for panel data | [abstract] | [slides] |
Peter Dalgaard |
Repeated measures tools for multivariate linear models | [abstract] | [slides] |
Daniel Doktor |
Spatial and statistical modelling of phenological data | [abstract] | [slides] |
David Lindelöf |
Integrating R in an advanced building control system | [abstract] | [slides] |
Marcello D'Orazio, Marco Di Zio and Mauro Scanu |
Some experiments on statistical matching in the R environment | [abstract] | [slides] |
Jan de Leeuw |
R in Psychometrics and Psychometrics in R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Joris De Wolf, Koen Bruynseels, Rindert Peerbolte and Willem Broekbaert |
The use of R as part of a large-scale information management and decision system | [abstract] | [slides] |
Ramon Díaz-Uriarte, Andres Cañada, Edward Morrissey and Oscar Rueda |
Asterias: an example of using R in a web-based bioinformatics suite of tools | [abstract] | [slides] |
Jan Dienstbier and Jan Picek |
Regression rank-scores tests in R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Gemechis Dilba, Frank Schaarschmidt and Ludwig A. Hothorn |
A Package for Inference about Ratios of Normal Means | [abstract] | [slides] |
Zubin Dowlaty, Dean Mao and Simon Urbanek |
Enterprise Automatons with R | [abstract] | [slides] |
A. Pedro Duarte Silva, Jorge Cadima, Manuel Minhoto and Jorge Orestes Cerdeira |
Subselect0.99: Selecting variable subsets in multivariate linear models | [abstract] | [slides] |
Mark Dunning, Natalie Thorne, Mike Smith and Simon Tavaré |
Using R for the Analysis of BeadArray Microarray Experiments | [abstract] | [slides] |
Rudolf Dutter |
Data Analysis System with Graphical Interface | [abstract] | [slides] |
Dirk Eddelbuettel |
Use R fifteen different ways: R front-ends in Quantian | [abstract] | [slides] |
Martin Elff, Thomas Gschwend and Ron Johnston |
How Much Can Be Inferred From Almost Nothing? | [abstract] | [slides] |
John Emerson, Walton Green, Avi Feller and John Hartigan |
SparcMats and Generalized Pairs Plots | [abstract] | [slides] |
Brian Everitt |
Cluster Analysis: Past, Present and Future | [abstract] | [slides] |
Stefan Evert and Marco Baroni |
ZipfR: Working with words and other rare events in R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Robert Ferstl |
Term structure and credit spread estimation with R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Peter Filzmoser |
Outlier Detection with Application to Geochemistry | [abstract] | [slides] |
Peter Filzmoser and Heinrich Fritz |
Robust Principal Component Analysis by Projection Pursuit | [abstract] | [slides] |
John Fox and Sanford Weisberg |
UseR! for Teaching | [abstract] | [slides] |
Romain Francois and Florent Langrognet |
Double Cross Validation for Model Based Classification | [abstract] | [slides] |
Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter and Christoph Pamminger |
Capturing Unobserved Heterogeneity in the Austrian Labor Market Using Finite Mixtures of Markov Chain Models | [abstract] | [slides] |
Mario Gellrich, Rudolf Gubler, Andreas Papritz and Andreas Schönborn |
SimSurvey - an R-based E-learning tool for geo-statistical analyses | [abstract] | [slides] |
Vincent Goulet |
Introduction to S programming: a teaching experience and a manual | [abstract] | [slides] |
Alexander Gribov |
Interactive Glyph Analysis with R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Philippe Grosjean |
Collaborative writing of R documentation using a Wiki | [abstract] | [slides] |
Philippe Grosjean, Richard Hillary, Ernesto Jardim, Laurie Kell, Iago Mosqueira, Jan Jaap Poos, Robert Scott and Hunter S. Thompson |
Fisheries modelling in R: the FLR (Fisheries Library in R) project | [abstract] | [slides] |
Ben B. Hansen |
The Optmatch Package: Flexible, Optimal Matching for Observational Studies | [abstract] | [slides] |
Frank Harrell |
Statistical Principles to Live By | [abstract] | [slides] |
Justin Harrington and Matias Salibian-Barrera |
Adventures in High Performance Computing and R: Going Parallel | [abstract] | [slides] |
Trevor Hastie |
Data Mining in R: Path Algorithms | [abstract] | [slides] |
Reinhold Hatzinger and Patrick Mair |
eRm - extended Rasch modelling | [abstract] | [slides] |
Arne Henningsen and Jeff D. Hamann |
systemfit: A Package to Estimate Simultaneous Equation Systems in R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Arne Henningsen and Ott Toomet |
Microeconomic Analysis with R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Tim Hesterberg |
Resampling Libraries in S-PLUS and R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Tim Hesterberg and Chris Fraley |
Least Angle Regression | [abstract] | [slides] |
Heike Hofmann, Karen Kafadar and Hadley Wickham |
Letter-Value Box Plots: Adjusting Box Plots for Large Data Sets | [abstract] | [slides] |
Jeffrey Horner |
Using R/Apache as the Statistical Engine for Web Applications | [abstract] | [slides] |
Luis Huergo, Ralf Münnich and Michaela Saisana |
Robustness assessment for composite indicators with R | [abstract] | [slides] |
François Husson and Sébastien Lê |
SensoMineR: a package for sensory data analysis with R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Rob Hyndman |
Automatic time series forecasting | [abstract] | [slides] |
Stefano Iacus and Davide La Torre |
Iterated function system and simulation of Brownian motion | [abstract] | [slides] |
Stefano Iacus, Uwe Ligges and Simon Urbanek |
R on Different Platforms: The useRs' Point of View | [abstract] | [slides] |
Stefano Iacus and Giuseppe Porro |
Matching and ATT Estimation via Random Recursive Partitioning | [abstract] | [slides] |
Kosuke Imai, Gary King and Olivia Lau |
A Unified User Interface for Single and Multi-Equation Models (aka "Zelig: Everyone's Statistical Software") | [abstract] | [slides] |
Thomas Jakobsen and Jeffrey Todd Lins |
Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in R | [abstract] | [slides] |
David James, John Chambers, Diane Lambert and Scott Vander Wiel |
A Quick-and-Dirty Quantile Tracker | [abstract] | [slides] |
Vojtech Janousek, Vojtech Erban and Colin Farrow |
Using the R language for graphical presentation and interpretation of compositional data in mineralogy – introducing the package GCDkit-Mineral | [abstract] | [slides] |
Markus Kalisch |
pcalg: Estimating and visualizing high-dimensional dependence structures using the PC-algorithm | [abstract] | [slides] |
Stephen Kaluzny |
The S Package System | [abstract] | [slides] |
Juha Karvanen |
Visualizing covariates in proportional hazards model using R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Christian Kleiber and Achim Zeileis |
Applied Econometrics with R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Jussi Klemelä |
Visualization of multivariate functions, sets, and data with package ``denpro'' | [abstract] | [slides] |
Sigbert Klinke, Sibylle Schmerbach and Olga Troitschanskaia |
Integration of R into Wikis | [abstract] | [slides] |
Roger Koenker |
Parametric link functions for binary response models: A Fisherian Holiday | [abstract] | [slides] |
Andrea Konnert |
LabNetAnalysis - An instrument for the analysis of data from laboratory networks based on RExcel | [abstract] | [slides] |
Katarzyna Kopczewska |
Geographical benefits in socio-economics development in post-socialist countries | [abstract] | [slides] |
Eberhard Korsching, Walter Nadler and Horst Bürger |
Cancer research - R package to analyze genomic regulation and tumor pathways based on array data from single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) experiments | [abstract] | [slides] |
Elena Kulinskaya, Stephan Morgenthaler and Robert G. Staudte |
Calibrating the evidence in experiments with applications to meta-analysis | [abstract] | [slides] |
Luca La Rocca, Jens Henrik Badsberg and Claus Dethlefsen |
The giRaph package for graph representation in R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Olivia Lau, Ryan Moore and Michael Kellermann |
Ecological Inference and Higher Dimension Data Management | [abstract] | [slides] |
T. Laurent, A. Ruiz-Gazen, and C. Thomas-Agnan |
GEOXP: An R package for interactive exploratory spatial data analysis | [abstract] | [slides] |
Michael Lawrence and Hadley Wickham |
Rggobi2 - Bringing R and GGobi Closer | [abstract] | [slides] |
Javier López-de-Lacalle |
The uroot and partsm R-Packages: Some Functionalities for Time Series Analysis | [abstract] | [slides] |
Tim F. Liao |
Using R as a Wrapper in Simulation Studies | [abstract] | [slides] |
Jeffrey Lins and Thomas Jakobsen |
Markov Decision Processes, Dynamic Programming, and Reinforcement Learning in R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Gunther Maier |
Simple-R - A Windows-based interface to R for basic statistics | [abstract] | [slides] |
Massimiliano Mascherini |
MASTINO: a suite of R functions to learn Bayesian Networks from data. | [abstract] | [slides] |
Geoffrey Matthews |
Four Dimensional Barycentric Plots in 3D | [abstract] | [slides] |
Geoffrey Matthews and Robin Matthews |
Riffle: an R Package for Nonmetric Clustering | [abstract] | [slides] |
Martin Mächler and Andreas Ruckstuhl |
Robust Statistics Collaborative Package Development: 'robustbase' | [abstract] | [slides] |
Giulio Mignola and Roberto Ugoccioni |
Statistical Approach to Operational Risk Management | [abstract] | [slides] |
Angelo Mineo and Alfredo Pontillo |
Using R via PHP: R-php | [abstract] | [slides] |
Ivan Mizera |
Graphical Exploratory Data Analysis Using Halfspace Depth | [abstract] | [slides] |
Marlene Müller |
KernGPLM - A Package for Kernel-Based Fitting of Generalized Partial Linear and Additive Models | [abstract] | [slides] |
Katharine M. Mullen and Ivo H. M. van Stokkum |
TIMP: A package for parametric modeling of multiway spectroscopic | [abstract] | [slides] |
Paul Murrell |
Can R Draw Graphs? | [abstract] | [slides] |
Tomoaki Nakatani and Timo Teräsvirta |
Testing volatility interactions in a constant conditional correlation GARCH model | [abstract] | [slides] |
Yuji Nakayama, Tomonori Ishigaki and Nagateru Araki |
Estimating Consumer Demand for Hedonic Portfolio Products: A Bayesian Analysis using Scanner-Panel Data of Music CD Stores | [abstract] | [slides] |
Stefan Neubauer and Georg Dorffner |
Neural network algorithms and related models | [abstract] | [slides] |
Pin Ng |
RXL - A Free Excel Add-in for Introductory Business Statistics | [abstract] | [slides] |
Keiji Osaki |
Spatial characteristics of vegetation index map in urban area derived by variogram analysis | [abstract] | [slides] |
Giovanni Petris |
Bayesian analysis of Dynamic Linear Models in R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Thomas Petzoldt, Karsten Rinke and Louis Kates |
Population ecology modelling with R: a comparison of object oriented approaches | [abstract] | [slides] |
Rafael Pino Mejías and María Dolores Cubiles de la Vega |
Teaching the Theory of Information and Coding with R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Martyn Plummer |
Bayesian Modeling in R with JAGS | [abstract] | [slides] |
Jim Porzak |
Data Profiling with R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Christophe Pouzat, Andrea Ridolfi and Pascal Viot |
Spike Sorting with R and GGobi | [abstract] | [slides] |
Kevin Quinn and Andrew Martin |
Applied Bayesian Inference in R using MCMCpack | [abstract] | [slides] |
Jeff Racine |
np - A Package for Nonparametric Kernel Smoothing with Mixed Datatypes | [abstract] | [slides] |
Lisbeth Riis and Mikkel Grum |
Using R to Reduce Pesticide Usage in the Horticultural Industry | [abstract] | [slides] |
Brian D. Ripley |
Does R speak your language? | [abstract] | [slides] |
Peter Rossi |
Bayesian Statistics with Marketing Data in R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Peter Ruckdeschel and Bernhard Spangl |
A package on Robust Kalman filtering | [abstract] | [slides] |
Oscar Rueda and Ramón Díaz-Uriarte |
RJaCGH, a package for analyisis of CGH arrays with Reversible Jump MCMC | [abstract] | [slides] |
Eduardo San Miguel |
3D Semantic Knowledge Retrieval | [abstract] | [slides] |
Seisho Sato |
Web Decomp and E-Decomp - Time Series Analysis using R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Benjamin Saussen, Marc Kirchner, Judith A. J. Steen and Fred A. Hamprecht |
The rpm package: aligning LC/MS mass spectra with R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Harald Schmidbauer and Vehbi Sinan Tunalioglu |
mgarch: A package for the analysis of multivariate GARCH models | [abstract] | [slides] |
Ralf Seger and Antony Unwin |
Managing Large Sets Of Models | [abstract] | [slides] |
Ching-Fan Sheu and Cheng-Te Chen |
Turing Output of IRT Data Analysis into Graphs with R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Tom Short and Philippe Grosjean |
Online Applications with Rpad | [abstract] | [slides] |
Mike Smith, John Marioni, Natalie Thorne and Simon Tavaré |
snapCGH (segmentation, normalisation and processing of arrayCGH data) and methods for combining with gene expression information | [abstract] | [slides] |
Norbert Solymosi, Andrea Harnos, Jenő Reiczigel and Ferenc Speiser |
RpostGIS an R-library for using PostGIS spatial structures and functions | [abstract] | [slides] |
Soeren Sonnenburg, Fabio De Bona and Gunnar Raetsch |
SHOGUN - A Large Scale Machine Learning Toolbox | [abstract] | [slides] |
Hutcha Sriplung, Edward McNeil, Apiradee Lim and Naratip Junsakul |
R-ICE - A Modular R GUI | [abstract] | [slides] |
Mikis Stasinopoulos, Bob Rigby and Popi Akantziliotou |
The generalized additive model for location, scale and shape | [abstract] | [slides] |
Carolin Strobl, Achim Zeileis, Anne-Laure Boulesteix and Torsten Hothorn |
Variable Selection Bias in Classification Trees and Ensemble Methods | [abstract] | [slides] |
Yu-Sung Su |
Remittances and Political Liberalization | [abstract] | [slides] |
Matthias Templ and Peter Filzmoser |
Stability of Cluster Analysis | [abstract] | [slides] |
Martin Theus and Simon Urbanek |
Extending interactive statistical graphics | [abstract] | [slides] |
Andrew Thomas |
Extending BRugs | [abstract] | [slides] |
Gregoire R. Thomas, Sven Degroeve, Luc Krols and Koen Kas |
Biomarker detection in LC-MALDI mass spectrometry proteomic profiles using R | [abstract] | |
Susan Thomas and Shobhana Vyas |
Bringing transparency to commodity markets in India: A real-world mission-critical deployment of R | [abstract] | [slides] |
Valentin Todorov |
Robust Location and Scatter Estimators for Multivariate Analysis | [abstract] | [slides] |
Shusaku Tsumoto and Yuko Tsumoto |
Construction of Statistical Models for Hospital Management | [abstract] | [slides] |
Regina Tüchler and Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter |
Bayesian Covariance Selection in Hierarchical Linear Mixed Models | [abstract] | [slides] |
Heather Turner and David Firth |
gnm: a Package for Generalized Nonlinear Models | [abstract] | [slides] |
Svetlana Unkuri |
Automated Lag Order Selection and Forecasting in VAR modeling | [abstract] | [slides] |
Zdenek Valenta |
Estimating survival from Gray’s flexible model | [abstract] | [slides] |
Ravi Varadhan, Christophe Roland and Hormuzd Katki |
Accelerating Any EM Algorithm Without Sacrificing Simplicity and Stability | [abstract] | [slides] |
Pascale Voirin, Omar Abou Khaled and Tadeusz Senn |
R as integrated engine in blended learning environment | [abstract] | [slides] |
Gregory Warnes, Max Kuhn and Jim Rogers |
Open Source Software in Pharmaceutical Research | [abstract] | [slides] |
Gregory Warnes, Ross Lazarus, Scott Chasalow and Scott Henderson |
The R Genetics Project: `Bioconductor' for Genetics | [abstract] | [slides] |
Ron Wehrens, Egon Willighagen, Willem Melssen and Lutgarde Buydens |
Supervised Self-Organising Maps | [abstract] | [slides] |
Tobias Wichtrey, Alexander Gouberman, Martin Theus and Simon Urbanek |
iPlots 2.0 | [abstract] | [slides] |
Hadley Wickham |
An implementation of the grammar of graphics in R: ggplot | [abstract] | [slides] |
Douglas Wood, David Chang, Solomon Henry and Balasubramanian Narasimhan |
Using R as a web service | [abstract] | [slides] |
Achim Zeileis and Giovanni Millo |
A framework for heteroskedasticity-robust specification and misspecification testing functions for linear models in R | [abstract] | [slides] |